Biodata of Dr. R. K. BHATT
1. Personal Information
Name : Dr. Ram Krishna Bhatt
Designation : Principal Scientist
Basic Pay : 16400 - 22400
Address : Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute, Jhansi - 284 003
(U.P.), India.
Phone : 0510 – 2730908 ext. 310, (O), 2730754 ® Fax: 0510-2730833
Website :
Permanent Address : Village Laini Bhilung, Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand
Date of Birth : 15th August, 1957
2. Educational Qualification
Degree Year Institution Marks Subject
B.Sc. 1978 Garhwal Univ. 68% Botany, Zoology, Chemistry
M.Sc. 1980 Garhwal Univ. 70% Botany
Ph.D. 1986 Garhwal Univ. Awarded Plant Physiology
3. Professional Career
Employer Designation Nature of Date of Date of
employment joining leaving
a) ICAR, IGFRI, Jhansi Pr. Scientist Research/Teaching/ Extension 27.7.06 Continuing
b) ICAR, IGFRI, Jhansi Sr. Scientist -Do- 27.7.98 27.7.06
b) ICAR, IGFRI, Jhansi Scientist (Sr.Sc) -Do- 1.6.91 26.7.98
c) -Do- Scientist -Do- 2.6.86 1.6.91
d) HAPPRC(Garhwal Univ.) Res. Scholar Research 15.2.83 31.5.86
e) CSIR(Garhwal Univ.) J.R.F. Research 2.2.81 14.3.83
Specialization :
Applied Botany, Plant Physiology, Environmental Science, Agroforestry, Seed Science & Technology
27 years Research Experience on basic, strategic and applied research
21 years’ experience in research cum teaching and extension
4. Special assignments / training
I. At National level:
i) Agriculture Research Project Management, NAARM, Hyderabad (Oct. 1987 to Feb. 1988).
ii) Orientation on Recent Advances in Drought Research and Techniques, RRI, Kottayam, Kerala, 10-13th Dec.1992
iii) Indo-US Workshop-cum-training on "Ecosystem studies in Agroforestry for India" Ag. & Res. College, Madurai (TNAU). 20th April to 2nd May, 1992.
iv) Computer Application in Agricultural Research, NAARM, Hyderabad, 14th to 24th July, 1992.
v) Indo-US Training Workshop on "Advances in Tree Research for Agroforestry, Pune, 8-12th Feb. 1993.
vi) Summer Institute in Advances in Agroforestry and its role for sustainable agriculture and environment, NRCAF, Jhansi, June 13/27, 1994.
vii) Winter school on seed quality analysis, IARI, New Delhi, 5 Sept. to 4th Oct. 2001
II. At International level:
i) Post Doctoral Study Visit to UK at Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research (IGER) Aberystwyth, UK, 6th May to 2nd September, 1997.
ii) Study visit to Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Denmark during August 18-21, 1997.
iii) Course on “Sustainable Agriculture in an Environmental Perspective” organised by Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency at Svalof Weibull, Sweden, September 1 to October 17, 2003.
iv) Attended 7th International Carbon Dioxide Conference organized by “National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) held at Boulder, Colorado, USA, during Sept. 24 to October 4, 2005.
v) Attended International Conference on Regional Carbon Budgets organized by Chinese National Committee for IGBP-IGSNRR, Beijing, China during 16-18 August 2006.
vi) Attended the follow up seminar to the SIDA Program on Sustainable Agriculture in an Environmental Perspective sponsored by Swedish international Development Cooperation Agency by Svalof Consulting AB in Hanoi, Vietnam during 25th Nov. to 4th dec. 2006.
5. Technical Guidance
i) Technical guidance to State Department (Lalitpur and Banda District) on Watershed development and training to farmers of the respective Watershed areas, 2000-01.
ii) Improving the production and productivity of feed and fodder crops in U.P.: Constraints and priority R & D issues. Consultation Meeting on Priorities for Research and Development in Agriculture and Allied Sector, UPCAR, Lucknow, May 13 – 14, 2002.
iii) Technical guidance to M.P. Forest Dept. on forage resource development in the forest and rehabilitation of degraded forests. 2002
iv) Technical guidance on fodder development in Uttranchal under DST Programme held at Lohaghat, Champawat, 2003.
v) Technical guidance to DST on promotion of fodder crops through NGOs and also as Member of Programme Advisory Committee of Science & Society Division of Department of Science and Technology (DST).
6. Human Resource Development
i) Research Technique for Analysis of Silvopastoral System in Ecosystem context, IGFRI, Jhansi, June 7-16, 1993. (Faculty member)
ii) Act as Course Co-ordinator in Farmers Training Programme held during 2-4 Nov at IGFRI, Jhansi, sponsored by State Govt. under the Watershed Programme of
Netherlands Govt.
iii) Lectures delivered in National and International Training Programme and Diploma course at Institute level.
iv) Supervisor to Ph.D. programme.
v) Examiner of Ph.D. thesis and viva-voce.
vi) Examiner of M.Sc. practical of Bundelkhand, Jiwaji and Garhwal Universities.
A. Research guidance leading to Ph.D.
1. Km. Vandana Swarnkar on "Physiological adaptability, Growth behaviour and regeneration of Sesbania tree species". Ph.D. awarded in 1996.
2. Km Seema Pathak on "Productivity and Energy dynamics in Leucaena plantation in semi arid tropics". Ph. D. awarded in 1998.
3. Km Usha Yadava on "Response of foliarly applied growth regulators and nutrients on growth, biomass and seed yield in stylo". Ph. D. Awarded in 2001.
4. Sarita Rani Bohore on "Foliarly response of growth regulators and nutrients on growth, biomass and seed yield in Panicum maximum “. Ph. D. Awarded in 2003.
5. Aswani Kumar Misra on “Growth, productivity and physiological process of grasses under silvopastoral system in semi-arid region. Ph. D. Awarded in 2005.
6. Nidhi Saxena on “Ecophysiology of silvoapastoral systems in semi arid region” (Awarded in 2004).
7. Raghvendra Kumar Tripathi –Physiological Analysis for Biomass Production and seed yield in Stylo. (Submitted in 2006).
8. Km. Jyoti Dubey –Effect of elevated CO2 on growth, biomass production and assimilatory functions in Panicum maximum and S. hamata (Awarded in 2006).
9. Km. Divya Moorti- Synopsis submitted on Effect of elevated CO2 on growth, biomass production and physiological functions of Stylosanthes (2005-cont.).
B. Member of Research Advisory Committee leading to Ph. D.
1. Mr. Vinod Kumar on Studies on productivity of Albizia amara (Roxb.) Boiv. based silvipastoral system in Bundelkhand region.(2000)
2. Mr. Gaurav Nigam on Studies on productivity of Acacia tortillas (Forsk.) Hayne based silvipastoral system in Bundelkhand region. (2000).
3. Mr. Bijendra Kumar on Studies on Inter and Intra distance among Trifolium species based on
morphological, biochemical and cytogenetical attributes (2001).
4. Miss. Archana Dubey on Moisture stress induced biochemical changes in C.ciliaris (2005).
5. Km. Sanchita Tiwari on Salinity stress induced biochemical responses in Stylosanthes species (2006).
6. Km. Rukuaeya Bano on Soil fauna of rainfed forage farming systems in relation to microclimate and soil fertility. (2006).
7. Mrs. Mohini Ahirwar on Physiological and biochemical bases of tolerance to low light in Cenchrus species. (2006).
8. Mr. H. C. Pandey on water stress induced morpho-physiological and biochemical changes in avena species (2006).
9. Km. Poornima on Elevated carbon dioxide mediated physiological and biochemical changes in oat cultivars (2006).
10. Mr. Manish Srivastava on Sudies of integrated approach of weed control and nutrient management on productivity of fodder sorghum-mustard cropping system under rainfed. (2005)
11. Mr. Sandeep Singh Yadav on Performance of oat and barley for fodder and seed under varying moisture regime and nitrogen level. (2006- cont.)
12. Mrs. Geetanjali Sahay on Improvement of cowpea varieties. (2006-Cont.).
C. Supervisor for M.Sc. dissertation work leading to M.Sc. degree from Bundelkhand
1. Miss Sapna Singh on Biochemical characterization of Berseem (Trifolium alexandrium
L.) Genotypes.
2. Miss Priyanka Vidyarthi on Effect of increasing level of CO2 on morphological and biochemical characters of Berseem (Trifolium alexandrium L.).
3. Mr. Devendra Singh Rajput on Genotypic variability in seed germination and seed quality characters in Stylosanthes.
4. Mr. Arjun Kumar Verma on Variation in seed yield and germination in different genotypes on Stylosanthes seabrana.
5. Miss Rachana Soni on Effect of fly ash amendments on morpho-physiological characters and biomass production of Oat in red soils of Bundelkhand region.
7. Member of various Academic and Administrative committees
i) Member of Higher Education Committee at Institute level
ii) Reviewer of Ad-hoc schemes and progress of Annual Reports sponsored by ICAR and DST
iii) Faculty member of National and International Training Programme and Diploma course at Institute level.
iv) Member of Editorial board of Indian Journal of Range Management & Agroforestry
vi) Reviewer of Ad-hoc schemes and progress of Annual Reports sponsored by ICAR and DST
vii) Reviewer of research paper submitted for publication in the National Journals
viii) Member of IGFRI, Farm Advisory and Farm Produce Price fixation Committee
ix) Member for planning of Technology park at IGFRI, Jhansi
x) Member of Equipment Purchase Committee (EPC) at IGFRI, Jhansi.
xi) Member of the Committee of proposals for purchase of proprietary nature items.
xii) Officer Incharge of Institute Vehicle
xiii) Member of Monitoring Committee of STR/BSP programmes (Western Zone).
xiv) Nodal person, Member of Breeder seed production committee of Breeder seed production programme at Institute level.
xv) Member of Programme Advisory Committee of Science & Society Division of Department of Science and Technology (DST) for the period of 2006 & 2007.
8. Awards / Recognition
i) Award of Merit Scholarship (Garhwal University) during M.Sc. (1979-1980)
ii) Award of Junior Research Fellowship (CSIR) 1981-1983.
iii) Outstanding Team Research Award of ICAR, 2002 presented by Honourable Minister of Agriculture, Govt. of India.
iv) AAAS Award of Indian Society for Plant Physiology presented by Honourable President, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, Govt. of India, Jan. 8, 2003.
v) Dr. K.A. Shankarnarayan Memorial Award of CAZRI for the year 1999-2000 presented on Feb, 2004.
vi) Fellow of Range Management Society of India- 2007
9. Countries Visited
United Kingdom, Denmark, Sweden, USA, China, Vietnam
10. Research projects conducted
I. At Institute level:
1. Light relationship and assimilatory functions of forages 1988-1995
2. Varietals screening for drought tolerance in Oats 1991-1996
3. Interaction of light interception and energy exchange on
growth and development of forages under different silvopastoral 1988-1998
4. Response of foliar applied growth regulators and nutrients on seed 1997-2002
yield in grasses and legumes
5. Morpho-physiological studies of C3 and C4 grasses and legumes 1996 - 2002
under light stress
6. Studies of Dynamic growth simulation models in fodder crops 1996- 2002
9. Stylo research and development 2002- 2007
10. Ram mari watershed project: Carbon sequestration under different 2001- 2005
grasses communities in watershed area.
11. Evaluation of Grewia genotypes under semi arid tropics. 2004 – 2007
12. Development of Algorithms for generation of seed quality testing 2000 - 2005
package for range grasses and legumes.
13. Standardization of seed testing protocols and seed standards in range 2006-Cont.
grasses and legumes.
14. Economics of seed production of cultivated forages, range grasses 2006-Cont.
and legumes
II. Projects Sanctioned from different Funding Agencies (As PI & COPI)
1. Photosynthesis and shade tolerance in range legumes and grasses. Funded by AP Cess Fund Scheme, ICAR, DARE, Ministry of Agriculture, 1995-1998.
2. On-farm evaluation of superior Cenchrus accession to identify high forage and seed yield. Funded by DFID, UK, 1998 -1999.
3. Small holder pasture seed production at farmers field. Funded by DFID, UK, 1998 -1999.
4. Spread sheet modelling in Leuceana leucocephala system. Funded by AP Cess Fund Scheme, ICAR, DARE, Ministry of Agriculture, 1997-2001.
5. Effect of elevated level of CO2 on physiology and productivity of forages. Funded by AP Cess Fund Scheme, ICAR, DARE, Ministry of Agriculture, 2000 – July, 2004.
6. Development of management strategy for efficient seed production in grasses and legumes. Funded by AP Cess Fund Scheme, ICAR, DARE, Ministry of Agriculture, 2000 – Jan., 2004.
7. Biodiversity and dynamics of soil fauna affecting sustainability of rainfed forage farming systems. Funded by AP Cess Fund Scheme, ICAR, DARE, Ministry of Agriculture, 2001 – 2004.
8. Shade tolerance in Panicum maximum. Funded under NATP, ICAR, 2000-2003.
9. Utilization of Fly ash as ameliorant for improving forage productivity in Bundelkhand soil. Funded by TIFAC, DST, Ministry of Science & Technology, 2004-2007.
10. Effect of high level CO2 on biomass production and carbon sequestration in silvipastoral system under semi-arid tropics. Funded by AP Cess Fund Scheme, ICAR, DARE, Ministry of Agriculture, 2004 – 2007.
11. Mega seed project:: Seed Production in Agricultural crops and Fisheries. Funded by ICAR, DARE, Ministry of Agriculture, 2006 – 2007
12. Use of molecular marker in improvement of stylo with special reference to quality and drought. Funded by Animal Husbandry Dept., Ministry of Agriculture, 2007-2009.
11. Membership of Professional Societies
i). Life member of Indian Society of Plant Physiology
ii). Life member of Range Management Society of India
iii). Founder & Life member of Indian Society of Agroforestry
iii) Life member of Indian Society of Seed Research
iv) Life member of National Institute of Ecology
Research Publications
I. Research Papers Published in National and International Journals
1. R. Krishna and A.N. Purohit (1984). Photosynthesis in an alpine perennial herb, Selenium vaginatum, Clarke, grown at low altitude. Photosynthetica : 18 (3), 411-413.
2. R.K. Bhatt (1989). Seasonal pattern of photosynthesis and water use efficiency in broad leaf forage tree species. Indian J. Plant Physiol. (2) 3, 195-199.
3. R.B.R. Yadava and R.K. Bhatt (1989). Physiological evaluation of drought resistance in Oats. J. Agronomy and Crop Science 163, 138-140.
4. R.K. Bhatt (1990). Seasonal variation in light absorption and transpiration in Prunus, Celtis and Grewia. Indian J. Forestry 13(2): 118-121.
5. R.K. Bhatt and N. C. Sinha (1990). Photosynthetic pigments - a prerequisite of grass productivity. Photosynthetica 24 (1): 147-150.
6. R.K. Bhatt (1990). Growth behaviour of three broad leaf forage tree species. J. Tree Science Vol. 9 (1): 12-15.
7. R.K. Bhatt and L.P. Misra (1990). Biomass production and light use efficiency in genotypes of Cenchrus ciliaris and C. setigerus. Indian J. Plant Physiol. (1): 27-31.
8. R.K. Bhatt, L.P. Misra and P.S. Pathak (1991). Diurnal variation in transpiration and energy exchange in some tree species from semi-arid region. Indian J. Range Management and Agroforestry 12 (1): 79-84.
9. R.K. Bhatt (1992). Fodder and biomass production of Prunus, Celtis and Grewia. Range Mgmt. & Agroforestry 13(1): 93-96.
10. R.K. Bhatt, L.P. Misra and U.S. Misra (1993). Physiological evaluation of genotypes of Pennisetum pedicellatum. Indian J. Plant Physiol. (1): 68-69.