Campus Ministry Effectiveness Survey Questions

Master List for Selection

List of Director’s Job Description related questions:

1.  Sufficient opportunities for worship and celebration of the sacraments on campus were offered.

2.  Contact was established and maintained with all known United Methodist students, faculty, and staff

3.  Appropriate pastoral care, counseling, and spiritual direction was provided to individuals, providing comfort to the afflicted and afflicting the comfortable

4.  Sufficient opportunities for discipleship formation and growth such as small groups, one-time events, and retreats addressing aspects of discipleship, the Bible, ethics, and spiritual faith issues were provided

5.  Students were provided with vocational counseling, particularly those interested in pursuing full- time Christian service via careers in the church’s various ministries; and keep students informed of various job possibilities that exist in the church for summer, part-time, or full-time employment


To assist in the analysis of the questionnaire student demographics are required. Some recommendations are:

·  My academic year (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Graduate)

·  My current church membership is:

·  I was active in the youth group in my home church (yes/no)

·  I have attended the following campus ministry events/programs: (SNP/Doubter’s Club/Bible Study/Service Projects/Mission Trips/Speaker/Joint Campus Ministry/None

Survey Question Format:

The following 65 questions are grouped by general subject matter. For a survey you should be able to find 10 questions that will specifically address your concerns. These questions would be answered on a scale of 1-5 indicating “how much you agree” with the statement:

Strongly Disagree / Disagree / Not Sure / Agree / Strongly Agree
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5

The following questions are based on St. John’s University’s Campus Ministry Survey. You can find the original survey at ( Many of the questions have been revised to fit our campus ministry.

Group 1 – Welcoming

Campus ministry has an effective approach for attracting and involving new participants.

I feel welcome and comfortable when I attend activities and events sponsored by the campus ministry

Members of the campus ministry staff know me by name

Campus ministry encourages participation of everyone without regard to individual differences

The Young Adult Council and student participants reflect the diversity of our community.

Group 2 – Communications

Campus ministry events are promoted and are well known by students on campus

The Campus ministry web site is inviting and answers my questions

Details of events are available on Social Media

The contact information for the Student Leadership is posted

Students are involved in campus ministry policy and decision-making

Group 3 – Campus Visibility

Campus ministers are spiritual leaders on campus.

Campus ministry adds a spiritual dimension to campus events.

Campus ministry and student services staffs work together in the personal development of students

Campus ministry and student services staffs work together in the personal development of students

Our campus ministers are visibly present at a variety of campus events

Group 3 – Ethics

Campus ministry provides the United Methodist Catholic perspective on ethical issues

Campus ministry provides me with a greater understanding of United Methodist moral teaching.

Campus ministry helps me learn how to make informed ethical decisions.

Campus ministry provides opportunities to examine issues of faith and morality.

Campus ministry helps me become a more honest person

Campus ministry has helped me develop a more informed Christian conscience.

Campus ministry prepares me for the moral dilemmas I face.

Group 4 – United Methodist Doctrine

Campus ministry is always ready to answer my questions about faith; I can find help from them.

Campus ministry staff effectively represents the teaching and tradition of the United Methodist Church.

Materials discussing United Methodist theology are made readily available by campus ministry.

Campus ministry sponsors programs or various aspects of United Methodist theology

Campus ministry has helped me to approach ethical issues from different points of view.

Campus ministry encourages me to take personal responsibility for my conduct

Group 5 – Diversity

Campus ministry builds a healthy relationship with other faith traditions on campus

Campus ministry provides opportunities for interfaith dialogue and interaction.

Campus Ministry provides opportunities for students to encounter people from different cultural, economic and experiential backgrounds

Group 6 – Embodying Faith

Campus ministry provides many opportunities on campus for those who wish to deepen their faith

Campus ministry provides opportunities for those who want to teach religion to children at local churches

I encounter God at Holy Communion.

Campus ministry provides opportunities for students to learn how to share their faith in a university setting

Campus ministry helps me come to appreciate the spiritual dimension of the most ordinary things

Students' needs are sufficiently considered in campus ministry programs.

Campus ministry provides combined social and spiritual activities as a regular part of campus events

Group 7 – Social Principles

Campus ministry provides opportunities for reflection after service projects

Campus ministry supports and promotes civic responsibilities such as voting and recycling

Campus ministry should support more events to raise social justice awareness on our campus

One can detect a theme of social justice present in all aspects for Campus Ministry- liturgy, retreats, personal development programs, etc.

When appropriate, campus ministry works to influence university policies and challenges unjust policies

Campus ministry initiates action on behalf of those in oppressive situations

Campus ministry offers opportunities to study United Methodist social thought and subsequently critique culture and society

Group 8 – Life/Vocation

Campus ministry provides opportunities for marriage preparation.

Campus ministry encourages us to integrate our academic, spiritual and social lives.

Campus ministry promotes well-rounded learning in students' lives.

Campus ministry provides adequate assistance to those students discerning their life's vocation.

Campus ministry helps me to ask and reflect on the big questions of life, such as “What is the purpose of life?” “Why am I alive?” “How can I make the world a better place?”

Group 9 – Program Planning:

The leadership, organization, and planning of events by the YAC Officers is meets my expectations

Campus ministry offers an ample number and wide variety of community and volunteer service opportunities.

Opportunities are available to attend workshops and activities

Campus ministry offers an adequate number and variety of retreat opportunities

The Campus Ministry offers an adequate variety of events/opportunities for spiritual growth

All Wesley meetings and events are well organized and achieve their purpose

The Campus Ministry events/meetings (choose: Doubter’s Club, Small Group Bible Studies, Worship Services, and the Sunday Night Programs) meet my expectations, social and spiritual needs

The Community Service events offered by the Campus Ministry are meaningful in that they met a valid community need

The Campus Ministry meetings offer theological depth and breadth.

Group 10 – The Campus Minister

Finding a campus minister with whom I can talk about my faith is easy.

Campus ministry offers adequate and helpful pastoral counseling.

Campus ministry cooperates with our counseling services to promote our personal growth.

Our campus ministers are people who listen well.

The Campus Minister and staff respond to my emails within 24 hours.

The Campus Minister’s office hours and availability are posted