Job Description

Post Title: / Energy Efficiency Manager / Post No:
Grade: / POB / Hours: / 37
Section: / Regeneration / Date Compiled: / May 2006
Responsible to: / Regeneration Manager
Responsible for: / Energy Efficiency Officer.

Main Purpose of the Job:

To manage and have responsibility for the delivery of a home energy efficiency strategy across all WDH properties including facilitating grant assistance.

Specific Duties and Responsibilities:

1.  To have the responsibility of achieving specific fuel poverty and energy efficiency objectives for all WDH stock.

2.  To have specific responsibility to devise and deliver an energy efficiency strategy which will compliment the Wakefield affordable warmth strategy.

3.  To manage the development, design and procurement initiatives as part of the delivery of energy efficient improvement schemes.

4.  To have a thorough understanding of developments, legislation and funding streams, maintain and develop a knowledge to make bids for funds to promote and improve energy efficiency.

5.  To have responsibility for the provision of reports to the inspectorate in respect to energy efficiency measures, including current and projected SAP ratings.

6.  To recommend through the reporting framework changes to Government funding and technical specification in respect to energy efficiency.

7.  To recommend changes as required to policy and procedures to keep WDH at the forefront of technological advancements in energy efficiency.

8.  To take the lead role in developing and maintaining partnerships with other organisations and bodies which will aid and compliment Best Practises in energy efficiency.

9.  To take the lead role in the delivering of energy efficient contracts, inclusive of multi-million pound partnerships with energy suppliers. This will also include leading on the tendering and selection process.

10.  To be the responsible officer who will ensure that the Wakefield Standard improvement schemes take account of energy efficiency measures.

11.  To be responsible for seeking out the availability of grant aid and ensuring claims for funding are made at the appropriate time.

12.  To be responsible for the delivery of training and presentations to ensure awareness of energy efficiency for the board, tenants, LMC’s and staff.

13.  To develop and implement an energy efficiency advice contact centre, inclusive of newsletter, internet site and hotline service.

14.  To provide reports to EMT and the board on new initiatives recommended to improve the energy efficiency of the housing stock.

15.  To actively contribute to the fundamental review and benchmarking of company services and implementation of service improvement plans.

16.  To be the lead officer for consultation on energy efficiency in our new build programme.

17.  Undertake any other duties commensurate with the overall purpose of the job and grade.

Corporate Responsibilities:

Organisational Management:

  1. To be a member of the Management Team.
  2. Have knowledge of WDH’s Corporate Plan and promote the values of the organisation at all times.
  3. Develop plans, which contribute to the corporate, strategic and business planning processes of WDH and the Service Area.
  4. Instigate new ways of working through partnership and consultative arrangements.
  5. Responsible for maintaining effective working relationships with internal services, external agencies and organisations.
  6. Undertake specific project management initiatives as required relating to policy or service initiatives.
  7. Responsible for producing new policy initiatives as required.
  8. Keep up to date and have full awareness of appropriate legislation and statutory requirements.
  9. Be aware of national, regional and local developments and evaluate their effect on service area processes.

10.  Undertake effective communications at all times throughout all levels of the organisation and externally to promote positively the work of WDH.

11.  Deal appropriately with all complaints and representations in accordance with the WDH complaints procedures.

12.  Promote health and safety awareness to ensure safe working environments in accordance with the WDH health and safety policies and procedures and undertake risk assessments as required.

13.  Ensure that all WDH policies are effectively undertaken especially having regard to equal opportunities, data protection and human rights.

Business Development:

  1. Responsible for developing the Service business planning process to ensure the vision and outcomes of WDH are delivered effectively.
  2. Develop and implement effective performance management systems to meet corporate and service area requirements, to achieve continuous service improvement and the development of a performance management culture.
  3. To be responsible for implementing continual review processes for the service through effective consultation and partnership arrangements to achieve user expectations.
  4. Contribute to developing strategies relating to personal, finance, training and ICT.
  5. Responsible for maximising resources to WDH through taking advantage of any external bidding opportunity.

Financial Risk Management:

1.  Responsible for managing devolved budgets within the Delegation Framework, to ensure allocated resources meet the need of service users.

2.  Responsible for ensuring that the service operates within WDH standing orders and financial regulations.

  1. Contribute to financial planning and budgetary strategies for the service to maximise income and maintain viability.
  2. Comply with the requirements of WDH’s Risk Management Strategy, through the identification and management of risks.

People Management

  1. Provide leadership to initiate drive and cultural change to deliver customer focussed services, working within the spirit of the consideration and leadership contracts.
  2. Undertake recruitment, selection and change management in accordance with WDH policies and procedures, and the Delegation Framework.
  3. Effectively manage within WDH human resources policies and procedures, including discipline, grievance, capability and harassment in accordance with the Delegation Framework.
  4. Promote and implement effective managerial change.
  5. Maintain effective employee relations.
  6. Display high degrees of self-motivation, commitment and time management.
  7. Undertake communication process in line with service requirements.
  8. Ensure staff development and management support processes are delivered

Personal Contacts:
Internal: / All staff teams, LMC’s, Senior Managers and board members.
External: / Wakefield MDC, Specialist consultants, other RSL’s, energy suppliers and partners.
Prepared by:

Person Specification

Personal skill characteristics

/ Essential
(Tick) / Desirable
(Tick) / Method of Assessment (Code list below) / Shortlisting Criteria (Tick)
3 Years experience in a similar role / Ö / AF / Ö
A thorough understanding of available funding streams / Ö / AF/I
To have previous supervision or managerial experience / Ö / AF / Ö
To have specialised knowledge in energy efficiency measures in housing / Ö / AF/I / Ö
Qualifications and Training
To Degree/Diploma level in an appropriate qualification / Ö / CQ / Ö
Special Skills and Knowledge
Extensive knowledge of building techniques and products / Ö / AF/I
Knowledge of conservation and energy efficiency / Ö / AF/I / Ö
Additional Requirements of the Job
The post holder may be required to work outside normal office hours on occasion. / Ö / AF/I
Personal Qualities
A good communicator / Ö / AF/I
Ability to write reports and present information in different formats / Ö / AF/I


AF - Application Form

I - Interview (this may include a presentation and occupational test where appropriate)

CQ - Certificate of Qualification

R - References