Course Syllabus – Summer 2013
An internship is a supervised, on-the-job learning experience. Professional duties and responsibilities must directly relate to the student’s major. Internship positions may be established for the summer term, fall semester or spring semester. Minimum of 150 clock hours of work experience is required for 3 hours of credit. There is no maximum number of work hours. Students are expected to complete the internship period for the semester in which they are enrolled.
The decision to hire and the conditions of employment (pay, hours of work, etc.) are determined by the employer. The College of Business determines the suitability of the work experience for the awarding of academic credit, the actual awarding of credit, and the final course grade. The university does not guarantee the availability of internships.
Pre-requisites: The following pre-requisites apply to the majors indicated. All interns must have an overall GPA of 3.0 in the College of Business or permission of department head. Department head’s approval of job description is required prior to approval for all internships.
· Business Administration, Management, Marketing interns: FIN 310, MGMT 300, MKTG 320
· Entrepreneurship: FIN 310, MGMT 300, MKTG 320, ENTR 304
· Accounting interns: ACCT 208
· Finance interns: FIN 310
· Economics interns: ECON 203, 204
Important: Any student who does not have the designated prerequisites must drop this course. It is the student’s responsibility to drop the course.
Course/University Policies
Accommodation for Disabilities: Any student with a disability is encouraged to contact the Office of Services for students with Disabilities in Drew Hall, Room 200, (337) 475-5916. Each student has the responsibility to register with the Office of Services for Students with Disabilities when requesting a reasonable accommodation.
Diversity Awareness: Students should visit the MSU web page at for information about diversity awareness and sexual harassment policies and procedures.
Fire Drill Information: McNeese State University will periodically conduct fire drills. In the event of a fire drill or a related building emergency, all persons in a classroom are required to exit the building using posted escape routes or the Area of Refuge for individuals with disabilities.
Academic Integrity: McNeese State University seeks to strengthen the value of student academic achievement by fostering a learning environment, which is based on honesty, respect, fairness, responsibility and excellence. To view our Academic Integrity Policy in full, visit the McNeese web page at
Internship Coordinator: Mary Kaye Eason
Phone: 337-475-5554 FAX: 337-475-5010
Office: BBC 320 Email:
Textbook: None
1. Students are required to work a minimum of 150 clock hours of acceptable work experience during the semester. There is no maximum. Students are encouraged to work as many hours as possible to enhance the quality of the intern experience.
2. Prior to beginning work, students are required to provide a job description listing duties to be performed during the semester, which must be approved by the intern’s supervisor, the intern coordinator and the department head.
3. Satisfactory performance of the work and a final grade are determined by a supervisor evaluation of performance and the grade earned on the intern essay, which is to be completed at the end of the internship period according to specifications provided by the intern coordinator.
1. To provide the opportunity for students to apply classroom knowledge in a working environment
2. To develop professional self-confidence
3. To create the opportunity for students to interact with professionals in the field of business
4. To develop a network of professional contacts
5. To provide the opportunity for students to gain career relevant experience and build future career references
6. To clarify academic and career goals through exposure to various career opportunities
On or before Monday, Aug 26 Completed Intern Application, including Approved Job Description (last page of intern application) due to Intern Coordinator
Tuesday, September 24 Mandatory Intern Meeting with Ms. Eason, SEED Center, Room 141
Tuesday, Dec 3 Supervisor's performance evaluation to be submitted to Intern Coordinator by 12:00 noon (Evaluation form will be mailed directly to supervisor who will return it to Intern Coordinator via fax or email)
Tuesday, Dec 3 Student's intern essay due to Intern Coordinator via Moodle assignment link by 12:00 noon. (See essay requirements below)
GRADING: Respective faculty members in each discipline grade intern essays. An appropriate grade will be assigned on the basis of the supervisor’s evaluation and recommendation, the student's timely performance of activities listed above, the student's essay, and information from the conference or other sources available to coordinator.
MOODLE: Interns will be enrolled in this course on Moodle. The Intern Coordinator will communicate with interns via email and Moodle announcements throughout the semester of enrollment.
ESSAY INSTRUCTIONS: Please double-space and answer the following questions in essay format, using a formal business writing style (APA required) and separating topics with titles and subtitles where appropriate. The use of first person pronouns in a reflective, personal experience essay is acceptable, but should be kept to a minimum. Include a cover page with intern name, course and date. Submit final essay in Moodle no later than 12 noon on Tuesday, December 3, 2013 for the Fall 2013 semester.
1. Briefly state your expectations for participation in the College of Business intern program.
2. Describe in some detail (without disclosing any confidential information) the kinds of work you did during the semester. (Use approximately 250-300 words.)
3. Think carefully about the work you did during the semester. Select the one most significant issue or problem you were required to handle or solve. Describe in detail the nature of the issue, what procedure(s) you used to find a solution, and what the solution was. (Use approximately 250-300 words.)
4. Evaluate your work experience in terms of:
a. Practical usefulness and relevance to your major field of study. Give specific examples of new knowledge you gained from your intern experience. (Use approximately 250-300 words.)
b. Its importance to you as compared to the other courses you took in the College of Business at McNeese. (Use approximately 125-150 words.)
c. The amount and quality of supervision provided by your employer. (Use approximately 100-150 words.)
5. Describe any effects your internship experience has had on your career plans and how your intern experience has changed how you will function as an employee. (Use approximately 125-150 words.)
6. What did you like best about your internship? What did you like the least? (Use approximately 300 words.)
7. Did you have a “set” or fixed schedule? If so, what was it? And how many hours per week did you normally work? (Use approximately 50-75 words.)
8. Think carefully about your intern experience. If you could change one thing about your internship, what would you change? Why would you change this and how would you change it? (Use approximately 125-150 words.)
9. Overall, did your intern experience meet or exceed your initial expectations? What advice will you offer to students who are considering an internship?
10. What are your employment plans for next semester? Are you graduating or will you still be enrolled at McNeese? If you are graduating this semester, what are your employment plans or graduate school plans after graduation? (Use approximately 50-75 words).
COB Intern Course Syllabus F13