All coaches must read entire section of OPHEA Safety Guidelines for all sports in which they coach. This should include all coaches including volunteers.

All volunteer coaches must have a Police Vulnerable Section Check complete before coaching

All coaches must be listed in the team coaching document provided to Physical Education Curriculum Leaders that is located on google drive

Sport / Risk / Requirements
Basketball / Low / On-sitesupervisionforinitialinstruction.
Onlytrainedathleteswillraiseandlowerbasketsusinghand winch,andmustbeunderconstantvisualsupervision.
An individual who takes responsibility for providing first aid to injured athletes must be present during the entire practice/competition
See OPHEA Safety Document for Supervision, Equipment, Clothing, Facilities and Special Rules and Instructions
CrossCountry / Low / In-the-areasupervision
An individual who takes responsibility for providing first aid to injured athletes must be present during the entire practice/competition
See OPHEA Safety Document for Supervision, Equipment, Clothing, Facilities and Special Rules and Instructions
Football(Tackle) / HIGH / Constantvisualsupervisionduringinitialpracticeofcontactskills.
As of September 1, 2020 any individual providing instruction must be Safe Contact trained. A new coach must become Safe Contact trained within one year and must have coaching qualifications derived from at least one of the qualifications listed on the activity page of OPHEA Safety documents.
Allmembersofthe school coachingstaffmustbetrainedorre-certifiedintheNCCPSafeContactmoduleeveryfive(5)years
  • In-Training=Iamtakingacourse
  • Trained=Ihavecompletedthecoursebutnotbeenevaluated
  • Certified=Ihavecompletedthecourse,completedanyworkbooksandthatIhavebeensuccessfullyevaluated.
Practice Requirements:
  • The coach trained in NCCP Safe Contact must supervise all contact drills and all competitions.
  • Contact drills can only make up a total of 1.5 hours of practice time per week.
  • A minimum of at least 72 hours is required between games
An individual who takes responsibility for providing first aid to injured athletes must be present during the entire practice/competition
See OPHEA Safety Document for Supervision, Equipment, Clothing, Facilities and Special Rules and Instructions
Golf / Low / On-sitesupervisionforinstruction,whenchippingwithregulationgolfballsandpracticingatarangefacility.
An individual who takes responsibility for providing first aid to injured athletes must be present during the entire practice/competition
See OPHEA Safety Document for Supervision, Equipment, Clothing, Facilities and Special Rules and Instructions
Tennis / Low / On-sitesupervisionduringinitialinstructionofskills.
An individual who takes responsibility for providing first aid to injured athletes must be present during the entire practice/competition
See OPHEA Safety Document for Supervision, Equipment, Clothing, Facilities and Special Rules and Instructions
Volleyball / Low / On-sitesupervisionduringinitialinstructionofskills.
An individual who takes responsibility for providing first aid to injured athletes must be present during the entire practice/competition
See OPHEA Safety Document for Supervision, Equipment, Clothing, Facilities and Special Rules and Instructions
Basketball / Low / On-sitesupervisionforinitialinstruction.
Onlytrainedathleteswillraiseandlowerbasketsusinghand winch,andmustbeunderconstantvisualsupervision.
An individual who takes responsibility for providing first aid to injured athletes must be present during the entire practice/competition
See OPHEA Safety Document for Supervision, Equipment, Clothing, Facilities and Special Rules and Instructions
Curling / Low / On-sitesupervision
An individual who takes responsibility for providing first aid to injured athletes must be present during the entire practice/competition
See OPHEA Safety Document for Supervision, Equipment, Clothing, Facilities and Special Rules and Instructions
Hockey / HIGH / Constantvisualsupervisionduringinitialpracticeofcontactskills.
An individual who takes responsibility for providing first aid to injured athletes must be present during the entire practice/competition
See OPHEA Safety Document for Supervision, Equipment, Clothing, Facilities and Special Rules and Instructions
Practice Requirements:
Contact practices can only occur with the trained or certified coach present and in the area.
Swimming / HIGH / On-sitesupervisionisrequired.
An individual who takes responsibility for providing first aid to injured athletes must be present during the entire practice/competition
See OPHEA Safety Document for Supervision, Equipment, Clothing, Facilities and Special Rules and Instructions
Practice Requirements:
Practices can only occur with the trained or certified coach present and in the area.
Volleyball / Low / On-sitesupervisionduringinitialinstructionofskills.
An individual who takes responsibility for providing first aid to injured athletes must be present during the entire practice/competition
See OPHEA Safety Document for Supervision, Equipment, Clothing, Facilities and Special Rules and Instructions
Wrestling / HIGH / On-sitesupervisionisrequired.
Constantvisualsupervisionisrequiredduring initialinstructionoftechniquesforholdsandreleases.
An individual who takes responsibility for providing first aid to injured athletes must be present during the entire practice/competition
As a minimum First Aid / CPR B or C and introduction to spinal injury
See OPHEA Safety Document for Supervision, Equipment, Clothing, Facilities and Special Rules and Instructions
Be knowledgeable of School Board Concussion Protocol for suspected concussion
Must not be a participant in activity in meets or practices
Practice Requirements:
Practices can only occur with the trained or certified NCCP coach present and in the area.
Badminton / Low / On-sitesupervisionisrequiredduringinitialinstruction
Settingupand taking down ofequipmentrequireson-sitesupervision.
An individual who takes responsibility for providing first aid to injured athletes must be present during the entire practice/competition
See OPHEA Safety Document for Supervision, Equipment, Clothing, Facilities and Special Rules and Instructions
Baseball(Hardball) / Low / On-sitesupervision.
An individual who takes responsibility for providing first aid to injured athletes must be present during the entire practice/competition
Warm up catchers, including coaches must wear a mask with throat protection
See OPHEA Safety Document for Supervision, Equipment, Clothing, Facilities and Special Rules and Instructions
Rugby / HIGH / Constant visual supervision during initial instruction and practice of contact skills.
Subsequently, on-site supervision is required.
An individual who takes responsibility for providing first aid to injured athletes must be present during the entire practice/competition
As a minimum First Aid / CPR B or C and introduction to spinal injury
Be knowledgeable of School Board Concussion Protocol for suspected concussion
Must not be a participant in activity in meets or practices
See OPHEA Safety Document for Supervision, Equipment, Clothing, Facilities and Special Rules and Instructions
As of September 1, 2019, one coach must have a minimum certification of NCCP Community Sport Coach – Community Initiation/World Rugby Level 1. This coach must supervise all contact drills and all competitions. All other rugby coaches must possess one of the coaching qualifications listed on the activity page from OPHEA safety document
At least one rugby coach must possess one of the following coaching qualifications:
NCCP Community Sport Coach – Community Initiation (Contact) Course
NCCP Competition Coach – Competition Introduction Course
Accreditation as a NCCP Rugby Learning Facilitator
Completion of rugby NCCP level 1 and/or level 2 certification in the past
Attendance at a clinic or workshop within the last three years provided by an instructor who is knowledgeable of the activity (e.g., appropriate skills and progressions), and where safety is addressed as outlined in the Ontario Physical Education Safety Guidelines.
Effective September 1, 2016, past experience within the last 3 years as a coach in rugby, having knowledge of the activity (e.g., appropriate skills and progressions) and current safety practices as outlined in the Ontario Physical Education Safety Guidelines.
For more information on sport-specific NCCP training please visitcoach.ca
Practice Requirements:
Contact practices can only occur with the trained or certified NCCP coach present and in the area.
Prior to the first league game, 8 days of contact practices must have occurred.
Athletes must be taught that head hits and high tackles are not permitted.
 All contact skill progressions (tackling, scrum, maul, ruck and line-out) must be taught and practiced prior to competition.
See OPHEA Safety Document for Supervision, Equipment, Clothing, Facilities and Special Rules and Instructions

Constant visual supervision during initial instruction and practice of contact skills.

Subsequently, on-site supervision is required.

SloPitch / Low / On-sitesupervisionisrequired.
An individual who takes responsibility for providing first aid to injured athletes must be present during the entire practice/competition
See OPHEA Safety Document for Supervision, Equipment, Clothing, Facilities and Special Rules and Instructions
Soccer(Indoor/Outdoor) / Low / On-sitesupervisionisrequired.
Limit time working on heading drills
An individual who takes responsibility for providing first aid to injured athletes must be present during the entire practice/competition
See OPHEA Safety Document for Supervision, Equipment, Clothing, Facilities and Special Rules and Instructions
Track Field / Low / HURDLES
An individual who takes responsibility for providing first aid to injured athletes must be present during the entire practice/competition
See OPHEA Safety Document for Supervision, Equipment, Clothing, Facilities and Special Rules and Instructions
An individual who takes responsibility for providing first aid to injured athletes must be present during the entire practice/competition
See OPHEA Safety Document for Supervision, Equipment, Clothing, Facilities and Special Rules and Instructions
An individual who takes responsibility for providing first aid to injured athletes must be present during the entire practice/competition
See OPHEA Safety Document for Supervision, Equipment, Clothing, Facilities and Special Rules and Instructions

Track FieldHIGHDiscus



















On-sitesupervisionisrequiredforsetupof barriers.










Practice Requirements:

  • Contact practices can only occur with the trained or certified NCCP Safe Contact coach present and in the area.





Concussion Protocol Training

All coaching staff will need to complete the mandatory board provided Concussion Protocol Training as directed by each individual school board.

An individual who takes responsibility for providing first aid to injured athletes must be present during the entire practice/competition

As a minimum First Aid / CPR B or C and introduction to spinal injury

Must not be a participant in activity in meets or practices

See OPHEA Safety Document for Supervision, Equipment, Clothing, Facilities and Special Rules and Instructions

Forhigh risksports,theseadditionalrequirements mustbemet:

At least one coach must possessoneof the following coaching qualifications:

  • Past experience within the last 3 years as a coach in the activity/sport, having knowledge of the activity (e.g., appropriate skills and progressions) and current safety practices as outlined in the Ontario Physical Education Safety Guidelines.
  • A sport specific course(s) as stated on the specific activity page.
  • Completion of (sport specific) NCCP Level 1 and/or Level 2 certification in the past.
  • Attendance at a clinic or workshop within the last three years provided by an instructor who is knowledgeable of the specific activity (e.g., appropriate skills and progressions), and where safety is addressed as outlined in the Ontario Physical Education Safety Guidelines.

OFSAA playing regulations may go above these minimum standards so teacher-coaches are advised to check BOTH the Safety Guidelines AND OFSAA playing regulations.

OFSAA supports the training and development of teacher-coaches. In collaboration with the Coaching Association of Canada (CAC), Coaches Association of Ontario (CAO) and various Provincial Sport Organizations, OFSAA is working to ensure that NCCP certification requirements are:

  • Cost effective: CAO offers a bursary program through Quest for Gold and can be found at the following link -
  • Accessibile: (courses offered in your area). The following funding is available through the Investors Group Coaching Grants:

OFSAA encourages you as teacher-coaches and athletic designates to consult with senior school board administration on an implementation strategy of training and certification in higher risk activities.

For more information feel free to contact the OFSAA office.



Ifyourequiremoreinformation regarding EQUIPMENT,CLOTHING/FOOTWEAR, FACILITIES, SPECIALRULES.INSTRUCTIONS, pleasefollowthe link

Guidelines takenfromtheOntarioPhysicaland Health Education Association (Ophea)throughtheOntarioPhysicalEducationSafetyGuidelines(SafetyGuidelines)


“Constantvisual”supervisionmeansthatthecoach/teachersponsorisphysicallypresent,watchingtheactivityinquestion.Onlyoneactivityrequiring “Constantvisual” supervision may take placewhile otheractivitiesaregoing on.


“In-the-area”supervisionmeansthatthecoach/teachersponsorcouldbeinthegymnasiumwhileanotheractivityistakingplaceinanarea adjacenttothe gymnasium. “In-the-area”supervision requiresthe coach tobereadilyaccessible.

“Inthearea” supervision isapplied to activities that characteristically put studentsoutof sightfor periods oftimee.g., alpineskiing,

crosscountryskiing,cross country running.“Constantvisual”and “On site”supervisionwould not be possible in these situations.