1.Pray for our Diocesan Bishop, the Right Rev. Charlie Mastersand Judy, AMMiC Bishop, the Right Rev. Stephen Leung and Nona, Area Bishop (BC to Manitoba), the Right Rev. Trevor Walters, Episcopal Vicar & Founding Diocesan Bishop, the Right Rev. Donald Harvey, and Assisting Bishops, the Right Rev. Malcolm Harding and the Right Rev. Ronald Ferris, for God’s abiding presence wherever their assignment takes them.

2.Maundy Thursday – AMMiC clergy renew ordination vows, that they may be inspired by God’s love and empowered by the Holy Spirit to serve God and His people with joy. Evening gathering to remember Jesus’ Last Supper – GS(South Asian) Calgary, GS Vancouver, at a Seder Meal – St Matthias and St Luke Church.

3.Good Friday – Meditation on the Cross of Jesus. [Good Shepherd (South Asian) Calgary 10pm to 1am]

4.For persecuted Christians around the world, especially Christian women in Islamic countries.

5.Easter/Day of Resurrection – Jesus Christ is risen! The strife is over! The battle done! The victory of life is won! Hallelujah! Pray for all congregations, especially Church of Good Shepherd (South Asian), Calgary, as they worship at sunrise at 5am, that we all be filled with Easter joy. Pray also for all to be baptized today.

6.For AMMiC Clergy – The Rev. Anson Ann, the Rev. Esther Ann Beaulieu, the Rev. Timothy Fong, the Rev. Robert Gomowad, the Rev. William John, the Rev. Marion Karasiuk, the Rev. Paul Leung, the Rev. Tom Lo, the Rev. John McIllmurray, the Rev. Wilson Nazim, the Rev. Emmanuel Sadarak, the Rev. Phillip Soh, the Rev. Melvin Tai, the Rev. Eric Thurston, the Rev. Shihoko Warren – Pray for spiritual and physical protection and much grace for our clergy, their spouses & families.

7.Pray for Dean Archie and Caron as they go on a visit to Christ the Redeemer, Toronto, April 7-8 – for travel safety and fruitful visit.

8.For Bethel South Asian Anglican Network Church, Brampton, ON – for the people and the Rev. Wilson Nazim.

9.For the Church of All Nations (Japanese), Vancouver, BC – Pray for the people and Rev. Shihoko Warren, Wardens, Mr. & Mrs. Okazaki, core leaders Ken Warren, Yuko and Lanny Liew and Hisako Wake as they start weekly worship services for both Japanese and English speaking people. Pray for the `Fukushima Art Exhibits`to be held in Regent College.

10.For Church of Christ the Redeemer, (Multicultural) Toronto, ON – the Rev. Melvin Tai, the Rev. John McIllmurray, Warden, Diana Man and leaders Gina Lee and Poh Wee Koh, for unity in spirit, vision for God’s Kingdom, endurance in hardship and faith in God for the unknown.

11.For Church of the Redeemer, Dauphin, Manitoba, - the Rev. Esther Ann Beaulieu in her reaching out and ministry to the people of the First Nations.

12.AMMiC staff & volunteers – Ministry Co-ordinator, Nona Leung (part-time), Web Master, Alvin Ng (part-time), and the in-coming Children’s Ministry Director, Valerie Yiu, for strength for the tasks, faithfulness in service and joy in the Lord.

13.For Emmanuel Anglican Church, Boston, MA – Praise God for providing a venue for this Church plant. Pray that Evangelist Carmen Mei and core leaders Dennis and Jacqueline Pang will remain faithful to God that they and the people will continue to grow in faith and walk closely with God all their lives.

14.Anglican Network Church of the Good Shepherd (South Asian), Calgary, AB – the people and the Rev. William John.

15.For the Rev. Philip Soh and Wai Lin on vacation in Singapore April 15 to May 8, 2015 – pray for refreshment and enjoyment of God’s grace.

16.For the Anglican Network Church of the Good Shepherd (Cantonese), Calgary, AB – Pray for the congregation as they mature in faith and share God’s good news with people around them.

17.For the Anglican Network Church of the Good Shepherd, (Cantonese) Richmond, BC – Pray for the Rev. Paul Leung, assistant Priest and congregation.

18.Forthe Chinese translation committee on ACNA liturgy for Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer and Holy Communion. The work is in its final editing before printing by the end of April.

19.For the Anglican Network Church of the Good Shepherd, Vancouver, BC – Pray for the Rt. Rev. Stephen Leung (Rector), the Rev. Philip Soh (Associate Priest), the Rev. Anson Ann (Assistant Priest), the Rev. Eric Thurston (Part-time Assistant), the Very Rev. Dr. Archie Pell (Hon Assistant), Isabella Shen (Evangelist), Astor Lam (Evangelist), Nona Leung (Part-time Evangelist) for joy and strength in the Lord’s work.

20.For the Anglican Network Church of the Holy Trinity (Filipino), Edmonton, AB – the Rev. Robert Gomowad and the congregation.

21.For St. John`s (South Sudanese), Surrey, BC – Pray for the people and the Rev. Emmanuel Sadarak, Wardens, Joseph Taban and Scholastic Sadia, leaders Velma Kiden, Benjamin Wani, John Lodu, Fouad Haf and Caron Pell. Pray also for South Sudan.

22.Pray for Dean Archie and Caron, on vacation until May 20 – for rest and renewal, spiritually and physically.

23.For St. Matthias and St. Luke Church, Vancouver, BC – the people and the Rev. Timothy Fong, Wardens Edward Chan & Johnny Leung and the new Board of Directors & Parish Council members. Pray for unity and a hunger for a deeper relationship with God.

24.Pray for the planning committee of the 2015 AMMiC Conference on Two-generations Leadership to be held in mid October. Pray that the organization work will proceed smoothly.

25.For AMMiC Board of Directors and Council – Pray for wisdom and servant hearts as they seek God’s will for AMMiC, and to experience His joy.

26.The 2015 Missions Trip – August 30 to September 10, 2015, Thailand – that God calls out His team to minister to the youths of the displaced people along the Thai border.

27.For the 2015 Diocesan Synod – October 20-23 in Vancouver, hosted by GSVan. Pray for God's grace and wisdom upon Revds Philip Soh, Anson Ann, the Wardens {William Tse, Eric Law}, Alice Au & Joyce Ng and the sub-committees in all planning discussions, especially the four areas of Worship & Liturgy, Facility & Logistics, Administration and Food & Beverage alongside ANiC Canon Paul Donison for this Diocesan Synod event.

28.For the publication of AMMiC Two Generations Conference papers, in the final stage of compilation and scheduled printing in April 2015. The conference proceedings of the Marc h 2011 and June 2012 conferences held at Regent College, Vancouver ,BC will be published. Pray that this will benefit North American Asian Churches in two generation leadership. Up coming conference to be held in October 2015.

29.For the AMMiC Mini-Conference to be held May 26 to 28, 2015 at the AMMiC Centre, focusing mainly on fellowship with each other, while also addressing the issues of euthanasia and reduction of conflict.

30.For all outreach ministries – GSV TGIF at GSVan, GSR outreach potluck dinner at the AMMiC Centre.