NO. R-64Page 1

NO. R-64. JOINT RESOLUTION honoring the Whitcomb High School Hornets 2000 Division IV championship soccer team.

(J.R.H. 42)

Offered by: Representative Ketchum of Bethel.

Whereas, soccer is a game where alertness and rapid response are keys to success, and

Whereas, the fifth-seeded Whitcomb High School Hornets’ strong command of these game-winning prerequisites enabled them to overcome a determined opponent, the third-seeded Twinfield High School Trojans, to win their first state championship, the 2000 Division IV crown, and

Whereas, the first half of this pivotal game was evenly matched with each squad’s determined defensive play, preventing the opposition from sending the ball past the goal line, and

Whereas, as the second half commenced, each side was striving to direct the field action to its own advantage, and

Whereas, Whitcomb’s Brett Forest, after touching a strong pass from his fellow teammate Kaleb Orr, beat out the Trojan marking backs in a race for control of the ball, and executed a most glorious and historic kick into the lower right side of the Trojan netting for the game’s sole score, and

Whereas, the Hornets, having placed their mark on the scoreboard, were forced to assiduously defend this most narrow of leads against a highly energized Twinfield offensive alignment, and

Whereas, despite the Trojans’ best attempts, the Hornets’ superb on-field maneuvering and offensive prowess proved an unbeatable combination that ultimately assured a Whitcomb victory, and

Whereas, the entire Whitcomb 2000 Division IV soccer team, including Brett Forest, Steve Burt, Justin Wright, Dan Gauthier, Jesse Richards, James Scott, Jeremy Hudson, Matt Lewis, Adam Wright, Matthew Hunt, Chris Hudson, Nathan Ward, Aaron Isham, Travis Hunt, Dan Michaud, Kaleb Orr, Brian Chap, Dan Newell, Casey Griffin, Jerrid Russ, and Anthony Lewis, to be congratulated on its outstanding performance on the field, both in the championship game and throughout this very special 2000 season, and

Whereas, Coach Johan Richter’s outstanding leadership and direction of the team was critical to making his Whitcomb coaching debut a triumphant year that culminated in the Hornets capturing the Division IV championship title and an impressive 10-5-1 season record, now therefore be it

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives:

That the General Assembly congratulates the 2000 Whitcomb High School Hornets Division IV championship soccer team, and be it further

Resolved: That the Secretary of State be directed to send a copy of this resolution to Coach Johan Richter at Whitcomb High School in Bethel.