Dora Kennedy French Immersion

A. District Tests

●SMI: Scholastic Math Inventory /online, 2nd to 8th grade, 3 times a year, 1 hour

What is it? is a “computer-adaptive” math. Test. The computer software automatically monitors the response to every question and therefore “adapts” to the student’s ability). You learn about your grade level and progress you make during school year

• SRI: Scholastic Reading Inventory/on paper (this year) and online (next year), 2nd to 8th grade, 3times a year, 1 hour & half

What is it?

The SRI is a “computer-adaptive” reading comprehension test that– assesses student reading levels (Lexile), – tracks students' growth over time, – matches readers to text and– helps guide instruction.

•FAST: Formative Assessment System Tests-Science for 5th and 8th grade , twice a year, on paper, 2 hours

What is it?

This test measures students' progress in learning in order to determine how and what to teach them has been around at least 40 for 40 years.

DRA: The Developmental Reading Assessment. Online Data capture, for K-2nd grade ,3 times a year, 1 hour

What is it?

DRA is an individually administered assessment of a child's reading capabilities. It is a tool to be used by instructors to identify a student’s reading level, accuracy, fluency, and comprehension for K-2nd grade

● PSAT: Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test, for 8th grade only, once a year, 2 hours & 1/2

What is it?

The PSAT is a test that your reading and math skills and it will help you and your teachers figure out what you need to work on most so that you’re ready for college when you graduate from high school

STAMP TEST: Standards-Based Measurement of Proficiency Test, online for 8th grade only, once a year, 2 hours

What is the STAMP?

--An online test designed to find out what you can DO with a language (reading, writing, and speaking).

--A series of test items based on real-world, every-day situations and written by native speakers.

--A Standards-based Measurement of Proficiency using levels of proficiency defined by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL).

OLSAT (Otis-Lennon School Ability Test), for 1st and 3rd grade students, 1 hour & 1/2

What is it?

OLSAT is a multiple choice test commonly used in the U.S. to identify gifted children. Schools often use the OLSAT as a tool for admission into schools and programs for gifted and talented children. It’s a “puzzle” test. The OLSAT assesses a student's cognitive (e.g.,verbal, nonverbal and quantitative)abilities that relate to his or her academic success providing educators with invaluable information in order to enhance insights gained from traditional achievement tests

● SLO: Student Learning Objectives for K to 8th grade, 1 hour

What is it?

SLOs are measurable instructional goals established for a specific group of students over a set period of time. SLOs serve as one of the measures of student growth for the State Teacher Evaluation model and may represent 30% - 50% of the evaluation.

B. State tests

● Access Test: Assessing Communication and Comprehension in English State to State, it’s for English Language Learners, K to 8th grade, 2 hours & 1/2


It is a large-scale test that first and foremost addresses the English language development standards. It does test listening, reading, speaking and writing skills.

PARCC: Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers for 3rd to 8th grade online, once a year, 3 hours

What are PARCC tests?

The PARCC tests measure whether students are meeting new, higher academic standards and are mastering the knowledge and skills they need to progress in their K-12 education and beyond. These tests capture more complex skills like critical-thinking, persuasive writing, and problem-solving – skills that were not measured on previous state tests. Scores may look different on this new test compared to previous assessments. Low scores do not mean students are learning less. Instead, low scores mean the tests have changed and the state has asked students to meet a higher bar.

Maryland School Assessment for 5th & 8th graders once a year, 2 hours

What is it?

The Maryland School Assessment (MSA) is a test of science achievement that meets the testing requirements of the federal No Child Left Behind Act. The test is given each year in March. Scores from the MSA andother state tests are posted on the Web at Sample test items are available on

●KRA: Kindergarten Readiness Assessment for K students only, once a year, 1 hour

What is it?

The KRA will provide parents, teachers, and early childhood providers with a common understanding of what children know and are able to do upon entering school.