ABSTRACTS (n = 140)


The European Histamine Research Society 41st Annual Meeting, May 2–5, 2012 Belfast, Northern Ireland

Inflammation Research(2012)


3. Deutscher Wirbelsäulenkongress Nov.08/Ulm

European Spine Journal(2008)


8th World Congress of the International Society for Brain Electromagnetic Topography (ISBET) with The KEY Foundation Symposium “Brain Fields in Psychiatry”

Brain Topography(1997)


Abstracts der DGRh

Zeitschrift für Rheumatologie(2009)


Abstracts from the 2015 Research and Thesis Poster Session of the 50th Annual American Dance Therapy Association Conference

Sondra H. Malling,Robyn Flaum Cruz,Lenore Hervey…inAmerican Journal of Dance Therapy(2016)


Proceedings of the 1990 annual meeting of the German Society for Otorhinolaryngology — Head and neck surgery(Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hals-Nasen-Ohrenheilkunde, Kopf- und Hals-Chirurgie)27–31 May 1990, Würzburg

European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology(1991)


Selected papers from the European Federation Congress of the International College of Surgeons in Prague and Pilsen, 2015

European Surgery(2016)


Abstracts from the 8th Congress of the European Laryngological Society, 1–4 September 2010, Vienna, Austria

European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology(2011)



Somnologie - Schlafforschung und Schlafmedizin(2007)


Deutsche physiologische gesselschaft Abstracts of the 52. Meeting (Autumn Meeting) September 25–28, 1979, kiel

Pflügers Archiv(1979)


Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie und Nervenheilkunde Kongress 2008, 26.–29. November in Berlin. Abstracts

Der Nervenarzt(2008)


Abstracts of the VI International Congress on Headache in Children and Adolescents

The Journal of Headache and Pain(2004)


The American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons Annual Meeting Abstracts

Diseases of the Colon & Rectum(2004)


Scientific Abstracts of 40th Annual Conference of Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India

Journal of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery(2016)


MBEC news

Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing(1981)


ESMRMB 2008 Congress, Valencia, Spain, 2–4 October: Abstracts, Thursday

Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine(2008)


Abstracts The Israel Society for Neuroscience 18th Annual Meeting

Journal of Molecular Neuroscience(2009)


Abstract collection

Experimental Brain Research(1975)


Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland Section of Biomedical Sciences

W. Ruddock,D. M. Burns,J. C. W. Brown,J. M. Allen…inIrish Journal of Medical Science(1997)


Royal academy of medicine in Ireland section of bioengineering

M. G. McAlinden,J. Magowan,D. J. Wilson,G. Insley…inIrish Journal of Medical Science(1998)


Deutsche Leitlinie zur Rehabilitation von Patienten mit Herz-Kreislauferkrankungen (DLL-KardReha)

Birna Bjarnason-Wehrens,Klaus Held…inClinical Research in Cardiology Supplements(2007)



European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry(1999)


4th Annual Meeting of the Spine Society of Europe, September 11 - 14, 2002, Nantes, France

European Spine Journal(2002)


Abstracts Issue — 6th Annual Conference of the International Society for Quality of Life Research; 3-6 November 1999 Barcelona, Spain.

Quality of Life Research(1999)


EPSM2015, Engineering and Physical Sciences in Medicine

Australasian Physical & Engineering Sciences in Medicine(2016)


Abstracts DGPPN 2007

Der Nervenarzt(2006)


Abstracts – 39th International Danube Symposium for Neurological Sciences and Continuing Education and 1st International Congress on ADHD, from childhood to adult disease

Journal of Neural Transmission(2007)


Abstracts of the EPSM-ABEC 2008 conference

Australasian Physics & Engineering Sciences in Medicine(2008)


American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons 95th Annual Convention Podium and Poster Abstracts June 9–14, 1996 Seattle, Washington

D. Obrand,P. H. Gordon,S. Rowley,R. H. Grace,S. Rai…inDiseases of the Colon & Rectum(1996)



Somnologie - Schlafforschung und Schlafmedizin(2009)


3rd European Conference on Schizophrenia Research: Facts and Visions

European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience(2011)


2nd European Headache and Migraine Trust International Congress-EHMTIC

The Journal of Headache and Pain(2010)



Der Nervenarzt(2007)


Second Meeting of West European Societies of Biological Psychiatry Psychiatric Challenges throughout the Life Span 13–15 December 2007 – Strasbourg, France

European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience(2007)


European Congress on Osteoporosis & Osteoarthritis (ECCEO11-IOF)

Osteoporosis International(2011)


World Congress on Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases (WCO-IOF-ESCEO 2014): Poster Abstracts

Osteoporosis International(2014)


Abstract Book — Volume 8, Supplement 1, November 2007

Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology(2007)


Dysphagia Research Society Annual Meeting and Post-Graduate Course



Abstracts from the 5th International Conference on the Engineering of Sport, 13–16 September 2004, University of California, Davis, California, USA

Sports Engineering(2004)


15thCongress of the International Pediatric Nephrology Association

Pediatric Nephrology(2010)


Scientific Programme

Pediatric Nephrology(2007)


Book of Abstracts ESMRMB 2003

Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine(2003)


Abstracts of the world congresses

Digestive Diseases and Sciences(1986)


The 45th Annual Meeting on September 6th – 8th 2012, Krakow, Poland

Pediatric Nephrology(2012)


Abstracts for the 17th IPNA Congress, Iguaçu, Brazil, September 2016

Pediatric Nephrology(2016)


28th Annual IUGA Meeting, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 28–31, October 2003

International Urogynecology Journal(2003)


30th Annual IUGA Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark, 9–12 August, 2005

International Urogynecology Journal(2005)


31st Annual IUGA Meeting, Athens, Greece, 6–9 September 2006

International Urogynecology Journal(2006)


38th Annual IUGA Meeting,Dublin,Ireland,28 May–1 June 2013: Oral Presentations

International Urogynecology Journal(2013)


2014 AUGS-IUGA Scientific Meeting, July 22–26, 2014, Washington DC: Oral Presentations

International Urogynecology Journal(2014)


Unmoderated Poster Presentations

International Urogynecology Journal(2007)


Oral Presentations

International Urogynecology Journal(2011)


Space and Situated Cognition: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Spatial Cognition (ICSC 2015)

Cognitive Processing(2015)


Fourth meeting of the European Neurological Society 25–29 June 1994 Barcelona, Spain

L. Harms,A. Bock,W. JÄnisch,J. Valdueza,J. Weber,I. Link…inJournal of Neurology(1994)


Ninth Meeting of the European Neurological Society 5–9 June, 1999, Milan, Italy

Journal of Neurology(1999)


Tenth Meeting of the European Neurological Society 18–22 June, 2000, Jerusalem, Israël

J. Berciano,J. Bogousslavsky,T. Brandt,G. Comi…inJournal of Neurology(2000)


Thirteenth meeting of the European Neurological Society14–18 June2003, Istanbul, Turkey

Journal of Neurology(2003)


Sixteenth Meeting of the European Neurological Society27–31 May 2006, Lausanne, Switzerland

Journal of Neurology(2006)


Abstracts of XIIthWorld Congress of Neurology Hamburg September 1–6, 1985

Journal of Neurology(1985)


CARS 2015—Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery Proceedings of the 29th International Congress and Exhibition Barcelona, Spain, June 24–27, 2015

International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery(2015)


Special program and Abstract Issue of the 6th Congress of the European Cardiac Arrhythmia Society

Journal of Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology(2010)


14thInternational Symposium on the Autonomic Nervous System

Clinical Autonomic Research(2003)



Internal and Emergency Medicine(2010)


Abstracts_Poster presentations

European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging(2007)


1987 International Pavlovian Society Conference

The Pavlovian Journal of Biological Science(1988)


World Congress on Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases (WCO-IOF-ESCEO 2016): Poster Abstracts

Osteoporosis International(2016)


Plenary Lectures, Oral Sessions, Poster Sessions and Symposia

Pflügers Archiv(2002)


Poster Presentation Abstracts

Osteoporosis International(2008)


Joint Congress of European Neurology 31 May–3 June 2014 Istanbul, Turkey

Journal of Neurology(2014)


Oral communications

JNHA - The Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging(2009)


3rdinternational, interdisciplinary symposium “Physical activity in Oncology” at the German Sport University Cologne from May 11th‐ 12th2012 – Abstracts

European Review of Aging and Physical Activity(2013)


IPR 2016

Pediatric Radiology(2016)


Scientific Sessions

European Radiology(2009)


3rdInternational Congress on ADHD From Childhood to Adult Disease

ADHD Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders(2011)



Sport Sciences for Health(2014)


SISMES — IV National Congress, Palermo 2012 Abstract book

Sport Sciences for Health(2012)


Abstracts of the 48th EASD Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes



Abstracts from the 11th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine

International Journal of Behavioral Medicine(2010)



Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy(2012)



Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy(2016)


ECR 2005 – Scientific Programme – Abstracts

European Radiology Supplements(2005)


ECR 2006 - C - Scientific and Educational Exhibits

European Radiology Supplements(2006)


Scientific Sessions

European Radiology Supplements(2007)


40th Annual Meeting – Nice, France June 9 – 13, 2015

International Urogynecology Journal(2015)


ICS–IUGA 2010 Abstracts

International Urogynecology Journal(2010)


Non-discussed Poster Presentations, ICS/IUGA 2010

International Urogynecology Journal(2011)


Abstracts of papers presented at the 9th Annual Meeting of the Biofeedback Society of America

Francine Butler,Mary Cook,Charles GrahaminBiofeedback and Self-regulation(1978)


Abstracts of papers presented at the 16th Annual Meeting of the Biofeedback Society of America

Francine Butler Ph.D.inBiofeedback and Self-regulation(1985)


Abstracts of papers presented at the 17th Annual Meeting of the Biofeedback Society of America

Francine ButlerinBiofeedback and Self-regulation(1986)


Abstracts of papers presented at the 18th Annual Meeting of the Biofeedback Society of America

Francine ButlerinBiofeedback and Self-regulation(1987)

Abstract. (1999). European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 8, II3-II241. doi:

Abstract. (2011). Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 41, 1-278. doi:

Abstracts 2014. (2014). Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 47, 1-289. doi:

Abstracts from the ICBM 2012 meeting. (2012). International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 19, 1-341. doi:

Abstracts from the ICBM 2014 meeting. (2014). International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 21, 1-216. doi:


Abstracts of papers presented at the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback

Francine ButlerinBiofeedback and Self-regulation(1991)


Abstracts of papers presented at the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback

Biofeedback and Self-regulation(1992)


Abstracts of papers presented at the 24th Annual Meeting of the Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback

Biofeedback and Self-regulation(1993)

Abstracts of papers presented at the 31st Annual Meeting of the Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback. (2000). Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 25(4), 247-271. doi:

Abstracts of papers presented at the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback. (2001). Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 26(3), 227-248. doi:

Abstracts of Papers Presented at the 35th Annual Meeting of the Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback. (2004). Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 29(4), 289 – 312. doi:

Abstracts of papers presented at the 41st Annual Meeting of the Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback. (2010).Applied Psychophysiology & Biofeedback,35(4), 317-333. doi:

Abstracts of papers presented at the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback. (2012). Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 37(4), 295-311. doi:

Abstracts of papers presented at the 44th Annual Meeting of the Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback. (2013). Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 38(3), 213-238. doi:

Abstracts of papers presented at the 45th Annual Meeting of the Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback. (2014). Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 39(3-4), 293-316. doi:

Abstracts of papers presented at the 46th Annual Meeting of the Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback. (2015). Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 40(2), 117-138. doi:

Abstracts of scientific papers presented at the 9th Annual Meeting of the Biofeedback Foundation of Europe. (2005). Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 30(2), 151-80. doi:


Abstracts of Scientific Papers Presented at the 10th Anniversary Meeting of the Biofeedback Foundation of Europe

Erik Peper PhD,Monika FuhsinApplied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback(2006)

Abstracts of scientific papers presented at the 11th Annual Meeting of the Biofeedback Foundation of Europe. (2007). Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 32(3-4), 209-27. doi:

Abstracts of scientific papers presented at the 15th Annual Meeting of the Biofeedback Foundation of Europe. (2011). Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 36(4), 289-300. doi:

Abstracts of scientific papers presented at the 18th Annual Meeting of the Biofeedback Foundation of Europe. (2015). Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 40(4), 357-376. doi:



Annals of Behavioral Medicine(1995)


2006 Annual Meeting Supplement

Annals of Behavioral Medicine(2006)



Annals of Behavioral Medicine(2007)


Session Abstracts

Annals of Behavioral Medicine(2009)



Annals of Behavioral Medicine(2010)



Annals of Behavioral Medicine(2011)


SeminarsinAnnals of Behavioral Medicine(2013)


Abstracts 2014

Annals of Behavioral Medicine(2014)

Abstracts. (2010). Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 39, 1-232. doi:

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Abstracts. (2015). Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 49, 1-258. doi:

Abstracts. (2016). Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 50, 1-335. doi:


Posters, Internal and Emergency Medicine(2012)

ACL research retreat VI march 22-24, 2012 Greensboro, NC. (2012). Journal of Athletic Training, 47(5), E1-E12.

Anonymous. (2013). Seminars. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 45, 1-327. doi:

Andrasik, F. (2011). Abstracts of select papers presented at the 42nd annual meeting of the association for applied psychophysiology and biofeedback. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 36(3), 217-229. doi:

Eunethydis 1st international ADHD conference: From data to best clinical practice. (2010). European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 19, 5-91. doi:

Erik, P. F. (2006). Abstracts of scientific papers presented at the 10th anniversary meeting of the biofeedback foundation of europe. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 31(4), 339-63. doi:

International Academy of Cardiology 18th World Congress on Heart Disease Annual Scientific Sessions 2013. Vancouver, B.C., Canada, July 26-29, 2013. (2013). Cardiology, 125, 1-510. doi:

Malling, S. H., Cruz, R. F., Hervey, L., & Tantia, J. (2016). Abstracts from the 2015 research and thesis poster session of the 50th annual american dance therapy association conference. American Journal of Dance Therapy, 38(1), 139-150. doi:

Non-communicable disease epidemic: Epidemiology in action (EuroEpi 2013 and NordicEpi 2013). (2013). European Journal of Epidemiology, 28, 1-270. doi:

Scientific Abstracts. (2010). Journal of General Internal Medicine, 25, 205-567. doi:

Session abstracts. (2009). Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 37, 1-268. doi:

Society of General Internal Medicine 22nd Annual Meeting San Francisco, California April 29-may 1, 1999 abstracts. (1999). Journal of General Internal Medicine, 14, 5-222. doi:

Society of General Internal Medicine 23rd Annual Meeting Boston, Massachusetts May 4-6, 2000 abstracts. (2000). Journal of General Internal Medicine, 15, 1-13. doi:

Society of General Internal Medicine 24th Annual Meeting San Diego, California May 2-5, 2001. (2001). Journal of General Internal Medicine, 16, 23-233. doi:

Society of General Internal Medicine. (2011). Journal of General Internal Medicine, 26, 1-620. doi:

Strohmayer, A., & Libertto, M. P. (2004). Abstracts of papers presented at the 35th annual meeting of the association for applied psychophysiology and biofeedback. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 29(4), 289-312. doi:

Western Regional Meeting 2016, Carmel, California, January 28-30, 2016. (2016). Journal of Investigative Medicine, 64(1), 135. doi:


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Dynamics of the impulse activity of neurons of the neocortex of monkeys in a visual recognition task after brief oxygen deprivation

I. S. BreslavinNeuroscience and Behavioral Physiology(1996)

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Schuster, R. (2005). Why not chimpanzees, lions, and hyenas too? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 28(5), 716-717. Retrieved from

OUT OF TOPIC (n = 182)

Adam, M. T. P., Krämer, J., & Müller, M. B. (2015). Auction fever! How time pressure and social competition affect bidders' arousal and bids in retail auctions. Journal of Retailing, 91(3), 468-485. doi:


Chapter 4 European guidelines for the management of chronic nonspecific low back pain

O. Airaksinen,J. I. Brox,C. Cedraschi,J. Hildebrandt…inEuropean Spine Journal(2006)

Alappattu, M. J., Coronado, R. A., Lee, D., Bour, B., & George, S. Z. (2015). Clinical characteristics of patients with cancer referred for outpatient physical therapy. Physical Therapy, 95(4), 526-538. Retrieved from

Andrews, N. E., Strong, J., Meredith, P. J., & D'Arrigo, R.,G. (2014). Association between physical activity and sleep in adults with chronic pain: A momentary, within-person perspective. Physical Therapy, 94(4), 499-510. Retrieved from


Biology and therapy of fibromyalgia. New therapies in fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a chronic, musculoskeletal pain condition that predominately affects women. Although fibromyalgia is common and associated with substantial morbidity and disability, there are no US Food and Dr...

Lesley M ArnoldinArthritis Research & Therapy(2006)

Baker, A., Sirois-Leclerc, H., & Tulloch, H. (2016). The impact of long-term physical activity interventions for Overweight/Obese postmenopausal women on adiposity indicators, physical capacity, and mental health outcomes: A systematic review. Journal of Obesity, doi:

Balsam, P. D., & Drew, M. R. (2004). Learning theory, feed-forward mechanisms, and the adaptiveness of conditioned responding. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 27(5), 698. Retrieved from

Basevitch, I., Razon, S., Filho, E., Boiangin, N., Gutierrez, O., Braun, R., . . . Tenenbaum, G. (2013). The effect of olfactory ovulation cues on males' attention allocation and perception of exertion. Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 5(2), 5-21. Retrieved from

Bassett, D. (2000). Validity and reliability issues in objective monitoring of physical activity. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 71(2), 30-6. Retrieved from

Bates, M. E., Buckman, J. F., & Nguyen, T. T. (2013). A role for cognitive rehabilitation in increasing the effectiveness of treatment for alcohol use disorders. Neuropsychology Review, 23(1), 27-47. doi:


Proposal for a multiphase fall model based on real-world fall recordings with body-fixed sensors

Falls are by far the leading cause of fractures and accidents in the home environment. The current Cochrane reviews and other systematic reviews report on more than 200 intervention studies about fall preventi...

C. Becker,L. Schwickert,S. Mellone…inZeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie(2012)


Anxiety and depression in children and adolescents with sickle cell disease

A growing body of evidence suggests that depressive disorders and anxiety disorders are much more prevalent among medically ill children and adolescents when compared with the general population, and that the ...

Tami D. Benton,Judith A. Ifeagwu,Kim Smith-WhitleyinCurrent Psychiatry Reports(2007)

Bickerton, D. (2005). Language first, then shared intentionality, then a beneficent spiral. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 28(5), 691-692. Retrieved from


The sustainability ofVO2max: effect of decreasing the workload

The study examined the maintenance ofVO2maxusingVO2maxas the controlling variable instead of power. Therefore, ten subjects performed three exhaustive cycling exercise bouts: (1) an incremental test to determ...

Véronique Billat,Hélène Petot,Jason R. Karp…inEuropean Journal of Applied Physiology(2013)


Performance Parameters in Children and Adolescent Athletes

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Richard B. Birrer,Ronald LevineinSports Medicine(1987)

Bø, K., & Sherburn, M. (2005). Evaluation of female pelvic-floor muscle function and strength. Physical Therapy, 85(3), 269-82. Retrieved from


Test Anxiety: A Cross-Cultural Perspective

The present paper examines test anxiety from a cross-cultural perspective with specific reference to the Indian and American cultures. The construct of test anxiety has been examined in many cultures all over ...