PresentCare home providers:Baljit Johal, Gurpreet Johal, Tessa Sanderson (Aspen House),Celeste Turner (Brookfields) Vinod Soni, Melina Sutton (Chestnut View), Brian Ballin, Gail Winfield(Coxbench Hall),Kalvir Mann (Holly Tree Lodge), Ali Hyder, Will Kettyles, Neemat Kassam, Zishan Nandjy (Langdale Heights), Yolanda Karajanni, Alison Fletcher (Lavender Lodge), Paul Bunting (Vinegar House), Marie Brown (Voyage Care),

Derby City Council:Kirsty Everson,Andrew Wheawell, Leighann Woodhouse, Griff Jones, Sam Ladds

NHS Derby/Derbyshire:Nicola Smith (Hardwick CCG), Amanda Biggam (Southern Derbyshire CCG)

ApologiesCare home providers:Gillian Wheatley (BUPA), Denise Brownlee, Sarah Gordon (Castle Park),Sara Derbyshire (Linden House),Yvonne Taylor, Jennifer Bannister (Liversage Court), Natalie Ward (Willowcroft), Chris Hanrahan, Rebecca Broughton (White Doves Ltd),

Derby City Council: Pat Gallimore, Tracy Elgie, Darren Allsobrook

NHS Derby/Derbyshire:Jill Badger (Hardwick CCG) Ann Grange (CCG)

CQC: Jo Wright, Debbie Widdowson.

Derby LINk/Healthwatch Derby: Jessica Davies

Notes of Meeting

1 / Matters Arising
Kirsty has been unable to contact Jim Connolly, Chief Nurse and Quality Officer at CCG.Nicola to follow up when he returns to work.
Griff mentioned that free tissue viability awareness training is also available through the Safeguarding Team.
Nicola mentioned Ruth le Bosquet, Tissue Viability NurseEducation Officer as a resource available to Nursing Homes. She is based at Royal Derby hospital and can be contacted on 01332 786672.
Training to be included as a future agenda item.
Medequip: Leighann To follow up with Jackie Straw, Commissioning Manager (DCC). Gail raised issues with items being collected. Homes to forward any issues to Leighann.
Medication: Amanda had raised the concerns with Medicines Management Team. Amanda to follow up.
Flu vaccinations: details circulated with minutes. Employers have obligations regarding health and safety. Homes to encourage staff to receive vaccinations.
Contract delays: Andrew discussed the funding process that the Assessment Teams undertake. Leighann explained the process for generating agreements for payment.
Accommodation strategy to be included on the next meetings agenda / Nicola Smith
Leighann Woodhouse
Leighann Woodhouse
Amanda Biggam
Leighann Woodhouse
2 / Safeguarding Board Subgroups
The Board consists of a group of agencies to ensure effective implementation. There are two sub groups that nominations for representatives are requested for. These are Performance Improvement and Customer Inclusion. The sub groups meet every quarter at Kedleston Road. Homes to contact Griff with any queries.
Leighann to forward email with minutes.
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards: Sam Ladds, Best Interests Assessor discussed her role which includes making homes aware of the DOLS process. Sam has made contact with Homes via email to provide details and will be arranging visits. A survey will be sent to Homes to ask about support required.
Free training regarding DOLS and Mental Capacity can be accessed through the Safeguarding Team.
Sam can be contacted on: or 01332 640380. / Homes
Leighann Woodhouse
3 / Project Advenus
Kirsty shared details of the information sharing project regarding organised immigration and human trafficking. This has been an issue in the East Midlands. Intelligence gathering taking place. Any suspected activity should be reported to the Police.
Leighann to circulate contact details with the minutes. / Leighann Woodhouse
4 / Fee process for 2014/15
Two processes in place, standard and specialist. Specialist fees are based on assessment of the individual.
Timescales were mentioned at the last meeting and sent with the minutes. It had been discussed with the representatives attending the pre meeting that the timescales are brought forward. Looking to notify Providers by the first week in March so the fees can be implemented around 7th April. Consultation to be brought forward by two weeks so that information is sent to Homes prior to Christmas. This will allow time for Cabinet to consider the proposal.
The model used has been developed over the last two years. The following issues were raised at the pre meeting for Homes to consider:
Occupancy levels – last year was set at 94%. Kirsty to look at DCC levels. Details to be provided by Homes for last 12 month.
Rate of return – built in profit allowance. Previously used LIBOR plus 2%. Alternatives have been suggested. Separate rate of return, capital / running costs or Office National Statistics (ONS)service sector rate.
Capital allowance – set at £9 per fee p/w building costs. Kirsty to check how this figure came about.
Inflationary element – broadly agrees with ONS annual inflation figures. Two emerging pressures:
  • Living wage – has been offered by DCC to staff. Gail said that this had an impact of £1.40p/h for each employee.
  • Pension – automatic enrolment is being phased in. Timescales depend on the size of the organisation. Has already affected some providers.
/ Homes
Kirsty Everson
5 / BEDS project update
Leighann informed the group that there had been delays due to software issues. It is hoped that the project will go live in March. Andy Mellors,Service User and Carer Engagement Officeris following up details with homes. A draft survey was circulated to attendees and will be sent to homes in the New Year. Comments were raised about the survey. Leighann to feedback to Jackie Straw. / Leighann Woodhouse
6 / Health and Safety update
Leighann provided an update received from Darren Allsobrook, Health and Safety Advisor. Details have recently been circulation regarding a prosecution of a Care Home Operator due to exposing residents to the risk of scalding and using potentially unsafe lifting equipment.
The Health and Safety Advisors will be completing unannounced spot checks on these areas to Homes in Derby City between January and March.
Leighann to forward latest updates to Homes with minutes. / Leighann Woodhouse
7 / AOB
Brian requested that names were provided in the minutes, rather than initials. Leighann to action.
Leighann to arrange for circulation list to be updated.
Amanda mentioned that Nursing Homes should have access to information about free training and an event on 14th January. Amanda to forward details. Leighann to include with minutes. / Leighann Woodhouse
Leighann Woodhouse
Amanda Biggam / Leighann Woodhouse
Next meeting
Wednesday 12 March 2014, 10am – 12

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