By Amira Ben Rejeb and Zara Harris (Year 5).

On Wednesday 22nd September 2010 a man called Paul Hay came into Oldfield Primary School to teach us about internet safety. Mr Hay is a Governor at Furze Platt Infant School.

First of all he talked to us about websites that you use to communicate with people world wide, such as Club Penguin, facebook, twitter and many others. After that he showed us a very interesting video about two infants called Kim and Lee who were playing on a game on the internet. The two infants had to find the treasure. On their journey they met a kind blue monkey, a very rude tiger and a CRUEL EVIL TEDDY BEAR! The teddy bear was trying to get the two infants to give away their personal information (the teddy bear was a man in disguise as a child teddy bear). Luckily a nice super hero named Sid came to the rescue and stopped the children from givingtheir personal information to the bear.

When the film was finished we had a look at Sid's top tips:

1. People you don't know are strangers. They are not always who they say they are.

2. Be nice to people on the internet just like you would in the playground.

3. Keep your personal information private.

4. If you ever get that 'uh oh' feeling you should always tell a grown up you trust.

After that we watched another video this time about a girl called Becky who was on a chat website similar to facebook. It showed Becky putting up a poster with all of her personal informationoutside of her house and she left her door open (this is what she did on the internet). A man walked into Becky's house and was taking some of the pictures that were on her walls in her house. Becky and the man were chatting but really they where chatting on the internet. The man said he was thirteen and called Simon when really he was a grown man. Simon was trying to get Becky to give him personal aka: where she was going on Saturday (the park). So Simon met her at the park. Becky was so disappointed when she found out Simon was actually a man. In the end Simon got arrested. So the moral of the story is don't give away personal information to people you meet on chat sites on the internet.