Our ref: JRY/FSH

4 December 2017

Dear Parent/Carer,

Children’s University “Passport to Learning”

In January 2018 there will be the formal launch of the Passport to Learning. This is an incredibly successful National initiative that we will be delivering in partnership with the University of Bradford and our academy sponsor BDAT. The aim of the passport is to recognize and reward students for experiences gained about the world around them, specifically those linked to local culture, diversity and career aspirations. These experiences are often collectively referred to as “Cultural Capital” and are highly important in development core values, qualities and skills. Below is a link for more information on the “Passport to Learning”.


Every Year 7 student will receive a passport, kept at school with their Form Tutor, and it will be used to record their experiences. The Passport programme will be supported by many activities provided in school, by our internal Academies, during BBEC Day and Period 3 (Form) and our extensive Enterprise and Careers provisions. There will also be activities down at the University of Bradford and delivered by their “Passport to Learning” team.

When students complete these experiences, they will be added to their passport through stamps, stickers or teacher evidence. Also if students complete more experiences outside of schools, especially those provided by family or out of school clubs or organizations these will also be added to the passport, requiring only some evidence e.g. a ticket or image or resource collected from the visit or teacher discussion. So for example, a student visits a museum at the weekend – then a ticket, image or something purchased will be sufficient evidence for this experience to be added into the passport.

For all students achieving 30 hours of experiences there will be a formal Graduation Evening at the University of Bradford in January 2019. This event will be held in one of their great halls, with each Year 7 student wearing a full academic gown and enjoying food and refreshments. A limited number of family and friends will also be invited to the graduation.

Your son/daughter will receive an assembly on the programme on Monday 27 November 2017. There will also be an information session for families and students on 3 January 2018 between 6pm -7,00pm in the main hall at BBEC. Refreshments will be available.

At this stage we are requesting from parents a payment of just £4 which will cover: the cost of the passport, access to all activities and the graduation event, graduation gown, meals and refreshments. Please note that this programme is compulsory for all students in Year 7 and part of our core provision. Please complete the form below and return it with the £4 to student reception or your son/daughter’s form tutor by 18 December 2017.

Finally, the activities provided by our internal Academies (Art & Design, Enterprise, Performing Arts, STEM and Sports) will help your child decide which Academy to apply to in Year 8. Please also note that the Passport Programme will continue to run throughout Year 8 and that higher levels of graduation may can be celebrated in January 2020.

Yours faithfully,

J Ryan

Mr. J Ryan

Assistant Headteacher (Student Experience)

Buttershaw Business and Enterprise College.


T: 01274 545395 (Ext 203)

Please return the slip to Student Reception or your Form Tutor for Mr J Ryan

Children’s University “Passport to Learning”

Child’s name………………………………………… Form……………………………………………….

I give permission for my son/daughter to take part in the Children’s University “Passport to Learning” and enclose a payment of £4.

Please also tick one of the following and complete the details, if attending:

I will not be attending the information evening at 6pm on 3 January 2018.

I will be attending the information evening at 6pm on 3 January 2018 and there will be

……………… adults and ………… children.

I give permission for my child to be photographed and images used by BBEC, BDAT and the University of Bradford.

Signed…………………………………………………………… Date …………………………………….