·  Everyday language

·  Challenged the Church’s idea that the Earth was the center of the universe

·  The Activity, spirit, or time of the great rival of art, literature, and learning in Europe

·  Inventor of movable type and the printing press

·  Government run by church leaders

·  German theologian and leader of the Protestant Reformation. Left the Church because of indulgences

·  A 16th-century movement in Western Europe that aimed at reforming some doctrines and practices of the Roman Catholic Church

·  Writer of “The Prince” which describes how a king should rule

·  The idea that God had long ago determined who would gain salvation

·  Italian engineer, painter, scientist. Quintessential Renaissance man

·  Idea that the sun is at the center of the universe

·  Established himself as the Supreme Head of the Church of England

·  Lessening the time the soul would have to spend in purgatory

·  Famous sculptor, sculpted the statue of David and painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel

·  An intellectual movement during the Renaissance that focused on education and human achievement

·  French theologian and reformer in Switzerland; leader in the Protestant Reformation. Believed in predestination

·  Sub group of a major religious group

·  English playwright and poet from the Renaissance

·  Earth is at the center of the universe

·  Group of Catholic leaders that met to respond to Protestant challenges and direct the future of the Catholic Church

·  Step-by-step process used to confirm findings and to prove or disprove a hypothesis

·  The religion and beliefs fostered by the Protestant movement

·  Condemned by the Church and arrested for his acceptance of Copernicus heliocentric idea

·  Created the theory of gravity

·  Created a scientific law based on gas pressure

·  Idea that the planets rotated around the planets in a oval or ellipse motion

·  "I think therefore I am" is his famous quote

·  Discovered new things about the origins of blood circulation and the types of blood in your body