The $20.00 Registration fee includes the Packet of materials, Continental breakfast and light lunch. Please, include $1.00 for each woman registered, to meet the Ministry of Dollar Per Woman

Please, make checks payable to

"UCC Metro Women" & return to:

Ms. Edith Houston

188-40A - 71

Crescent #2B

Fresh Meadows, NY 11365


Enclosed is a check for $______for ______people.

Please, clearly and completely fill out one form for each person

Name: ______

Home Address: ______

Tel. No: ______

Email: ______

Direction to Emanuel Church will follow

Please, send in your registration early

"We've Come A Long Way"

Matthew 19:26b…."for God all things are possible>"

UCC Metro Women’s

2009 Spring Retreat

Saturday, May 16, 2009

8:45 AM – 3:00 PM

Emanuel Cong. Ch., UCC

Rev. A. Toni Walrond, Pastor

93-12 91st Avenue

Woodhaven, NY 11421



Rev. Cynthia Jackson is a member and the Assistant Pastor of Grace Cong., UCC. Cynthia has participated both at Grace and the Metro Association in various ministries. She worked with the youth of Grace as a teacher and mentor, has sung in the senior choir, and served as chairperson of the Grace Women’s Fellowship.

With the Metro Association. she is a member of the Boundary Awareness Training Program, Committee on Mission Priorities and Stewardship (COMPAS), the Metro Association 2009 Spring Meeting Planning Committee, and the Metro Women’s Association.

Cynthia received her Master’s of Divinity degree from New York Theological Seminary in 2007. In 2008, she was called to serve as assistant pastor at Grace, and was ordained as a minister of the United Church of Christ.

Cynthia and her spouse, James, the love of her life, will celebrate their tenth wedding anniversary this year and reside together in Harlem New York.

Rev, A. Toni Walrond, Pastor Emanuel Cong. Church in Woodhaven, New York holds a Master of Divinity from the New York Theological Seminary and a Master’s Degree in Public Administration from C. W. Post Center, Long Island University.

In addition to serving as Pastor at Emanuel, Rev. Walrond is a Labor Relations Specialist with the Civil Service Employee Association (CSEA, Inc.), a union representing public sector employees. She was formerly a member of the Congregation Church of South Hempstead


8:45 AM Registration & Breakfast

9:30 - Welcome & Orientation

Rev. Toni Walrond

Opening Celebration - Praise

Celebrate God's Glory with Music

9:45 Introduction to Skit and Theme

"That Letter From Paul"

Skit by the Metro Women Thespians

Small Group Discussions

Gather Back, Report & Sharing

11:15 - 12:00 Bible Study

Rev. Toni Walrond

12:00 PM Honored Lay Women Award


Ms. Dorothy Gist - St. Albans

Mrs. Sylvia Martin -

CC of South Hempstead

- Business Meeting

12:30 Lunch and Fellowship

1:30 - 2:30 Closing Worship


The Rev. Cynthia Jackson

"Prepared by God For Such a Time as This"

Bible Study

The Rev. A. Toni Walrond

A Skit Perfomance by the

Metro Women Thespians

"That Letter From Paul"

(Followed by Small Group Discussions)

Please, bring Bible, pen and paper