10th Grade Study Guide for Final Exam

  1. Where did the first people who walked to the Americas originate?
  2. How did the first people who walked to the Americas get here?
  3. What is the Bering Strait?
  4. Why did people cross the Bering Strait?
  5. Define Nomadic Hunter.
  6. Define Hunter/Gatherer.
  7. Define Domesticated Man.
  8. What is the definition for civilization?
  9. Who were the first explorers to come to the Americas by sea?
  10. Who were the first explorers to colonize the Americas?
  11. What four factors led to exploration? Explain how they led to exploration.
  12. Why was finding a water route to places so important
  13. What did Amerigo Vespucci do?
  14. What did Juan Ponce de Leon do?
  15. What did Ferdinand Magellan do? What did his crew do?
  16. What is the Columbian Exchange and why is it so important?
  17. What is the main reason countries send explorers around the world?
  1. What is a charter?
  2. What is the main reason for building a colony?
  3. What were the French explorers looking for in America?
  4. Did the French explorers find what they were looking for?
  5. What kind of colonies did the French build?
  6. What were French colonies centered on?
  7. What was the first English colony in America? Was it successful?
  8. What was the second English colony in America? Was it successful?
  9. What and who saved Jamestown?
  10. What colonies belonged to the group called the New England Colonies?
  11. What was the major economic activity of the New England Colonies?
  12. Why were most of the New England Colonies founded?
  13. How was Rhode Island different than other Puritan colonies?
  14. What was the Virginia House of Burgesses?
  15. What colonies belonged to the group called the Middle Colonies?
  16. What was the major economic activity of the Middle Colonies?
  17. What was the nickname for the Middle colonies? Why?
  18. What colonies belonged to the group called the Southern Colonies?
  19. What was the major economic activity of the Southern Colonies?
  20. What was the Mayflower Compact?
  21. What is mercantilism?
  22. What were the Navigation Acts?
  23. How did England enforce these new laws?
  24. What is the Enlightenment?
  25. What are natural rights and who had this theory?
  26. What ideas did John Locke have about government and kings?
  27. According to John Locke, when people are born what are they like?
  28. How did John Locke believe people were shaped?
  29. What did Rousseau believe about government and laws?
  30. What did Rousseau say was the best form of government?
  31. What did Montesquieu believe about government?
  32. What was the Great Awakening?
  33. What is pietism?
  34. What is a new light?
  35. What is an old light?
  36. What was the impact of the Enlightenment and the Great Awakening?
  37. What was the Great Migration?
  1. Who were the opposing sides in the French and Indian War?
  2. Tell me about the Proclamation Act.
  3. Tell me about the Sugar Act.
  4. Tell me about the Stamp Act.
  5. Tell me about the Quartering Act.
  6. Tell me about the Sons and Daughters of Liberty.
  7. Tell me about the Boston Massacre.
  8. Tell me about the Tea Act and the Boston Tea Party.
  9. Tell me about the Coercive Acts (Intolerable Acts).
  10. What was the Committee of Correspondence?
  11. Tell me about the First Continental Congress.
  12. Who were Minutemen?
  13. Who were Patriots?
  14. Who were Loyalists?
  15. What was the MAIN reason for the Revolutionary War?
  16. Tell me about Lexington.
  17. Tell me about Concord. (Shot heard ‘round the world)
  18. Tell me about Bunker Hill.
  19. Tell me about the Olive Branch Petition.
  20. Tell me about Common Sense, who wrote it, what was its purpose and effect.
  21. Tell me about the Declaration of Independence.
  22. Tell me about An American Crisis, who wrote it, what was its purpose and effect?
  23. Tell me about the Battle of Trenton.
  24. Tell me about Valley Forge.
  25. Tell me about Saratoga.
  26. Tell me about Yorktown.
  27. What were the provisions of the Treaty of Paris of 1783?
  28. How did the American Revolution impact the rest of the world?
  1. What were the Articles of Confederation?
  2. What were the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation?
  3. What kind of vote had to be taken to change anything in the Articles of Confederation?
  4. Tell me about Shays’ Rebellion. What did it prove?
  5. What was the Constitutional Convention?
  6. What was theoriginal purpose of the Constitutional Convention?
  7. What ended up happening at the Constitutional Convention?
  8. How many branches of government were called for in the Virginia Plan?
  9. How many houses did Congress have in the Virginia Plan?
  10. According to the Virginia Plan, how were the numbers of representatives in Congress for each state chosen?
  11. Did the Virginia Plan favor small states or large states?
  12. How many houses did Congress have in the New Jersey Plan?
  13. According to the New Jersey Plan, how were the numbers of representatives in Congress for each state chosen?
  14. Did the New Jersey Plan favor small states or large states?
  15. Tell me about the Connecticut Compromise (Great Compromise).
  16. Tell me about the 3/5’s Compromise.
  1. What are the Bill of Rights? Why were they added to the Constitution?
  2. Define ratify.
  3. Define popular sovereignty.
  4. Define Federalism.
  5. Define veto.
  6. Define impeach.
  7. Define amendment.
  1. Explain enumerated powers.
  2. Explain reserved powers.
  3. Explain concurrent powers.
  4. How many branches of government do we have?
  5. What is the Legislative branch of our government?
  6. What is the job of the Legislative branch?
  7. What are the two houses of Congress?
  8. How many members are there in the House of Representatives? How is this number chosen?
  9. How many members are there in the Senate? How is this number chosen?
  10. What is the Executive branch of our government?
  11. What is the job of the Executive branch?
  12. What is the Judicial branch of our government?
  13. What is the job of the Judicial branch?
  14. What are the three types of courts in America?
  15. Explain district courts.
  16. Explain appellate courts.
  17. Explain the Supreme Court.
  1. What is the cabinet and why did Washington create it?
  2. Tell me about Hamilton’s Debt Plan.
  3. Tell me about the Madison-Jefferson/Hamilton Compromise.
  4. Tell me about a loose interpretation of the constitution.
  5. Tell me about a strict interpretation of the constitution.
  6. What is isolationism?
  7. What were the precedents set by Washington?
  8. Tell me about the Quasi-War with France.
  9. Tell me about the Alien and Sedition Acts.
  10. Tell me about the Virginia and Kentucky resolutions. (interpose and nullify)
  11. Tell me about Marbury vs. Madison.
  12. What is Judicial Review?
  13. What did Judicial Review do to the Supreme Court?
  14. Tell me about the Louisiana Purchase.
  15. What was the purpose of the Lewis and Clark Expedition?
  16. What was the purpose of Lewis?
  17. What was the purpose of Clark?
  18. What was the purpose of York?
  19. What was the purpose of Sacagawea?
  20. Who was involved in the War of 1812?
  21. What were the reasons for the War of 1812?
  22. Why did Dolley Madison become a heroine?
  23. Tell me about the Battle of Ft. McHenry, Francis Scott Key and the Star Spangled Banner.
  24. Tell me about the Battle of New Orleans and Andrew Jackson.
  25. Tell me about the Treaty of Ghent.
  26. Why was the War of 1812 pointless?
  1. Who was president during the Era of Good Feelings?
  2. Why was the US having problems with Florida?
  3. Who was in charge of the troops that invaded Florida?
  4. What did the troops do when they invaded Florida?
  5. Explain why Spain was mad about Jackson’s actions.
  6. What was Jackson’s defense?
  7. What is the Adams-Onis Treaty?
  8. Explain all four parts of the Monroe Doctrine.
  9. How would you explain the Monroe Doctrine in one word?
  10. Why is 1819 important to all those who live in Alabama?
  11. What are the four things that made the North different than the South?
  12. What are the four things that made the South different than the North?
  13. Explain the task system of slavery.
  14. Explain the gang system of slavery (include the driver).
  15. What were the slave codes (include the 5 provisions)?
  16. Tell me about the two systems of slavery.
  17. Tell me about the Missouri Compromise.
  18. As president who did Andrew Jackson represent?
  19. What is Jacksonian Democracy?
  20. What is the spoils system?
  21. What made South Carolina threaten to secede from the Union?
  22. Explain Calhoun’s idea of nullification.
  23. How does Jackson feel about Native Americans?
  24. What is assimilation?
  25. What is the Indian Removal Act?
  26. Tell me about the Trail of Tears.
  27. What was the Temperance Movement?
  28. Tell me about Prison Reform.
  29. Who was Dorothea Dix?
  30. Tell me about Education Reform.
  31. What is “True Womanhood” and what did it imply to women?
  32. Tell me about the Women’s Movement
  33. Tell me about the Seneca Falls Convention.
  34. What is suffrage?
  35. What is Gradualism?
  36. Tell me about antislavery Colonization.
  37. What was the Abolition Movement?
  38. Tell me about William Lloyd Garrison.
  39. Tell me about Frederick Douglass.
  40. Tell me about Sojourner Truth.
  1. What is Manifest Destiny?
  2. What are empresarios?
  3. Why were Texas and Mexico fighting?
  4. Who is Santa Anna?
  5. Tell me about the Alamo.
  6. Tell me about San Jacinto.
  7. What began the tensions that led to the Mexican-American War?
  8. According to Mexico, what action happened that began the Mexican-American War?
  9. According to America, what action happened that began the Mexican-American War?
  10. What treaty ended the Mexican-American War?
  1. What is the Wilmot Proviso?
  2. What is popular sovereignty?
  3. What did the Compromise of 1850 do for California and the United States?
  4. What is the Fugitive Slave Act?
  5. Tell me about Uncle Tom’s Cabin.
  6. What was the Underground Railroad?
  7. What were conductors on the Underground Railroad?
  8. Who is the most famous conductor?
  9. What is the Kansas-Nebraska Act?
  10. Tell me about Bleeding Kansas.
  11. Tell me about the Caning of Charles Sumner.
  12. Why was the Republican Party formed?
  13. Tell me about Dred Scott and his court case.
  14. Tell me about John Brown’s Raid.
  15. What was the first state to secede from the Union?
  16. What was the name of the newly formed country by the seceding states of the South?
  17. What began the Civil War?
  18. What are Border States?
  19. Tell me about West Virginia.
  20. What are all the names of the Union?
  21. Who was the president of the Union during the Civil War?
  22. Who commanded the Union troops during Civil War?
  23. What are all the names of the Confederacy?
  24. Who was the president of the Confederacy?
  25. Who commanded the Confederate troops during the Civil War?
  26. What are all the advantages of the North?
  27. What advantages did the South have?
  28. What were the disadvantages of the South?
  29. What was the Northern plant to win the war?
  30. What was the Southern plan to win the war?
  31. Tell me about Bull Run.
  32. Tell me about Shiloh.
  33. Tell me about Antietam.
  34. Tell me about the Emancipation Proclamation.
  35. Tell me about Vicksburg.
  36. Tell me about Gettysburg.
  37. Tell me about the Gettysburg Address.
  38. What was the ultimate goal of William T. Sherman?
  39. Tell me about the surrender of the South. (location, Grant’s terms, etc.)
  40. Tell me about the 13th Amendment.
  41. Who assassinated Lincoln?
  1. Define Reconstruction.
  2. What kind of reconstruction plan did Lincoln want?
  3. What was the name of Lincoln’s reconstruction plan?
  4. What does amnesty mean?
  5. What did the Radical Republicans think about Lincoln’s reconstruction plan?
  6. What kind of reconstruction plan did the Radical Republicans want?
  7. What is the Wade-Davis Bill?
  8. What is the Freedmen’s Bureau?
  9. Who became president after Lincoln’s assassination?
  10. What did Johnson’s reconstruction plan require of ex-Confederate states to rejoin the Union?
  11. What did Johnson’s reconstruction plan say about ex-Confederate officials, officers and wealthy planters?
  12. What did ex-Confederate officials, officers, and wealthy planters have to do to get a pardon?
  13. Who did Johnson blame the Civil War on?
  14. Tell me about the Black Codes.
  15. What two things were put into place to combat the Black Codes?
  16. Tell me about the Civil Rights Act of 1866.
  17. Tell me about the 14th Amendment.
  18. Why was the Military Reconstruction Act of 1867 put into place?
  19. What were the provisions of the Military Reconstruction Act of 1867?
  20. Tell me about the Command of the Army Act.
  21. Tell me about the Tenure of Office Act.
  22. Why was Johnson impeached?
  23. Was he removed from office?
  24. Who became president after Johnson?
  25. Tell me about the 15th Amendment.
  26. What were carpetbaggers?
  27. What were scalawags?
  28. What is “Black Republicanism?”
  29. Who was the Ku Klux Klan?
  30. What were the initial goals of the Klan?
  31. Why were the Enforcement Acts put into place?
  32. Tell me about the election of 1876.
  33. What allowed Hayes to be elected president?
  34. What action ended Reconstruction?
  35. What did the Southerners want the “New South” to be like?
  36. Did they create a “New South?”
  37. What group regained control when the South returned to the “Old South?”
  1. Tell me about sharecropping.