Dr A Jagota MA

Dr U F Agbim EB

Dr J McFarlane JF

Elaine Aderaye – Practice Manager

Seema Jagota – Patient Liaison Officer

Topics raised at the meeting were as follows:

Introduction: Members were welcomed and the agenda of the meeting was distributed to everyone. Elaine introduced herself as the new Practice Manager, appointed in April and explained we also had two new receptionists, Carole and Vanessa.

‘Flu Clinics: It was explained that the influenza vaccine is now available and patients were being invited to attend. Although pharmacies are also offering the service, it would be safer to attend the surgery as full medical records can be accessed.

Did not Attend’s (DNAs):The problem of DNA’s was again discussed at the meeting. One of the reasons the surgery decided to trial the triage system for appointments was to rectify this issue. Unfortunately 60% of patients disliked the triage system.

Triage System:For 6 weeks, the practice trialled a new triage appointment system. This was suggested by the Calderdale Clinical Commissioning Group as a patient survey indicated that patients were finding access difficult. However, on further investigation, access at the surgery was good with patients being able to see a doctor within 2 weeks and in an emergency, they could were offered to sit and wait. Therefore the difficulty was only based on patient perception. Unfortunately, the new system proved unpopular with patientsas appointment availability was still problematic and patients were using the system inappropriately. Many patients rang simply to speak to a doctor.

Online Services: Elaine informed the group it was now a contractual requirement to increase the number of patients who were accessing online services. CA suggested there was a problem ordering medication in advance for the purpose of a holiday but Elaine explained any requests could be put in writing in the free text box.

To increase the usage of online services, a form was now included in new patient registration packs to fill in email details etc. and it was suggested that patients be registered for online services at the same time as registering with the surgery. CA suggested volunteering to help older people by providing them with basic instructions and answering any queries. She also said she would introduce the topic at the next Calderdale Health Forum to see if any other practices had any suggestions to increase online uptake. Elaine said she would look into this.

Citizens Advice Bureau:The group were told that the Citizen Advice Bureau was using a room in the surgery to see clients. If patients would like to access the service they had to arrange it through the CAB, the surgery is not able to provide appointments.

Surgery Carpark: The carpark is now locked overnight and the security lighting has been increased. This will hopefully keep the carpark cleaner and safer for patients as it becomes darker earlier during Winter.

The patients were thanked for their attendance and it was agreed that the next meeting would be a Thursday afternoon in February.