Ann V. Murphy

Fordham University Department of Philosophy Office: 718-817-3321

441 East Fordham Road Fax: 718-817-3300

Bronx, New York 10458


·  2006- Present. Assistant Professor of Philosophy. Fordham University. Bronx, New York.

·  2003-2006. New South Global Postdoctoral Fellow. School of Philosophy. University of New South Wales. Sydney, Australia.

·  2002-2003. Visiting Assistant Professor. Mount Holyoke College. South Hadley, MA.


·  Ph.D. Philosophy. University of Memphis. Memphis, TN. 2002.

·  B.A. Philosophy. Grinnell College. Grinnell, IA. 1996.

Areas of Research

Areas of Specialization: Feminist Theory, 20th Century Continental Philosophy, Social and

Political Philosophy (especially philosophies of violence and non-violence)

Areas of Competence: Philosophy of Race, Phenomenology, Ethics



Violence and the Philosophical Imaginary. SUNY Series in Gender Theory. (forthcoming 2011)

Journal Articles & Book Chapters

1.  “The Body and the New Humanism” in Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy. 27:1. Forthcoming 2011.

2.  “’Violence is Not an Evil:’ Ambiguity and Violence in Simone de Beauvoir’s Early Philosophical Writings” in philoSOPHIA: a journal of continental feminism. Volume 1, no.1. Forthcoming 2010.

3.  “’All Things Considered:’ Sensibility and Ethics in the Later Merleau-Ponty and Derrida” in Continental Philosophy Review. Volume 42. No. 4. 2010.

4.  “The Remainder: Between Symbolic and Material Violence” in Philosophy and the Return of Violence: Studies from this Widening Gyre. Eds. Christopher Yates and Nathan Eckstrand. Continuum Press. Forthcoming 2011.

5.  “Between Ambiguity and Precarity: Tracing Simone de Beauvoir’s Legacy in the Work of Judith Butler” in Simone de Beauvoir Engages the Philosophers. Eds. Shannon Mussett and William Wilkerson. SUNY Press. Forthcoming.

6.  “Apology and Forgiveness,” for A Companion to Derrida. Blackwell. Forthcoming.

7.  “Critique, Power and Ontological Violence” in Between Levinas and Heidegger. Eds. John Drabinski and Eric Nelson. Albany: SUNY Press. Forthcoming.

8.  “Reality Check: Rethinking the Ethics of Vulnerability” in Theorizing Sexual Violence, Eds. Victoria Grace and Renee Hemberle. Routledge Press. 2009.

9.  “Feminism and Race Theory” in Merleau-Ponty: Basic Concepts. Eds. Rosalyn Diprose and Jack Reynolds. Acumen Press, 2008.

10.  “Sexuality” in The Blackwell Companion to Phenomenology and Existentialism. Eds. Mark Wrathall and Herbert Dreyfus. Blackwell. 2007.

11.  “Beyond Performativity and Against Identification: Gender and Technology in Irigaray” in Returning to Irigaray, Eds. Maria Cimitile and Elaine Miller. SUNY Press. SUNY Series in Gender Theory, 2007.

12.  “Language in the Flesh: The Politics of Discourse in Merleau-Ponty, Levinas, and Irigaray” in Feminist Interpretations of Merleau-Ponty. Eds. Dorothea Olkowski and Gail Weiss. Penn State Press, 2006.

13.  “Between Generosity and Violence: Towards a Revolutionary Politics in the Philosophy of Simone de Beauvoir” in The Philosophy of Simone de Beauvoir. Ed. Margaret Simons. Indiana University Press. 2006.

14.  “The Political Significance of Shame” Borderlands: New Spaces in the Humanities. Special Issue on Unassumable Responsibility, ed. C. Mills and F. Jenkins. Volume 3, No. 1. 2004.

15.  “Violence and the Denigration of Community: Between Transcendental and Revolutionary Violence in Fanon.” In Philosophy Today, Volume 29, SPEP Supplement 2003.

16.  “Strange Company: Foucault and Merleau-Ponty on Phenomenology and its Ethics.” In Chiasmi International: International Trilingual Studies Concerning the Thought of Merleau-Ponty. Issue no. 3. 2002.

17.  “The Enigma of the Natural in Luce Irigaray” in Philosophy Today, Volume 27. SPEP Supplement 2001.

Introductions & Encyclopedia Articles

·  “Continental Feminism” (4000 words) in International Encyclopedia of Ethics. Hugh La Follette, ed. Forthcoming.

·  “Finitude” (1000 words) and “The Double” (1000 words) in The Foucault Lexicon. Ed. Leonard Lawlor and John Nale. Cambridge University Press. Forthcoming.

·  “Rethinking the Ethical: An Introduction to Judith Butler’s ‘Sexual Difference as a Question of Ethics: Alterities of the Flesh in Irigaray and Merleau-Ponty’” in Chiasmi International: Tenth Anniversary Edition. 2009.

·  “Corporeal Feminism” (500 words), “Judith Butler” (750 words), and “Performativity,” (500 words) in Edinburgh Encyclopedia of Continental Philosophy. John Protevi, Ed. Edinburgh University Press. 2007.


·  Maurizio Ferraris, “Phenomenology and the Messiah.” in Derrida: Critical Assessments. Ed. Zeynep Direk and Leonard Lawlor. Routledge, 2002.

Review Essays

·  Gail Weiss, Refiguring the Ordinary (Indiana University Press, 2008), philoSOPHIA: a journal of continental feminism. Forthcoming.

·  John Russon, Bearing Witness to Epiphany (SUNY, 2008), The Owl of Minerva. 41:1-2 (2009-10).

·  Alan D. Schrift, Twentieth Century French Philosophy: Key Themes and Thinkers (Blackwell, 2006), Continental Philosophy Review. Vol 41. No. 1. 2008.

·  Rick Parrish, Violence Inevitable (Rowan & Littlefield, 2006), International Philosophical Quarterly. Vol. 48, No. 4. 2008.

·  Kevin Olson, Reflexive Democracy (MIT Press, 2006), International Philosophical Quarterly, Vol. 48, No. I, Issue 189. 2008.

Conference Presentations, Seminars & Comments

“The Body and the New Humanism.” Invited paper for an Informational Session on “Ethics of Embodiment.” American Philosophical Association. Eastern Division Meeting. Boston, MA. December 2010.

“Precarity and Ontological Altruism: The Body and Contemporary Violence in Cavarero and Butler.” Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy. Montreal, Canada. November 2010.

Response to Diane Perpich and Beata Stawarska for a symposium on “Contemporary Continental Feminist Theory.” American Philosophical Association. Eastern Division Meeting. New York, NY. December 2009.

“Shame and the Philosophical Imaginary.”

·  Continental Philosophy in the Desert: Inaugural Meeting of the Southwest Seminar in Continental Philosophy. University of New Mexico. Albuquerque, NM. May 2010.

·  The Australasian Society for Continental Philosophy. Monash University. Melbourne, Australia. November 2009.

·  Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy. Washington, D.C. October 2009.

“The Subject of Politics” Discussion Section Leader. Collegium Phaenomenologicum. Perugia, Italy. July 2009.

“Ontological Crime: The New Ontology of Vulnerability.” philoSOPHIA: a feminist society. Fordham University and John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY. New York, NY. May 2009.

“Normativity and Violence in the Philosophy of Simone de Beauvoir.” Keynote address. The Philosophical Red Star Line Conference. Universiteit Antwerpen. Antwerp, Belgium. March 2009.

“A Violent Act Which is Perception Itself.” The International Merleau-Ponty Circle. Ryerson University. Toronto, CA. September 2008.

“Violence and Ethics: Simone de Beauvoir at her Centenary.” The International Symposium for Phenomenology. Perugia Italy. July 2008.

“Simone de Beauvoir’s Ethics of Ambiguity and Contemporary Feminist Thought.” philoSOPHIA: a feminist society. Atlanta, GA. March 2008.

“Passivity, Anonymity, Violence.” International Merleau-Ponty Circle. Memphis, TN. September 2007.

“The Visible and the Invisible of Identity.” International Association for Philosophy and Literature. Nicosia, Cyprus. June 2007.

“Violence and the Philosophical Imaginary.” Inaugural Meeting of the French Feminism Circle. Nashville, TN. May 2007.

Comment on Marie-Eve Morin, “The Community of Witnesses: Derrida Inheriting Husserl and Blanchot.” American Philosophical Association. Central Division Meeting. Chicago, IL. April 2007.

“Race and the Undoing of Performativity.” Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy. Philadelphia, PA. October 2006.

“Bodies Dispossessed: Sensibility in Merleau-Ponty and Levinas.” Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy. Salt Lake City, UT. October 2005.

“The Politics of Dispossession: The Vulnerable Body in Feminist Theory.”

·  Ethics and Violence: A Colloquium in Feminist Theory. University of Auckland. Auckland, New Zealand. August 19, 2005.

·  Australian Society for Continental Philosophy. University of New South Wales. Sydney, Australia. June 2005.

“The Use and Abuse of Violence in Feminist Theory.”

·  Seminar. University of Queensland. Brisbane, Australia. April 2005.

·  Body Modification Conference. Macquarie University. Sydney, Australia. April 2005.

“Ambiguity and Political Life: Merleau-Ponty and Levinas on the Suffering of Others.” Australian Society for Continental Philosophy. Macquarie University. Sydney, Australia. December 2004.

“Gender and Technology in Irigaray.” 11th Symposium of the International Association of Women Philosophers. (IAPh) Göteborg, Sweden. June 2004.

“Beyond Performativity: Sexuality and the Specular.”

·  International Association for Philosophy and Literature. Lemoyne College. Syracuse, NY. May 2004.

·  University of Memphis Alumni Conference. Memphis, TN. May 2004.

“Violence and the Denigration of Community.”

·  Australian Society of Continental Philosophy. University of Queensland. St. Lucia, Queensland, Australia. November 2003.

·  Invited Talk. Mount Holyoke College. South Hadley, MA. November 2003.

·  Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy. Boston College. Boston, MA. November 2003.

“Contingency and Responsibility: History and Political Judgment in Merleau-Ponty and Levinas.” Philosophy Department Seminar Series. University of New South Wales. Sydney, Australia. October 2003.

“Shame and the Suffering of Others: Collective Responsibility in Levinas.” Unassumable Responsibility Conference. Australian National University, Canberra, Australia. September 2003.

“Race and Transgender Identity in Film.” Society for the Philosophical Study of Contemporary Visual Arts. Pacific Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association. San Francisco, CA. March 2003.

“What is White Privilege?” Invited Talk. Mount Holyoke College. South Hadley, MA. April 2003.

“Violence in The Ethics of Ambiguity.” Simone de Beauvoir Circle. Eastern Division Meeting, American Philosophical Association. Philadelphia, PA. December 2002.

“Revisiting the Debate between Sartre and Foucault: Existentialist Politics Reconsidered.” Invited Talk, Grinnell College. Grinnell, IA. November 2002.

“Sexual Politics and Irigaray’s Philosophy of Nature.” Thinking With/ Against Life. University of Memphis. Memphis, TN. April 2002.

“Generosity Reconsidered: Rethinking the Politics of the Gift in Beauvoir and Sartre.” North American Sartre Society. Loyola University. New Orleans, LA. March 2002.

“The Enigma of the Natural in Luce Irigaray.” Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy. Goucher College. Baltimore, MD. October 2001.

“Invisible Representations: Race and Gender in The Crying Game.” Society for Phenomenology and Media. National University. La Jolla, CA. February 2000.

“Language in the Flesh: The Disturbance of Discourse in Merleau-Ponty, Levinas, and Irigaray.” 25th Annual Merleau-Ponty Circle. George Washington University. Washington, D.C. September 2000.

Response to Tina Chanter’s “Abjection and Ambivalence: Simone de Beauvoir’s Legacy.” Fifty Years after The Second Sex. DePaul University. Chicago, IL. March 2000.

“Beauvoir’s Bodies: Fifty Years after The Second Sex.” Legacies of Simone de Beauvoir. Pennsylvania State University. State College, PA. November 1999.

“Postmodernism, Democracy, and Difference.” Feminist Ethics Revisited. The Ethics Center. University of South Florida. October 1999.

“Postmodernism and Identity Politics: Friends or Foes?” Feminist Identities: The 13th Annual Feminist Graduate Student Conference. University of Texas at Austin. Austin, TX. March 1999.

“The Eternal Displacement of the Feminine: Placing Gilles Deleuze’s Difference and Repetition in Feminist Context.” Collegium Phaenomenologicum. Perugia, Italy. July 1998.


·  Fordham University

Philosophical Ethics (x8) Autumn 2006-Autumn 2008

Contemporary French Philosophy Spring 2007

Race and Moral Recognition (x3) Autumn 2007, 2008, 2010

Gender, Power, and Justice (x3) Fall 2010 (2), Spring 2011

Ethical Dimensions of Contemporary Social Problems (x3) Spring 2008, 2009, 2011

Graduate Seminar: French Feminism Spring 2008

Graduate Seminar: Merleau-Ponty Spring 2009

§  University of New South Wales, Sydney

PHIL 2517 Representation and Sexual Difference (Convenor)

Women’s Studies 1001: Introduction to Feminism (Lecturer)

PHIL 2515 Freedom, Existence and Alienation (Lecturer)

PHIL 2608 Aesthetics: Experiencing the Spectacle (Convenor)

Pre-Honors: What is Philosophy? (Lecturer)

·  Mount Holyoke College

PHIL 248 Philosophy of Race and Racism

PHIL 352 Seminar on Merleau-Ponty

PHIL 101 Introduction to Philosophy

PHIL 255 Existentialism

·  University of Memphis

PHIL 1101 Classical Issues in Philosophy (x2)

PHIL 1102 Values in the Modern World: Contemporary Moral Problems (x2)

Awards & Grants

·  Fordham University Faculty Research Fellowship. 2009-2010.

·  Fordham University Research Grant. Summer 2009.

·  Graduate Student Meritorious Teaching Award. University of Memphis, March 2002.

·  Hillary Johnson Memorial Graduate Student Teaching Award. University of Memphis, February 2002.

Service To Profession

·  Referee for Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy

·  Referee for Continental Philosophy Review

·  Referee for Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society

·  Referee for Chiasmi International: Trilingual Studies Concerning Merleau-Ponty’s Thought

·  Referee for Women’s Studies Quarterly

·  Referee for Southern Journal of Philosophy

·  Reader for Columbia University Press

·  Reader for Fordham University Press

·  Reader for Ohio University Press

·  Advisory Board Member: philoSOPHIA: a feminist society (2007-present)

·  Referee for International Merleau-Ponty Circle 2008. (reviewed submissions to annual conference)