Pioneer Middle School
School-Wide Expectation: Bus Safety
Name of the Skill: Positive Bus Behavior
Purpose of the Lesson:
1. To promote safe travel on the bus.
2. To encourage all students to ride in a cooperative and respectful manner.
At the end of the school day, an announcement will be made directing students to line up in their bus lane and NOT to board the bus (Bus drivers will be made aware of this).
Teachers will work in pairs and report to their assigned bus lane upon middle school dismissal.
Teachers will:
Explain to bus group that following bus expectations is necessary to ensure their safety.
*Ask students to explain what proper bus behavior includes (brainstorm).
• use polite language and manners
• keep hands, feet, and objects to self
• use a level 2 voice (conversation)
• keep the bus clean and aisle clear
• stay in your seat
Teachers will ask for volunteers to answer these questions:
* What is the safest way to board the bus?
• Walk to bus door
• One student at a time
• Watching your step
• Respect others’ personal space
* What would be a nice and polite thing to do while boarding the bus?
• Politely greet the bus driver
* What are potential hazards while walking down the isle?
• Debris in the aisle
• Students out of their seats
• Hands and/or feet in the aisle
*How would you prevent these hazards?
• Put garbage in the garbage can
• Remain in your seat until the bus stops at your destination
• Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself
Have students board the bus demonstrating the expected behaviors.
*What would be some safety concerns while in your seat/once bus departs?
• Camera flashes
• Loud voices
• Throwing objects
• Leaving your seat
• Eating and drinking
• Not listening to adult directions/instructions
• Inappropriate language
• Others - See previous question
*How can you prevent these issues?
• Refrain from cell phone and camera use
• Use level two voices
• Hold on to your objects/possessions
• Stay in your seat
• Do not eat on drink while the bus is moving (chipped teeth, cuts, slips and falls)
• Listen to and follow instructions given by driver and monitors
• Use only appropriate language
*What is the safest way to exit the bus?
• Walk to bus door
• One student at a time
• Watching your step
• Respect others’ personal space
• Get on and off the bus at regularly scheduled stop unless you have a pass
Kids Activities/Role-Plays:
Once the discussion is complete, have the students board the bus demonstrating the expected behaviors.
Once the students have boarded the bus using the expected behaviors, acknowledge and reinforce their accomplishment.
Launch the students with positive comments (affirmations).