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Registration Form: Victims of Sexual Crime Training (CPD Accredited)

General Admission: £85.00

Student Rate: £65.00

Personal Details
Surname: / Forename:
Job Title:
Post Code:
E–mail: address (if we may use this):
Where did you hear about this course?
If we need to, the best way for us to contact you is by:
If you have any special accessibility or dietary requirements please give details here:
My preferred training date is:

Wednesday 20th September 2017
Friday 1st December 2017
Friday 9th March 2018


If you cannot attend a course as scheduled we ask that you let us know at least 7 days in advance so we can offer your place to someone else.

If you are unable to attend, it is acceptable to send a replacement. If you do not attend without prior warning or replacement then you will be invoiced for the full cost of your place on the course.

If we have to cancel a course due to unforeseen circumstances we will not be liable for any losses which may be incurred by you.

Payment Method* Please tell us how you wish to pay for your place.

By Invoice: YES NO

NB: Payment should be received within 14 days of receiving invoice.

Contact Details for Invoicing (if different from those on page 1).

Contact Name:






NB: Payment should be received within 14 days of the course taking place.

Instructions for BACS payment:

Name of Bank: Royal Bank of Scotland

Sort code: 83-18-24

Account number: 00715358

Name of Account: Victim Support Scotland

Please quote: Name and course title

By Cheque: YES NO

Cheques should be made payable to Victim Support Scotland quoting on the reverse the:

·  Name of the course

·  Delegate Name

·  Organisation

and sent to: Finance, Victim Support Scotland, 15-23 Hardwell Close, Edinburgh, EH8 9RX

within 14 days of the course taking place.

*If your organisation requires a Purchase Order Number please enter it here:

Signed: Date: