Executive Committee Meeting – January 30th, 2011
Mark O’Donnell
Dave Pazzani
Oliver Yang
Vicky Song
Seamus Thompson
Nikki Picciotto
Jess Sitzer
Edesse Lamb
Kevin Toledo
Arleen Thukral
Adam Hardy
Brandon Andreola
Jess Maulding
Kelsey Day
Baron Giddings
Officer Reports:
President – Mark O’Donnell
- Give each officer a binder to include: contact info, bylaws, BHOOD responsibilities, weekly report
- Form to follow this week
- Where’s money coming from? – increase president’s budget
- This is attempt to phase out cabinets in back
- Mark can’t make the pledge meeting
- Brother Mark, etc
SVP – Arleen Thukral
- Overnighter chair should out service report…except there was no service so nevermind…
MVP – Dave Pazzani
- Safe Zone training – March 22nd 7-9 pm
- Pride alliance LGBT awareness training
- Would certify brothers as Safe Zone Ally, people can talk to you about LGBT issues
- Howie’s communication professor can come give a presentation on conflict resolution, etc (in addition to Archer center)
- Want at a BHOOD meeting, preferably one without too much business (3rd or fourth week of March?)
- MEMCOM will meet on Tuesday to work on BHOOD requirements
- Brotherhood directory – name, major, pledge class, etc. (see email)
FVP – Vicky Song
- Motion to appoint Oliver Yang as tree wars chair
- Discussion:
- Oliver wants to do events to benefit more interaction between trees, develop tree pride
- Wants tug of war
- How will deal with hypercompetitiveness? Will there be bonding activities? yes
- Will there be points for service events? Yes
- Have enough time? Yes
- Vote passes, Oliver Yang appointed tree wars chair
- Fellowship committee meeting 8-9 Tuesdays
- Tree wars 9 – 9:30 Tuesdays
Treasurer – Jess Sitzer
- Bringing up current up to date budget for approval at BHOOD meeting (available on website) any other changes necessary?
- Active member due issues to be dealt with at beginning of next meeting
- Treasury overview during a BHOOD meeting – how treasury works
- Water in coke in the fridge? Bottled water vs. no bottled water?
- Second fridge for brother personal food?
- Britta filter? Cups?
- No income to supplement water cooler/britta filter
- So not supply cups?
- To go in the office? But there’re fountains in the union
- Possible donations of fridges
- What are we doing with the old LAF waterbottles?
- Sterilizer in biotech, want to make sure they’re clean
- Poll: 14 for, 9 against
- Ecologic could take them but don’t need them just yet
- If you want a LAF waterbottle just take it, but be sure to sterilize it (on top of gray LAF cabinet)
- Straw poll in BHOOD meeting
- Sam’s club/ staples run tomorrow, let jess know if you need anything
OM – Seamus Thompson
- Office manual ready to be reviewed this evening
- Doesn’t actually require a vote but Seamus would like to put it up for one
- Office projects:
- Completion of cubby: covering in masonite
- Plans for a second cubby for underneath the short couch (want to use Mark’s backpack for dimensions, want 4 across) - will put tape on the wall to indicate how high couch will be
- Budget to be proposed tonight, voted on in two weeks
- If undercouch cubby is effective, will build more for other couches
- Holding weight? “these are going to be tanks”
- Wants to have BHOOD votes on project by project basis
- Dylan suggested using less tape in office, $8apiece for plastic sign holders – more professional appearance (will do this after other projects) for semipermanent things/signs
- Desk toppers – email with picture of it
- Painting office will be considered at a later date after other projects have finished
- Replacing file cabinets with shelving, stuff accumulates in these file cabinets
- Locked drawers will be accommodated
Cor Sec – Oliver Yang
- Newsletter is progressing well
- Officers – send Oliver an article by February 8th
- Newsletter to be put out on Feb 12th/13th
- Wants to put a hardcopy of newsletter in back office
- Sectionals
- Website will come out in February
- Signup sheet in back office
- Fredonia
Rec Sec – Edesse Lamb
- Email list – mostly listserv with a bit of union
- Let me know if you need lists
- Minutes on website
- Arleen requests no notification email to the BHOOD about minutes
Historian – Kevin Toledo
- Archive runs are starting, etc. more to follow in the BHOOD meeting
SAA – Nikki Picciotto
- Policy emailed out – currently the same as Vicky’s, changes may be happening
- Mark would like to include no stealing before meeting, during, after
Old Business:
New Business:
- Dave appoints tree heads
- Oliver Yang and Edesse Lamb as H tree heads
- Jess Mauldingas F tree head
- Olivia Torre as E tree head
- Host a tree event once a month
- Oliver Yang, Edesse Lamb, Jess Maulding, Olivia Torre appointed as tree heads
- Arleen created guidelines on how to be a general chair, to be sent out after meeting
- Tonight voting on Rick Hart, get everyone together
- Will occur as soon as we have enough people to vote
- Actives will be sitting in front, associates behind
- Actives who haven’t paid dues will be associate
- AAMDs – 37 active bros in terms of nationals +NIBS and 3 other bros
- If want to pay dues tonight can declare themselves active – Kevin, Joe G
- Equipment fund – allocation of that should be brought up for a vote because there’re two groups using it
- MMOC – will be discussed at meeting, Vinny running MMOC committee, anyone want to chair MMOC?
- Working on publicity
- Next week is superbowl…meetings?
- No BHOOD meeting? ECOM can work it out – halftime?
- Email will be sent out to get a feel for it
- Weren’t actually planning on having a BHOOD meeting that week.