HAND Consortium Group

Minutes of the Meeting held on

9 December 2009 at 10.30 am at

Elmfield House, Doncaster

Present: Stuart Greaves (SG) North-East Lincolnshire Council

Larry Ward (LW) Mouchel (Northallerton)

Mark Blackburn (MB) Nottinghamshire County Council

Andy Hargreaves (AH) Bradford Metropolitan District Council

Andy Taylor (AT) Hull City Council

Brian Button (BrB) North Lincolnshire Council

Sarah Henson (SH) North Lincolnshire Council

/ Action /
1.  / Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence were received from P Sleeman, STinnelly, B Coupe, N Whitfield.
2.  / Minutes of Previous Meeting
The minutes of the meeting held on 3 June 2009 were agreed as a true record.
3.  /

Matters Arising

With regard to the situation and maintenance of the MCDHW, BrB has obtained a contact name at CSS but has not progressed any further yet. / BrB
4.  /


A reasonable amount of income has been gained from SEH’s other activities even though we are a member down.
NE Lincolnshire Council intend to remain members until a different decision is made.
MB is unsure of the situation regarding Nottinghamshire.
It was agreed that the new system should be up and running 100% before any promotion/marketing exercise is carried out.
5.  / Development
BrB to contact JD (NELC) in respect of PDF’s.
It was agreed that the new system should be up and running 100% before any promotion/marketing exercise is carried out.
The development of the new system is to be covered fully in the Technical Group.
6.  / Any Other Business
BrB asked if anyone knew anything about the procurement rules changing, e.g. advertising in the European Journal. He agreed to forward an email he had received to Members. / BrB
7.  / Date of Next Meeting
The date of the next Consortium meeting was agreed for 16 June 2010.
The meeting closed at 11.00 am