ON MONDAY 4th January 2016 AT 8PM

In attendance:

Cllrs L Pidgeon, Chair
D Barnes
S Horner
A Long
S Parris / Cllrs N Randle
C Stone
A Wiggins
P Diviani (DC)
A Moulding (CC)
Vanessa Smith (Clerk & RFO) / Nine members of the public.
1 / Apologies
Apologies were received from Cllr Tomkinson who had business in London.
2 / Declarations of Interest
No declarations were received.
3 / To Receive a Report from PCSO Phil Anning/PC Clive Vickery
No report received.
4 / To Confirm the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on September 7th 2015
Cllr Stone asked that the minutes be altered to say he had not attended the highways walk.
5 / Reports on Ongoing Activities of the Council
d / Affordable Housing
Cllr Horner reported that there had been a very useful and positive first meeting and the working party would like to recommend to the Parish Council that they go forward to form a CLT. There would be more opportunity for more, including younger villagers to join the working party at a later stage. Cllr Horner said the work load had been examined and was happy to take it on. At the next meeting Shelah Fearnley from Cory Vale and Steve Watson from the CLT are to take group through the formation documents. Cllr Diviani indicated the Jeff Poole in Beer is moving down this route, but things may change in next 2/3 months. The Parish Council voted unanimously by a show of hands for the working party to go ahead with the formation of a Community Land Trust for Yarcombe.
Neighbourhood Plan
Input was received from Tim Spurway at EDDC and he reported that it was a good looking document. However, policy needs to be changed re the Pub, and additional policy on the housing policy. After one more meeting it will be brought to PC, and then launch it to community. Cllr Pidgeon congratulated the team on their work.
First Aid Course
Waiting to hear back about availability of Jubilee Hall.
Parishes Together Funding
Deadline is 12th February. Clerk to contact Stockland Clerk about submitting the application. As we have our project, Cllr Moulding indicated there was no need to attend Axminster meeting on 6th January.
6 / Open Session for Public Participation
The main issue raised by the public was the state of the roads since the storm in particular from Croakham to Knapp Farm, and at the T junction 150ft had been washed away. Cllr Moulding to take this up with Nick Randle of Devon Highways. Some areas in Yarcombe the road had almost been washed away. Drain from Knapp Farm to Hoemoor Farm blocked and Pitthayne down to Crisslands Cottage. Cllr Moulding to follow up.
7 / a
b / Clerks Report
For Action
BHPN Questionnaire -Mainly completed, Cllr Long and Randle to complete part on planning.
BHPN – re joining. Cllr Horner is Blackdown Hills Rep. Parish Council do not wish to join BHPN.
Letter re Queens Birthday – suggested a comment was put in the Voices to see if there is any community interest in celebrating this.
Community Bus Service – to see if there was some interest in trying to revive a bus service between Churchingford and Yarcombe, but felt not very successful.
Devon Air Ambulance Trust – the Parish Council expressed interest of offering land for local landing areas. Suggestions included the Tennis Court, Terrier Racing Field and area near the cemetery. Clerk to put note in Voices report and contact Devon Air Ambulance for more details.
For Information
Parishes Online – we get email reports but do not wish to sign up.
EDDC email re recruiting for Polling Station staff for Police and Crime Commissioner Election 2016. Suggested Cllr Tomkinson maybe interested. Cllr Diviani indicated that if Devolution happens then this would change as we would have a Mayor.
8 / a
b / Finance
Payments were approved and made in line with the following schedule:
Date / Payee / Details of Payment / Chq No / Amount
4.1.16 / Vanessa Smith / Clerks Salary 3 months / 476 / 671.58
4.1.16 / DALC / Course attended and book bought / 477 / 108.94
4.1.16 / SLCC / Membership fee, shared with Monkton / 478 / 51.50
4.1.16 / Vanessa Smith / Re Staples Filing Cabinet / 479 / TBA
4.1.16 / Brian Smith / Rent for Post Office / 480 / 60
4.1.16 / Lesley Pidgeon / Chairman Expenses / 481 / 90
4.1.16 / Tony Long / Planning Expenses / 482 / 45
Filing Cabinet
Fireproof filing cabinets are £700+, so Clerk to look into getting fireproof box for old sets of minutes.
Budget finalised, affordable housing £500 changed from pub possible expenses and Precept Forms completed ready for sending off.
9 / a / To Hear Reports from Individual Councillors, District and County Councillors
Cllr Barnes with Cllr Moulding had checked roads in his area. Water running down Four Elms to Waterhayne. Roads also bad in Dennington Lane.
Cllr Pidgeon inquired whether the screen had been returned. It had.
10 / Parish Paths
Cllr Tomkinson not here to report, but Cllr Long indicated that Green Lane was “mucky” and he was enquiring into who owns this land.
Cllr Horner indicated there was no requirement to make styles suitable for dogs. Gates maybe an alternative but not always suitable. Cllr Horner to speak to Cllr Tomkinson about possible EDDC funding for gates.
11 / Highway Matters
d / Police Report on Accidents
Cllr Wiggins responded on the list of accidents we had received. Concerned if they represented accurate picture as guidelines change all the time as to what is reported. Cllr Wiggins to look into legislation and to look into Traffic Island guidelines. Cllr Moulding indicated it was unlikely Yarcombe would get speed bumps and referred to the situation in Seaton where costs were prohibitive. It was questioned that if this was a 30mph road why couldn’t speed bumps be put in.
Stopgate road closed for repairs to drain which was damaged when fibre optic cable inserted.
Much of report referred to earlier ie re Dennington Lane. Brian Anning said he would be repairing the damage to the public highway when the tip fees had been paid. Also sign on other side of the road still green. Watchford Farm – Dave Black to be contacted re planning situation as road has been destroyed by the vast amounts of lorries coming to and fro. Cllr Moulding and Diviani to look into.
Highway Log
Two locations/items were raised one being a report and photos re Moorhayne Lane and these were to be emailed to Councillor Moulding at his request. A copy was also emailed to the Clerk.
Highways Questionnaire
Completed. Main problem highlighted was lack of communication between Highways and Parishes and this is to be added onto comment on questionnaire return.
12 / Planning
Ref: No 15/2884/FUL and Ref No 15/2845/LBC – Grovelands Yarcombe Honiton – Supported
Cllr Long mentioned about future situation going paperless and request to look into A3 printer. Cllr Diviani indicated there maybe funds for this. Clerk to forward email from Nick Wright re grants to help when EDDC go paperless.
13 / To confirm date of next meeting
Monday 1st February 2016, 8.30pm, following Councillor training at 7.30pm.
Close of Meeting 9.40 pm

