/ Institute for Aging Research

Responsible Conduct of Research

Institutional Policy

Title: / Responsible Conduct of Research /
Responsible Officer: / Grant Managers, VP for Research Administration, RCR Course Directors
Effective Date:
Revised Date: / New Policy
Approved By:

Table of Contents




4Policy Statement


6Related Policies

7Reference Materials


9Document Properties


The purpose of this policy is to promote compliance with applicable National Science Foundation (NSF) and National Institutes of Health (NIH) requirements for training in Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR). The purpose of RCR training is to promote principles surrounding ethical conduct of research, and set such expectations of our Investigators and Trainees.


This policy applies to recipients of certain NIH and NSF Research Training Grants, Individual Fellowship Awards, Career Development Awards (Institutional and Individual), Research Education Grants, Dissertation Research Grants, or other grant programs with a training component that requires instruction in RCR, as noted in the funding announcement.


NIH definition: “responsible conduct of research is defined as the practice of scientific investigation with integrity. It involves the awareness and application of established professional norms and ethical principles in the performance of all activities related to scientific research.”

4Policy Statement

HSL will make available RCR training that meets NIH and NSF requirements. IFAR Research Administration will publicize the training requirements as well as the training program available to HSL recipients. Recipients are responsible for meeting their RCR requirements. Grant Administration will help to assure compliance with RCR requirements by obtaining certifications or attestations to file with the grant/contract.


Grant Managers will inform applicable recipients of their RCR training requirements.

Recipients are responsible for completing RCR training requirements and for providing their grant managers with appropriate documentation of training completion (see HSL RCR Requirements and Completion Attestation form, available on the IFAR Research Administration webpage).

HSL RCR training requirements for the following groups are:

  • Recipientsof training funds from Dr.Lipsitz T32 grant or other Research Fellowship awards (F32), the requirementsare:
  1. Online CITI training in the Responsible Conduct of Research (NOTE: this is a separate, different and additional training to the human subjects protection training).
  2. Harvard Catalyst Responsible Conduct of Research Course – a course that meets in-person for 2 hours per week for 8 weeks.
  3. Advanced Aging Research Training Seminar Series (AARTSS) – a didactic core curriculum seminar series focused on issues related to aging that meets monthly for 90-minute sessions. This seminar series is available to all interested fellows and faculty at HSL.
  4. Conducting a research project with mentorship.

Please note, for those appointed on Dr. Lipsitz’ T32, this documentation should be submitted to the BIDMC grant manager.

  • Junior Faculty in receipt of applicable awards (e.g. K23) the requirements are:
  1. Online CITI training in the Responsible Conduct of Research (NOTE: this is a separate, different and additional training to the human subjects protection training).
  2. Harvard Catalyst Responsible Conduct of Research Course – a course that meets in-person for 2 hours per week for 8 weeks.
  3. Conducting a research project with mentorship, or providing mentoring to a trainee.
  • For Senior Fellows and Senior Faculty member award recipients (e.g. F33, K02, K05, K24 awardees) the requirements are:

1.Online CITI training in the Responsible Conduct of Research (NOTE: this is a separate, different and additional training to the human subjects protection training).

2.Formal instruction (e.g. discussion leader, lecturer, course director) in RCR.

3.Informal instruction (e.g. lab, office or other informal interactions) or providing mentoring to a trainee in RCR.


  • Recipients are expected to register for courses, attend and complete the above training requirements.
  • Recipients of other training, fellowship, career development and mentoring awards that do not require RCR training or instruction are encouraged to participate in the RCR training program; this participation will not be monitored by HSL grant administration and recipients should maintain their own records.

6Related Policies

  • HSL RCR Requirements and Completion Attestation Form.Trainees
  • HSL RCR Requirements and Completion Attestation Form.Faculty

7Reference Materials

  • National Science Foundation RCR Requirements
  • National Institutes of Health RCR Requirements
  • Harvard Catalyst RCR Course Information
  • CITI Online Training



9Document Properties

Title: / Responsible Conduct of Research /
Author: / Pamela Richmond /
Version: / 1
File Name: / Responsible Conduct of Research Policy.docx
Responsible Conduct of Research / 1/3