Fox Valley Workforce Development Board

Youth Council Meeting Minutes

February 23, 2005

FCWDC Conference Room

Members Present: Mr. Malsin, Mr.Richmond, Mr. Geigle, Ms. Welch, Ms. Doell, Ms. Pollock, Ms. Kohn

Others Present: Ms. Lund, Ms. Tylka, Ms. Palmer

The meeting was called to order by Mr. Geigle at 3:05pm. Mr. Richmond made a motion to approve the minutes from December 1, 2004. Mr. Malsin second. Motion passes.

Update on Youth Program Performance to Date

A handout of PY04 Quarter 2 performance measures was distributed. For Quarter 2, all 7 measures for older and younger youth were exceeded (first time ever). Ms. Welch sends kudos to Ms. Lund, staff, and subcontractors for their hard work. Note: older youth are 19-21 years old while younger youth are 14-18 years of age.

NEW Economic Opportunity Study Update

FVWDB and Bay Area co-sponsored a 17 county study to look at the economy of NE Wisconsin and to look at how to train dislocated workers for jobs/what jobs are needed. Partners included UW-Extension, East Central Regional Planning Commission and Northstar Economics (Madison). Ms. Welch gave a brief update and referred group to the website: Also, Ms. Tylka will send bound study books to everyone on the committee.

Update on WIA Reauthorization

Ms. Welch said there is a push by DOL to get Congress to pass more block granting. Bigger cities are not in favor of block granting as funds would be cut. There is a local campaign to inform house members about the 10% administration definition and how it would hurt the local system and ability to keep job centers open. Ms. Welch serves on a few national committees and will continue to update the committee on highlights.

Update from Career Connection

Ms. Doell distributed the Dec 04-Feb 18 2005 usage report. She commented that the workforce schools are really using the video lending library and it has had very positive results. Overall, they are serving more kids than last year and have been very busy.

Hmong Youth Literacy Project

Ms. Lund reported on a new project with Paul Vidas from United Way with Youth working with a Hmong summer youth project. With the influx of new arrivals it would be a good time to get people involved this summer. Currently, United Way w/Youth, the Boys and Girls Club, Appleton schools and FVWDB are working on a video production to touch three areas; 1) academics 2) safety skills and 3) literacy. Peer to peer mentoring will also be a component and will be coordinated with the Appleton school districts summer school program. A grant is currently being pursed for funding and Ms. Lund will connect with WIA eligible youth providers when necessary. Ms. Lund will report again once group is more established.

Project Lead the Way

The FVWDB has received a letter from DWD regarding project lead the way. Schools would have to ask their local boards for letter of support; if any interest, there is a March 1 deadline.

Ruby Payne

FVWDB approved poverty education as a Board Goal for 2005. Mr. Geigle suggested coordinating with CESAs and County leaders to see what is already going on and expand on those efforts. Ms. Welch would like to get something together by the end of the school year. Some FVWDB staff recently completed training to be certified in this area. Ms. Welch to get a team together to discuss further.


Reminder that future meeting dates have been set; April 6th and May 25th are the meetings before summer break.


Ms. Doell made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Richmond second. Motion passes. Meeting adjourned at 4:35pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Cheryl Welch

Executive Administrator