May 9-11, 2017

The HiltonCincinnati – Netherland Plaza

This is the year of CMDP. After NextGen came Prime. Then before Prime came CMDP. Yes, it may be confusing, especially to those who haven’t been following it since day one, but now we have a working product! CMDP = the first real outcome of this long, involved process. Finally, the hard work is paying off and there is a tool we can use to support state drinking water programs, EPA, water systems, and laboratories. We have hit a major milestone but there are still many miles to go. Just like with CMDP, it will take all of us working together to get to the end of the road. Realistically, we never reach the end of the road but we can make the next milestone. Will we get to the next milestone by September 30, or all the way there by March 2018? We can, if everyone works together - starting right here in Cincinnati!

Monday May 8Optional Training

(Mayflower I & II)

10:00 – 12:00Compliance Monitoring Data Portal

1:00-5:00 p.m.RTCR Implementation

  • RTCR overview – Cindy Mack, OGWDW
  • Q&A
  • Challenges for RTCR in SDWIS – Trang Le, OGWDW
  • Q&A with EPA and Contractor
  • Positive Sample Alert Dashboard – Miranda Harper, NC

Optional social event – Reds/Yankees Baseball Game (start time 7:10) – meet in the lobby at 6:45 if interested in walking over as a group

Tuesday, May 9Committee/Work Group Meetings

(Mayflower III)

8:30 – 9:30 Data Management Advisory Committee

9:45-10:45 Interfacing Applications Work Group

11:00 – 12:00 SDWIS Implementation Work Group

Tuesday, May 9

Hall of Mirrors

1:30-2:45p.m.Opening Plenary Session

  • Welcome –Alan Roberson, ASDWA
  • Host State Welcome – Beth Messer, Ohio EPA
  • EPA OGWDW Perspective – Anita Thompkins, Director, Drinking Water Protection Division
  • Data Quality Awards –Michael Plastino, OGWDW


3:15-5:00 p.m.Improving Operations with Current Systems

Facilitator –Tab Brewster, OH

  • OECA Issues – Elinor Keith, OECA
  • How state data gets to ETT and ECHO
  • FedRep Reporting and Error Resolution – Trang Le, OGWDW
  • SDWIS/State Questions and Answers – Trang Le, OGWDW

5:00-6:30 p.m.Reception – Rookwood

Wednesday, May 10

Hall of Mirrors

8:30-10:00 a.m.Getting to Know SDWIS Prime

Facilitator – Kristen Gastner, OW

  • Schedule and plan for continuing development and related issues – Kristen Gastner, OW
  • Demo Completed Modules and Prototypes (based on feedback from webinars) – Ottman Bouazzaoui, Scott Peterson, Attain
  • Functionality details – Ottman Bouazzaoui, Scott Peterson, Attain
  • Sanitary Survey
  • Inventory

10:00-10:30 a.m.Break

10:30-12:00 p.m.Getting to Know SDWIS Prime, Part 2

Facilitator – Greg Fabian, OGWDW

  • Configuration spreadsheet - – Ottman Bouazzaoui, Scott Peterson, Attain; Greg Fabian, OGWDW
  • Business Rules Engine – how it operates, results from “black box” testing - Scott Peterson, Attain; Greg Fabian, OGWDW
  • Quarterly Reporting under Prime - Greg Fabian, OGWDW

12:00-1:30 p.m.Lunch

1:30 – 3:00 p.m.Using Prime to Support Program Implementation

Facilitators – Cary McElhinney, EPA Region 5; George Cox, AL

  • Options for Supporting Interfacing Applications
  • API
  • Local Data Mart (including enhanced Data Synchronization Engine)
  • Built in Prime features
  • Data/application storage solutions
  • Contractor support and other tools for transition – Trang Le, OGWDW
  • Other transition and implementation considerations – Marian Robinson, OGWDW

3:00-3:30 p.m.Break

3:30-5:00 p.m.Electronic Reporting – The User Experience

Facilitators – Joe Carlson, OR

  • Panel
  • CMDP pilot states –Rachael Cassady, UT
  • Other e-reporting states – George Cox, AL;Brian Tarver, OH
  • Lab perspective – UT, OH (invited)
  • Open discussion of e-reporting issues

Evening Event: Annual Pool Tournament – location TBD

Thursday, May 11

Hall of Mirrors

8:30-10:00 a.m.Getting to Know CMDP

Facilitator – Deric Teasley, OGWDW

  • CMDP overview – Deric Teasley, OGWDW
  • CMDP Demo - CMDP Team
  • CMDP Transition Checklist – Trang Le, OGWDW
  • CMDP User Support – Brianna Knoppow, OGWDW

10:00-10:30 a.m.Break

10:30-11:45a.m.Data Management Tools and Resources for States

Facilitator – Darrell Osterhoudt, ASDWA

  • ASDWA Website – Anthony DeRosa, ASDWA
  • DMAC Best Practices Project – Rachael Cassady, UT
  • State Business Intelligence tool – Eric Chai, NC

11:45-12:00 p.m.DMUC Wrap up: Next Steps and Actions Items–Darrell Osterhoudt, ASDWA, Michael Plastino, OGWDW

12:00 p.m.Adjourn

There will also be two preconference webinars prior to the DMUC.

Webinar 1 –April 19, 1:00 – 3:00 EDT - Kick off for Prime community testing and introduction to Zendesk

Webinar 2 – April 27, 2:00 – 3:00 EDT - Federal Modernization

In addition,the Julep Roomwill be available during Tuesday and Wednesday where small groups of people can view demonstrations and interact with developers on Prime. This may be in parallel with other sessions or during breaks and other off hours. Announcements will be made during the conference.

Draft 4-6-17