Video notes: “The Circulatory System – A River of Life”

(* Note: Whenever you see two underline words – circle one of them)

A. One of the primary functions of the circulatory system is ______. In a trauma situation, we are mostly concerned about the brain, which might be damage within ______minutes.

B. The circulatory system has three components: 1. ______2.______, 3.______.

The heart of an average person pumps about ______gallons of blood per day. The summed length of all the blood vessels of one human is ______miles,

The driving force for the blood to flow is ______.

After the blood reaches the tissues, it is picked up by ______which have a

thinner / thicker wall and much lower / higher pressure than on the artery side.

C. Blood travels from high / low pressure in the arteries to high / low pressure in the veins. Arteries are composed of ______.

D. In the smaller arterioles pressure drops until the blood enters the ______. Here the pressure must be kept high / low for the exchange of nutrients with the tissues.

The ______are the thinnest blood vessel. They are small enough to let single blood cells through. Ten capillaries together are still thinner than a human hair. The wall in the capillaries is very thin, which allows nutrients from the blood to pass into the tissues.

E. How is the blood pressure kept low in the veins’ system?


How do veins help pump blood against gravity? 1. ______

2. ______

F. Low blood pressure can be dangerous. To maintain blood pressure all three components have a critical role.

1)  The heart: The stronger and the faster the heart pumps blood, the ______the blood pressure.

2)  The blood vessels: In relation to their elasticity – If one dilates the blood, one should expect the blood pressure to be lower / higher, and if the blood vessel contracts, the pressure ______.

3)  Low blood pressure can be caused by loss of blood fluid. This can happen due to two possible reasons: 1. ______, 2. ______.

G. Normally the body adjusts itself to various insults:

In case of loss of blood, the ______nervous system would release ______into the body.

Adrenaline has multiple effects on the body, including:

1.  Heart: ______

2.  Blood Vessels: ______

3.  Blood shuttle: Adrenaline will shunt the blood to the areas it is most needed: ______, taking it away from ______.

Different Designs of Circulatory Systems

H. Oxygen is carried by a protein called ______. Its ability to carry oxygen varies between different organisms, according to the amount of oxygen they are exposed to. For example, fish have an environment with low / high oxygen. To compensate for that they have a hemoglobin with a very high / low

affinity (binding ability) for oxygen.

I. In reptiles the components of the blood are very similar to the mammalian blood, except having blood cells with ______. This means that the reptilian blood cells can make more ______, unlike the mammalian red blood cells, which stay with the amount of hemoglobin they produced as they originally formed.

J. Reptiles can survive in a low oxygen environment because ______.

In an experiment, six test alligators were compared to a 6-foot tall man under resting conditions. It was found that the alligators have 10 times lower / higher rate of metabolism.

Other adaptations:

K. The human heart represents 2 pumps in one- the right heart sends blood to the ______and the left heart pumps blood to ______through the systemic circuit. Each side has a filling side, called an ______and a pumping side called ______. From the body, blood enters the right atrium which sends blood into the ______, which pumps it through the ______to the lungs.

J. Freshly oxygenated blood enters the left ventricle, which pumps the blood into the body through the main artery of the body, called ______. On average, the heart beats ______(number) times in a life time.

K. Mammals and birds have a 4-chambered heart. Fish have a ____-chambered heart. Reptiles and amphibians have _____ chambers, two atria / ventricles and one atrium / ventricles.

In reptiles, the single ventricle is partially separated to right and left sides, which enables these animals to ______.

L. Dr. Hicks studies alligators which are unique because they have a heart with ______chambers. The second aorta may provide a shunt that can by-pass either the lung or the body. This may help the body in strenuous activities that require more oxygen. Alligators can stay under water for hours each time.

Heart Attack

M. Jerald midway ‘just felt sick’. He had chest pains, pain in his left jaw, and felt very cloudy.

______is the leading cause for death in the US. There are two parts of the cardiac cycle: systole and ______. During the systole the pump chambers push blood into the arteries, and in the ______the ventricles relax and allow the blood to fill in the arteries.

During a beat, the two atria beat at the same time, after a pause beat. The reason: when the ventricle contracts, one must give it some time to fill. First the atrium, then the ventricle. This helps to keep the blood flowing in the RT direction and to keep the output blood equal on either side of the heart.

N. In jerry Medway’s case one of the arteries that feed the heart had a blood clot. This is a beginning of a ______. A weakening of one chamber causes unequal blood flow.

In this case – the left side was pumping less blood than the right side, resulting in more, therefore getting more blood going to ______.

Other problems are disruption of the heart rhythm. The pacemaker is located in the ______atrium. This small patch of muscles sends spontaneously generated electrical impulse to both atria. A rhythmus - pre-mature ventricular beats due to irritability. Irregular rhythmus’ are the major cause for sudden deaths in heart attacks.

O. The tendency for having a heart attack is inherited. About 90% of the information needed for treating a patient can be found by looking at the history of the patient’s family.

P. The major treatment in heart attacks is a surgery, called angioplasty. In this procedure, small needles are put across the blocked artery, and push the clot aside.

Yet, the most important thing a patient must do in order to avoid his ancestor’ fate, is to change his life style, such as ______and exercise.