Press + PR


37603 Holzminden

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Worldwide Stiebel Eltron executives meet in Holzminden

Two-day conference at the Energy Campus

Around 130 Stiebel Eltron executives from more than 20 countries and their German colleagues met for the company’s annual management and roadmap meeting in Holzminden. The entire supervisory board and the families of the owners Dr Ulrich Stiebel and Frank Stiebel also took part in the event. Rudolf Sonnemann, managing director of the Group, welcomed the guests: “It is a matter dear to my heart and I am very pleased to welcome our colleagues personally.”

The two-day event focused on the corporate and product strategy for the different markets in the years ahead. Rudolf Sonnemann took stock saying: “The prerequisites for a successful future for Stiebel Eltron are excellent. With our portfolio we are extremely well positioned to meet the challenges presented by social and political developments. The implementation of the global climate treaty decided last year by the UN in Paris will further strengthen the market for renewable energies. Decarbonisation, especially in the field of domestic heating that is important for the company, is a central element for reaching global climate policy goals. Heat pumps already play a key role for sustainable construction in Germany and in many parts of Europe. Over and above this ventilation technology will become increasingly important for construction in future, especially in central Europe.” Stiebel Eltron is very well positioned in both areas. Furthermore, decentralised electric hot water heating is becoming increasingly important all over the world – the core business of the company from Holzminden. For example, Stiebel Eltron is the global market leader in comfort instantaneous water heaters.

The meeting was also used to introduce Dr Nicholas Matten, the new managing director for international sales and marketing since 1 August. He emphasised that his goal is “to give the company a much stronger international position – without neglecting the excellent positioning on the German market. We want to greatly increase the share of revenue from global business. For this, we need to grow and be faster than the others. The principle here is: speed, speed, speed!”

Kai Schiefelbein, director of technology, looked at the subject of digitalisation: “Digital offerings will replace conventional offerings because they are easier and more convenient to use and therefore offer customers added value.” He also presented projects currently planned for the future with their new products and systems including automatic heating regulation, which takes care of lots of settings and operating procedures for the user.

Dr Eduard Sailer, director of technology at Miele in Gütersloh, offered a completely different, new perspective. In a guest contribution entitled “Premium – target or result?” he used the example of Miele to demonstrate how the company handles current challenges.

Whereas the participants met the evening before the first meeting day at Energy Campus in Holzminden, the venue for the second evening event the following day was Hotel Niedersachsen in Höxter. On both evenings the focus was on interaction between the participants in an informal atmosphere with light entertainment.

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This article is available digitally. Please refer any questions to the following contact:

Editor:Henning Schulz

Tel. +49 (0) 55 31 / 702 - 95 685

Fax +49 (0) 55 31 / 702 - 95 584




Press + PR


37603 Holzminden

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At the management meeting at the Energy Campus in Holzminden Stiebel Eltron CEO Rudolf Sonnemann welcomed around 150 company executives from Germany and abroad, the members of the supervisory board and the families of the owners Frank and Dr Ulrich Stiebel.

Dr Nicholas Matten, the new managing director for sales and marketing, was introduced by chairman of the management board Rudolf Sonnemann (right), and subsequently outlined his objectives for the company.

Plenum presentations – here by Oliver Blume, head of strategic marketing – characterised the event at the Energy Campus, but workshops were also on the agenda.

Reprint free of charge – copy requested

PP – 31 – 16 – H

This article is available digitally. Please refer any questions to the following contact:

Editor:Henning Schulz

Tel. +49 (0) 55 31 / 702 - 95 685

Fax +49 (0) 55 31 / 702 - 95 584

