
Special Board Meeting, Wednesday, February 22, 2017 5:30PM

Meeting was called to order at 535PM

1.  Cindy Kneibel led the Opening Prayer

2.  Roll Call -

Present- Dorato, Schmidt, VanDriel, Thimmesch, Brechting, King, Leone, Veneklase, McGrath, Roth

Absent – Father Tony Russo, Diane Vermeesch,

Absent with Proxies provided to Bill Roth – Carol Blundy, Don Duba,

Sr Colleen Ann, Greg Meyer.

John Brechting (Facilities committee chair) reviewed the project budget and the bid process of the past 45 days. Four contractors submitted bids for the Academic Learning Center and Alumni Plaza projects. Two finalists were identified (Dan Vos Construction and Rockford Construction). Each revised their bids based on comments from the Facilities committee. John reviewed the revisions and deletions to the construction budget that the Facilities committee and contractors discussed. John indicated that the Facilities committee is recommending a $1.525M budget (estimated construction and soft costs for design) and is also recommending Rockford Contraction as general contractor. Finance committee reviewed and discussed the information on February 21 and concurs with the Facilities committee recommendation. Cindy reviewed the status of pledges and cash for the projects with the Board and indicated that after a reserve for uncollectible pledges and estimated interest cost on the loan from DOGR, that the available cash and pledges were sufficient to cover the revised project budget. DOGR will review cash and pledge detail in considering any loan to be provided to WCHS.

Approval of following motions approved by uniramous vote of those voting (moved by Brechting and second by Veneklase) for recommendation to DOGR of the following items

A.  Revised project budget

B.  Selection of genera1 contractor (Rockford Construction) and request of DOGR to enter into contract with Rockford.

C.  Approval ofWCHS seeking loan from DOGR for the project to be secured by pledges receivable specifically restricted for the projects and any unrestricted funds that have been allocated to the projects.

Cindy Kneibel will contact the appropriate persons at DOGR with respect to the above recommendations for their approval to move ahead with the projects.

Bill and Cindy also discussed process for approval of change orders and payment of general contractor which will include approval by chair of facilities and chair of finance committee in addition to approval of Cindy Kneibel.

Celebrate West Auction is April 21 at West. Cindy Kneibel indicated that a liquor license application needs to be submitted to the Michigan Liquor Control Commission (MLCC) and requires Board approval for seeking such license. Motion by Veneklase, second by King for approval of seeking liquor license for the 2017 Celebrate West auction in April. Uniramous approval of those voting. Information will be submitted to GR Catholic Secondary Schools business office for their processing and submission to the MLCC.


Closing Prayer by Lucian Leone at 6112PM

Minutes respectfully submitted by Bill Roth