Recording Transmittal / Release: 2.0
Technical Specification / Date: 7/5/2007

Recording Transmittal

Technical Specification

Release 2.0

Revision History

Date / Doc Version / Description / Author
2/7/2006 / 1.0 / Original Specification / Jon Bova
3/16/2006 / 1.1 / Adding Bank Name and Marital Status as 2 optional
Fields / Jon Bova
5/23/2006 / 1.2 / Updating with all the alternate customer fields and loan type / Jon Bova
6/9/2006 / 1.3 / Adding new columns to transmittal “Mortgagor” and
“Transaction Amount”. / Jon Bova
7/5/2007 / 2.0 / Adding new columns to transmittal for integration with the
CoreLogic process / Jon Bova

Table of Contents

Introduction 4

Purpose of a Transmittal 4

Transmittal Spreadsheet Specification 4

Transmittal Processing 6

Transmittal Error Processing 6

Post-Processing Return Spreadsheet 7


The purpose of this document is to outline the process by which a Recording client creates and transmits the Recording Transmittal to First American. Included are account setup considerations, field definitions, required/optional fields and a sample transmittal.

Purpose of a Transmittal

The purpose of the Recording Transmittal form is to provide a quality check in the recording process that allows First American to verify that all documents received are indeed the same as what our client intended to send. The transmittal is a tool to help First American and the client reach their goal of accuracy and accountability in document tracking. First American has automated the import of the transmittal spreadsheet to eliminate redundant keystrokes. The advantage of this approach is that it combines EDI functionality, using the Excel file as the transport mechanism, with a transmittal sheet that is easily understood by production employees. Many of our clients find it relatively easy to automate the creation of transmittal spreadsheet.

Transmittal Spreadsheet Specification

It is the client’s responsibility to create an Excel spreadsheet with only one worksheet containing one row per document they will be shipping to First American for processing. The worksheet’s first row is reserved for column headings and will be ignored by First American. The following table defines each column title, column position, description, and if it’s required.

Column Title / Column Position / Description / Required
Reference Number 1 / 1 / First Reference Number (normally Loan Number) / See Note A below
Reference Number 2 / 2 / Second Ref Number / See Note A below
Borrower First Name / 3 / The Primary Borrower’s first name
Borrower Middle Initial / 4 / The Primary Borrower’s middle initial
Borrower Last Name / 5 / The Primary Borrower’s last name / *
Co-Borrower First Name / 6 / The Co-Borrower’s first name
Co-Borrower Middle Initial / 7 / The Co-Borrower’s middle initial
Co-Borrower Last Name / 8 / The Co-Borrower’s last name
Street Address / 9 / The Street address on the document / *
City / 10 / The city on the document
State / 11 / The state on the document
Zip / 12 / The zip code on the document / *
County / 13 / The county on the document
Document Description / 14 / The full name description of the document type / *
Client Acct Identifier / 15 / The client’s unique account identifier / See Note B below
Is Returned Rejection / 16 / “Y”, “N” or blank…indicating if this document is a returned reject
Previous Order Number / 17 / If the client has title work done with FA and has the order number from the original title work, FA will associate the recording with the order.
FA Customer Number / 18 / The client’s customer number with FA / See Note B below
FA Branch Number / 19 / The client’s branch number with FA / See Note B below
Marital Status / 20 / The marital status of the borrower/coborrower
Alternate Customer Name / 21 / The name of the customer the FA customer is servicing
Alternate Customer Number / 22 / An Alternate indicator for the external customer
Alternate Customer Location / 23
Loan Type / 24 / “Purchase” or “Refinance”
Mortgagor / 25
Transaction Amount / 26
Recording Fee / 27 / Recording Fee to override ELS fee calculation
Recording Payable / 28
Torrens Indicator / 29
Payoff Date / 30
Compliance Date / 31

IMPORTANT NOTE: All columns MUST be in the spreadsheet or file, required fields marked above (as *) indicate that the DATA is required.

·  Note A: Each client can have unique reference values for Ref No 1 and Ref No 2. e.g., Reference Number 1 is normally the Loan Number. At least one reference number must be provided. FA will work with the client to determine what values should go in which column.

·  Note B: The client must provide either the:

a)  Client Acct Identifier. If this option is chosen: This is the Client’s way of identifying their OWN branches internally.

§  The client must provide FA with a list of branch identifiers and their associated descriptions. FA will then make the mapping from client identifier to FA branch.

b)  Both the FA Customer number and FA Branch number (when necessary)

§  Example ELS Account = 6175.100

·  FA Customer Number = 6175

·  FA Branch Number = 100

Transmittal Processing

  1. Client creates transmittal
  2. Client emails transmittal to pre-established, client specific, email address at First American

- The client must provide in the subject line:

·  Client Name

·  Date Document Package Shipped

  1. Client sends documents to First American via carrier
  2. FA verifies all documents are both on transmittal and in carrier package
  3. FA begins Recording process for documents
  4. FA emails the document list back the client, including the associated FA Order number with each document.

·  The outbound spreadsheet will go either to the inbound email address OR another email specified by the client at setup.

Transmittal Error Processing

  1. If the transmittal is missing a required field, FA will make every effort to manually determine the missing information either from the document or making contact with the client, in order to continue processing the document.
  2. If a document is not in the package, FA will indicate this in the spreadsheet produces in step 6 above. FA will also contact the client to determine how to proceed.

Post-Processing Return Spreadsheet

Once the transmittal has been processed, FA will produce an outbound spreadsheet to be returned to the client. It will include all original spreadsheet fields, plus the following fields appended to the end of each row:

Column Title / Column Position / Description
FA OrderNo / 23 / The FA Order number associated to this document
Transmittal Batch No / 24 / The unique batch number generated for this transmittal
Added by F.A. / 25 / An indicated, ‘X’, that this document was not on the original transmittal
Error? / 26 / “Yes”,”No”
Note / 27 / Any notes FA would like to return to the client pertaining to this document.
ÓFirst American Title Insurance Company / Page 5 of 7