To become certified as an Oregon Traffic Control Supervisor (TCS) under the Oregon Department of Transportation Program, you must meet the following requirements.

  • A current flagging card. A tri-state card is acceptable.
  • One-year or 2,000 hours of validated experience which includes implementing and modifying traffic control plans; installing and removing of traffic control devices; and successful completion of the TCS course.
  • Renewal of the TCS certification is required every three years, which requires completion of the second day of the two-day course, a current TCS card and a current flagging card.
  • A Technician level is also available. This is an apprenticeship type of program, where the individual has the flagging card, however, does not have the level or length of experience to qualify as a TCS. The two day program is required, completion of the one-year or 2,000 hours of experience and completion of day-two of the training program. Re-certification of the Technician is also available, every three years.
  • Experience may be as a construction inspector, including inspection of traffic control devices or on a survey crew with traffic control work and experience.
  • Some flagging experience

Validated experience is two letters of from outside sources (not current employer) which indicates the individual has the experience as defined above. These letters could be from sub contractors, prime contractors, or other agencies. If only one employer and no outside sources exist, two signatures on one letter would be accepted or letters from different foremen or supervisors.

The letters and a copy of current flagging card, or for ODOT employees a copy of the training roster, must be received one week prior to training. Letters will be kept on file and may be audited at any time by ODOT or Evergreen.

ODOT employees have the option of completing the TCS or Technician Level Program with Evergreen Safety Council. Or, they may not need or desire a certification and, therefore, would complete the in-house training program offered through the Region Safety Office.

In order to be issued the Traffic Control Supervisor Certification card, the following requirements must be met.

  • The paperwork (registration and letters of recommendation) submitted at least a week prior to the date of the class.
  • Attend the entire two-day course. Individuals who have a WSDOT, ATSSA, or other approved course must complete day two only.
  • Pass the TCS course and test with a score of 80% or better. (No assistance can be given on the test.)
  • If necessary, participants will be allowed to retake the test on the same day. The test must be completed within four hours.

Traffic Control Technician Requirements

  • Submit a copy of your current Flagger card.
  • Attend the entire two-day course and pass the test with a score of 80% or better.

The Technician classification is offered by the Evergreen Safety Council as an entry-level position to advance to a certified TCS. The advanced certification is accomplished by accruing the necessary one-year or 2,000 hours or related experience and taking “day-two” of the TCS class and passes the test.

Contact: Tina L. Schlund or Judy Harshbarger at 1-800-521-0778 at Evergreen

Cost: ______Traffic Control Supervisor (two-day course)

______Day-two only of TCS course (for those with other/current TCS Certification)

Evergreen Safety Council, 401 Pontius Avenue N., Seattle, WA 98109

206-382-4090/1-800-521-0778/FAX 206-382-0878