Ian Cooper

School of Physics, University of Sydney



Demonstration mscript evaluating the integral of functions of the form f(x,y) using a two-dimensional form of Simpson’s 1/3 rule. The code can be changed to integrate functions between the specified lower and upper bounds.


Function to give the integral of a functionf(x,y) using a two-dimensional form of Simpson’s 1/3 rule. The format to call the function is

Ixy = simpson2d(f,ax,bx,ay,by)



The function simpson2d.m is a very versatile , accurate and easy to implement function that can be used to evaluate a definite integral of a function f(x,y) between lower bounds and an upper bounds .

We want to compute a number expressing the definite integral of the function f(x,y) between two specific limits (ax,bx) and (ay, by)

The evaluation of such integrals is often called quadrature.

We can estimate the value a double integral by a two-dimensional version of Simpson’s 1/3 rule.

Simpson’s 1/3 rule

This rule is based on using a quadratic polynomial approximation to the function f(x) over a pair of partitions. N-1 is the number of partitions where N must be odd and

x h = (b – a) / (N-1). The integral is expressed below and is known as the composite Simpson’s 1/3 rule.

Simpson’s rule can be written vector form as

where .

c and f are row vectors and fT is a column vector.

Simpson’s [2D] method

The double integral

can be approximated by applying Simpson’s 1/3 rule twice – once for the x integration and once for the y integration with N partitions for both the x and y values.



The lower and upper bounds determine the size of the partitions

The Nx-values and Ny-values form a two-dimensional grid of NxN points. The function f(x,y) and the two-dimensional Simpson’s coefficients are calculated at each grid point. Hence, the function f(x,y) and the two-dimensional Simpson’s coefficients can be represented by NxN matrices F and S respectively.

The Simpson matrix S for N = 5 is

1 x 1 = 1 / 4 x 1 = 4 / 2x1 = 2 / 4x1 = 4 / 1x1 = 1
1 x 4 = 4 / 4 x 4 = 16 / 2x4 = 4 / 4x4 = 16 / 1x4 = 1
1 x 2 = 8 / 4 x 2 = 8 / 2x2 = 4 / 4x2= 8 / 1x2 = 1
1 x 4 = 4 / 4 x 4 = 16 / 2x4 = 4 / 4x4 = 16 / 1x4 = 1
1 x 1 = 1 / 4 x 1 = 4 / 2x1 = 2 / 4x1 = 4 / 1x1 = 1

Therefore, the two-dimensional Simpson’s rulewhich is used to estimate the value of the surface integral can be expressed as

The two-dimensional Simpson’s coefficient matrix S for N = 9 is

1 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 1

4 16 8 16 8 16 8 16 4

2 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 2

4 16 8 16 8 16 8 16 4

2 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 2

4 16 8 16 8 16 8 16 4

2 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 2

4 16 8 16 8 16 8 16 4

1 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 1

We will consider a number of examples which demonstrates how to apply the two-dimensional Simpson’s rule using the mscript math_integration_2D.m.

Example 1 integrate x: 0  2 and y: 1  5


The exact value of the integral can be found analytically and its value is 416. So we can compare the numerical estimate with the known exact value.

Steps in estimating the integral numerically using math_integration_2D.m and simpson2d.m

  • Clear all variables, close any Figure Windows and clear the Command Window:

clear all

close all


  • Enter the number of partitions (must be an odd number), and the lower and upper bounds for x and y and calculate the range for the x and y values

num = 5;

xMin = 0;

xMax = 2;

yMin = 1;

yMax = 5;

x = linspace(xMin,xMax,num);

y = linspace(yMin,yMax,num);

  • This is a two-dimensional problem, so we need to specify the values (x,y) at all grid points which are determined from the upper and lower bounds. We can do this using the Matlab command meshgrid. We can then calculate the value of the function f(x,y) at each grid point (x,y).

[xx yy] = meshgrid(x,y);

f = xx.^2 .* yy.^3;

To show how the meshgrid functions works, see figure (1) and the outputs of the variables x, y, xx, yy and f that were displayed in the Command Window and the Simpson’s [2D] coefficients calculated with the function simpson2d.m.

x = 0 0.5000 1.0000 1.5000 2.0000

xx =

0 0.5000 1.0000 1.5000 2.0000

0 0.5000 1.0000 1.5000 2.0000

0 0.5000 1.0000 1.5000 2.0000

0 0.5000 1.0000 1.5000 2.0000

0 0.5000 1.0000 1.5000 2.0000

y = 1 2 3 4 5

yy =

1 1 1 1 1

2 2 2 2 2

3 3 3 3 3

4 4 4 4 4

5 5 5 5 5

f =

0 0.2500 1.0000 2.2500 4.0000

0 2.0000 8.0000 18.0000 32.0000

0 6.7500 27.0000 60.7500 108.0000

0 16.0000 64.0000 144.0000 256.0000

0 31.2500 125.0000 281.2500 500.0000

Fig. 1. The grid points for N = 5 and how these points relate to the Matlab matrices.

  • Calculate the Simpson [2D] coefficients

% evaluates two dimension Simpson coefficients ------

sc = 2*ones(num,1);

sc(2:2:num-1) = 4;

sc(1) = 1;

sc(num) = 1;

scx = meshgrid(sc,sc);

scxy = ones(num,num);

scxy(2:2:num-1,:) = scx(2:2:num-1,:)*sc(2);

scxy(3:2:num-2,:) = scx(3:2:num-2,:)*sc(3);

scxy(1,:) = sc';

scxy(num,:) = sc';

  • Compute the integral

hx = (bx-ax)/(num-1); hy = (by-ay)/(num-1);

h = hx * hy / 9;

integral = h * sum(sum(scxy .* f));

The complete mscript to compute the integral is

function integral = simpson2d(f,ax,bx,ay,by)

%num must be odd

%1 4 2 4 ...2 4 1

num = length(f);

hx = (bx-ax)/(num-1); hy = (by-ay)/(num-1);

h = hx * hy / 9;

% evaluates two dimension Simpson coefficients ------

sc = 2*ones(num,1);

sc(2:2:num-1) = 4;

sc(1) = 1;

sc(num) = 1;

scx = meshgrid(sc,sc);

scxy = ones(num,num);

scxy(2:2:num-1,:) = scx(2:2:num-1,:)*sc(2);

scxy(3:2:num-2,:) = scx(3:2:num-2,:)*sc(3);

scxy(1,:) = sc';

scxy(num,:) = sc';

% evaluates integral ------

integral = h * sum(sum(scxy .* f));

The exact value of the integral is 416

With only 5 partitions and 25 (5x5) grid points, the numerical estimate is 416, the same as the exact value.

Example 2 Double Integrals and Volumes

To gain an intuitive feel for double integrals, the volume of the region enclosed by the area A is equal to the value of the double integral.

Volume Vof a rectangular box

f(x,y) = k height of box k > 0

Base of box – the lower bounds (ax and ay) and upper bounds (bx and by) determine the area of the rectangular base of the box


k = 1 ax = 0 bx = 1 ay = 0 by = 1 N = 299

Exact volume (analytical) V = 1.0000

Simpson’s [2D] rule V = 1.0000

Volume V of half box

f(x,y) = 1 - x

Base of box – the lower bounds (ax and ay) and upper bounds (bx and by) determine the area of the rectangular base of the box

ax = 0 bx = 1 ay = 0 by = 1 N = 299

Exact volume (analytical) V = 0.50000

Simpson’s [2D] rule V = 0.50000

Volume V of a part-bowl

f(x,y) = x2 + y2

Base of box – the lower bounds (ax and ay) and upper bounds (bx and by) determine the area of the rectangular base of the surface

ax = -1 bx = 1 ay = 0 by = 1 N = 299

Exact volume (analytical) V = 1.3333

Simpson’s [2D] rule V = 1.3333

Volume V over a rectangular base

Base of box – the lower bounds (ax and ay) and upper bounds (bx and by) determine the area of the rectangular base of the surface

ax = 0 bx = /2 ay = 0 by = /2 N = 299

Exact volume (analytical)

V = 1.000

Simpson’s [2D] rule

V = 1.000000000008578

Volume of ahemisphere using Cartesian coordinates

Volume of a hemisphere of radius a


ax = -1 bx = 1 ay = -1 by = 1

Exact volume (analytical)

V = 2.094395102393195

Simpson’s [2D] rule

N = 99 V = 2.094417986583109

N = 999 V = 2.094395646847362

A logical Matlab function is used to define the function when y > 1 – x. The code to define the function is

f = real(sqrt(a^2 - xx.^2 - yy.^2));

f((xx.^2 + yy.^2) > a^2) = 0;

Volume V over a triangular base

ax = 0 bx = 1 ay = 0 by = 1 height h = 6

Exact volume (analytical)

V = 3.0000

Simpson’s [2D] rule

N = 299 V = 3.006673873549240

N = 999 V = 3.001944436635462

N = 999 V = 3.001944436635462

N = 2999 V = 3.000632027607761

Even with N = 2999 the calculation took less than 1.0 s on a fast Windows computer.

The differences between the exact and computed values is due to the rectangular grid and the condition on the function being zero when y > 1 – x

(y = 1 – x is a diagonal line and the grid is rectangular).

A logical Matlab function is used to define the function when y > 1 – x. The code to define the function is

f = h .* ones(num,num);

f(yy > 1 - xx) = 0;

Example 3 Polar coordinates

where a point (xP, yP) has polar coordinates (, ) where

The grid pattern for the integration is shown in figure (2) for N = 9. At each point the function and Simpson [2D] coefficients are calculated.

Fig. 2. The grid pattern when using polar coordinates.

Number of partitions N = 9 and number of grid points NxN = 81.

Volume of a cylinder of radius a and height h

ax = 0 bx = 2 ay = 0 by = 2 N = 299

Exact volume (analytical) V = 37.699111843077517

Simpson’s [2D] rule V = 37.699111843077510

Volume of a hemisphere of radius a

ax = 0 bx = 2 ay = 0 by = 2 N = 299

Exact volume (analytical) V = 16.755160819145562

Simpson’s [2D] rule V = 16.755160819145559


Doing Physics with Matlab