Drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco


What is a drug?__Any substance that causes a change in the mind or body. __

A drug may be taken: Orally, Contact, Snorting, Inhaling, Injecting

What causes a drug to be considered legal or illegal?

- when it’s usefulness is outweighed by the hard it causes to society a drug is deemed legal.

Legal drugs or _medicine_

1. Prescriptions -__doctors written permission to purchase a drug.___

2. _Over the Counter_- (OTC) safe enough for purchase by anyone without a prescription

Illegal drugs- Forbidden by law for sale, use or possession.

Drug use concepts:

  1. Drug Abuse: _Using any drug for reasons other than medical use. _
  2. _Drug Misuse:_ using a legal drug other than the way it was intended.
  3. Chief Effect:_The physical/mental change for which a drug is taken.___
  4. _Side Effect:_ any different, unknown, or undesirable reaction to a drug.
  5. Tolerance: _The body develops a resistance to the drug and more is needed for the same effect.
  6. _Withdrawl:__ physical symptoms of discomfort a user feels when use of the drug is discontinued. May be severe (death)

Stages of Drug Abuse

1. Experimentation: _Users are curious about the effects._

2. _Occasional:_ Associate the drug with certain events or social situations.

3. Regular Use: _ Taking the drug to feel the effect. To escape.___

( psychological dependence )

4. _Addiction:_ Abuses to avoid discomfort of withdrawal ( Physical dependence )

Drugs are categorized by the effects they have on the body

  1. Stimulants :_ Speed up body functions. _
  2. Depressants: _ Slow down body functions.__
  3. Hallucinogens:_ Distorts users perception of reality. __
  4. Narcotics:_ Painkillers. Highly addictive. __
  5. Steroids:_ Muscle enhancers. __
  6. Designer Drugs:_ Man made drugs. Stimulants, Depressants, Hallucinogens.
  7. Inhalants: __ Everyday household items used to get high. Most fatal upon first use.

Psychological Dependence:_Emotional need for the drug. Brain tell user they thinks they needs more.

Physical Dependence: _The body physically craves the drug. Chemical changes in the body. Need the drug for everyday living.__



Slows down the body processes

  1. ALCOHOL:3 types
  2. Ethanol- Alcohol found in beer, wine, and hard liquor
  • Produced by FERMENTATION- the process by which yeast changes sugar into CO2 and alcohol. This process creates carbonated beverages (beer, wines)
  • DISTILLATION- a process in which fermented liquids are evaporated and cooled back down into liquids. This process creates liquors which have higher percentages of alcohol. (Whiskey, Vodka).
  1. Methyl Alcohol- Non-drinkable, very toxic, can be fatal or cause blindness if taken internally…..(Paint thinner)
  1. Denatured- “rubbing alcohol” non-drinkable.


  • Dehydrate people
  • They are fermented
  • They are distilled
  • They are derived from fruits or grains
  • Intoxicating effect

* PROOF – The amount of alcohol in hard liquor….Proof is 2x’s the percent of alcohol.

Example: 40% alcohol =_ 80 proof___

___45% alcohol___= 90 proof

15% alcohol = ____30 proof____


Alcohol is somewhat a social rite of passage in American culture. It is very obtainable and accessible.

About 1/3 of American adults do NOT drink at all. What are some reasons why they don’t?

* They want to keep a clear head* Alcoholism * Pregnancy

* Stay alert* Don’t want to gain weight* Avoid drunkenness

* Family Tragedy* Performance level* Don’t like the taste

What are some reasons why people choose to drink alcohol?

1. __Don’t like the taste___2. ___It’s fun______3. ___Peer Pressure______

4. __Alcoholics______5. __Media Images______6. ___To Socialize______

7. __Forget things______8. __Mask Bad Feelings______9. ______

Which of the following types of alcohol will make you most intoxicated in one hour?

12ounces of beer5ounces of wine1.5 ounce shot or a 5ounce mixed drink

*all the same

Intoxication-State of being drunk

Blood Alcohol Content- The level of alcohol in your blood. (.08 is the legal limit)

Factors that influence the rate of intoxication:

  1. The Drinker
  2. Body Weight – women are smaller than men on average, more fat tissue than men, men have more muscle tissues.
  3. Emotional – mood of the drinker
  4. Tolerance – body builds a resistance to the drug
  1. Concentration of the alcohol – how strong is the drink
  2. Rate of drinking – how fast is the alcohol drank
  3. Amount of food in the stomach – “Sponge Effect”
  4. Non-alcoholic substances in alcoholic beverages – mixers (pop, soda, juice)
  5. Surroundings – Environment (comfortable or not)

Oxidation Rate:

1 drink per hour (.02 BAC) processed by the liver

- the liver oxidizes alcohol into WASTE and WATER + CO2 at a fixed rate.

- this rate is __1 drink___ or __1.5 ounces___ an hour.

TIME!!!! This is the ONLY way to reduce the level of alcohol in the bloodstream.


The liver breaks down fats, that is it’s job. Alcohol keeps the liver from breaking down the fats as well as it should. This causes fat to collect in the liver. The combination of excess fat and alcohol causes the liver cells to die. Scar tissue forms in the liver and it starts to fail. This is called ___Cirrhosis ____. It is the 6th leading cause of death in the United States.

What is a hangover?__The unpleasant after effects of drinking alcohol. Caused by dehydration.

Types of Drinkers:

  1. Social Drinker: Periodic drinker who drinks responsibly. Doesn’t drink to get drunk.
  2. Regular/Heavy Drinker: Psychologically addicted. Drink to handle stress but can’t stop with good reason or desire to. 1/3 if all problem drinkers progress to alcoholism.
  3. Alcoholics: Addicted to alcohol. One who’s drinking interferes with daily life.

This person will experience nausea/vomiting/hallucinations without a certain level of alcohol in the blood (withdrawal).

ALCOHOLISM: Repeated, excessive indulgence in which a person had become dependant on alcohol. It interferes with employment, school, relationships, and family. A person cannot control their drinking.

RECOVERY: Can alcoholism be cured???? _No cure. Always recovering.__


  1. Detoxification: Treat the physical damage. Removal of alcohol from the body using isolation.
  2. Psychotherapy:Changing the way you think about alcohol
  3. Behavior Modification: Change behavior by associating it with unpleasant results.
  4. Aversion Therapy:any technique of behavior modification that uses unpleasant stimuli in a controlled fashion to alter behavior. (antabuse)
  1. Support Groups: Alcoholics/Family and Friends
  2. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA): Uses a voluntary support group format to help recovering alcoholics.
  3. Ala-Non: The family of alcoholics
  4. Alateen: The children on alcoholics

Alcohol and the Law

In New YorkState the legal drinking age is 21 Why?

In New YorkState the legal limit for drinking and driving is ___.08____ which means milligrams(mg) of ethanol in each milliliter(ml) of blood.

.01-.049 OK under law to drive

.05-.079 DWAI (driving while ability impaired)

.08 DWI (driving while intoxicated)

Who is held responsible? Driver is responsible for the passengers

Bartenders/Bouncers are responsible for patrons

Home owner is responsible for party guests


  1. Barbiturates- Prescription depressants

* Medical use: Insomnia, anxiety, tension, high blood pressure.

* Causes: Sedation, effects mimics those of intoxication

2. Tranquilizers- Ketamine (special K) “CLUB DRUG”

* Medical use: Veterinary and institutional Ketamine

* Causes: Slow nerve activity, lowers alertness, relaxes muscles, slows reaction time.

3. Rohypnol – “Date Rape Drug” “CLUB DRUG”

* Medical use: Muscle relaxation. Sold Legally in South America

* Causes: Total muscle relaxation; diminished mental ability


Extreme psychoactive drugs that cause the user to distort the things they

see, hear, and feel (inside and out).

  1. LSD (Lysergic Acid Diethylamide): “acid”
  2. LSD has no taste or color…dogs can be trained to smell LSD
  3. Users experience a “trip”
  4. May experience rapid mood swings, anxiety, fear, delusions, paranoia which can last up to 12 hours! Usually taken in the form of blotter paper characters (hits), as a liquid either injected or into a drink, or even in the form of eye drops.
  5. Rebound effects: Flashbacks
  1. PCP (phencyclidine): “angel dust” usually smoked in a joint. Developed as an anesthetic.
  2. VERY dangerous and unpredictable. Can cause violent rages and thoughts of death. User can develop severe mood disorders, suicide attempts. Large doses can cause a feeling of superpower and strength.


PCP was first tested after World War I as a surgical anaesthetic. Because of its adverse side-effects, it was shelved until the 1950s, tried to resurface again as a veternary aid, but shelved again.Although the primary psychoactive effects of the drug only last hours, total elimination from the body is prolonged, typically extending over weeks.

  1. Peyote is a hallucinogenic cactus
  2. It has mescaline in itwhich creates an effect similar to LSD. Illusions and hallucinations may last from 5-12 hours.


Peyote is illegal in the United States unless it is being used in a "bonafide religious ceremony". Peyote has been used for centurues among tribes in religious ceremonies to “trigger states of deep introspection and insight that have been described as being of a metaphysical or spiritual nature”.

  1. Psilocybin: Active psychoactive chemical in psiloybe mushrooms “magic”.
  2. Effects of psilocybin are comparable to LSD, but last for a shorter time, although intensity and duration vary depending on dosage.
  3. Effects begin 20-45 minutes after ingestion of psilocybin-containing mushrooms, and last from 2-6 hours depending on dose, species, and individual metabolism.


(cannabis sativa)

Marijuana is a stimulant, depressant, and hallucinogen.

As a stimulant creates effects such as: nervousness, talkative, giddy, increased appetite

As a depressant creates effects such as: mellowness, euphoria, passive, burn-out

As a hallucinogen creates effects such as: distortions in sight, sound and touch

THC (tetrahydrocannibinol) is the active ingredient in marijuana. Levels of THC vary in each plant – can range from 1% THC to 20% THC. Due to technology.

Selective cultivation/Hydroponics: Due to these new technologies the marijuana in 2006 is much more dangerous than in the 1960’s.

While previously believed to be a “mildly intoxicating” drug, marijuana is becoming more and more dangerous. When it is smoked it’s effects are felt within minutes, peak is in 30 minutes and may linger for 4 hours. The “new” marijuana has created a rebound effect called “amotivational syndrome” that steals an abusers desires and interests. “Burn-out”

The following states have legalized marijuanafor medical uses: Alaska, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Vermont and Washington. Arizona has some similar laws. Used for the painful side effects of cancer and AIDS treatment. THC in the product Marinol has been used for years in the treatment of glaucoma.

See effects on page 26


Very strong painkillers that are derived from opium or synthetic substances.

Medically: taken orally or intravenously

As a drug of abuse: it can be smoked, injected, snorted, inserted under the skin “skin popping”.

Physical Effects:

* Decreased heart rate* Relief of pain

* Decreases breathing* Decreases brain activity

* Decreased reaction time* Numbing effect

  1. Opium- Not much abuse of Opium in the US
  2. Obtained from the unripe seed pods of the opium poppy
  3. Most imported Opium is broken down into Codeine and Morphine
  1. Morphine- One of the most effective drugs known for the relief of pain. 10x’s stronger than opium.
  2. Addiction and dependance develop quickly
  3. The word "morphine" is derived from Morpheus, the god of dreams in Greek mythology. He is the son of Somnus, god of sleep.
  1. Heroin- synthesized from opium. Called; gear, diesel, smack, B, skag, Bobby, black tarr, horse, junk, jenny, brown, brown sugar, dark, Dope and H.
  2. 2-3x’s stronger than morphine.
  3. Pure heroin is in a white powder and bitter to the taste, Can range from white powder to dark brown depending on purity and consistency.
  4. Can be snorted but usually injected.

Opium HeroinPoppy Field


Fumes from a wide variety of products that are inhaled for a temporary high

Major Effects of Inhalants:

  • Headaches
  • Kidney/Liver failure
  • Lead poisoning
  • Impaired vision
  • Slowed thought process
  • Death

Upon the FIRST time using inhalants:

  • Seizures
  • Brain Damage
  • Unconsciousness
  • Death
  • SSD – Sudden sniffing death


(anabolic) synthetic form of the male hormone testosterone

Used to treat breast cancer, anemia

Taken in “cycles” and administered orally or injected into large muscle groups

Negative effects of steroids:

Females: facial hair, irregular menstrual cycle, enlarged clitoris, deepening voice

Males: reduced sperm count, testicular shrinkage, infertility, baldness, development

of breasts

Signs of steroid abuse

* Red skin

* Sweating

* Skin blemishes

* Hair loss

* Rapid weight gain

* Rapid body bulking

* “Roid” Rage

See more side effects on page 23