Safety Committee Meeting Minutes

December 11, 2008

Place of Meeting: MOT

Time of Meeting: 3:15 p.m.

Members Present:Chele Hatfield (VES)Aaron Asplund (DO)

Diane Sbbach (TMS)James Page (MOT)

Katie Margrieter (THS)Don Snyder (MOT)

Cyndi Waltmire (DO)

Bill Schassberger (Safety Coordinator)

Members Absent: Jackie Bobsin(Fd. Serv.)Beth Walker (TES)

Paul Jacobs (Alt. Ed.)

Guests Present:Dr. Bowers (Superintendent)

1.0Call to order at 3:15 p.m.

2.0Agenda was approved.(Don, Diane)

3.0Approve minutes of Nov. 13, 2008

Changes made –

5.4Parent Group is working with room moms to fill classroom supplies, not all students.

5.8 The cost of the cord protectors was $275.85, not $339.50.




5.1Financial Report

See Cyndi’s report. Cyndi will verify cost of cord protectors.

5.2Review Accident Reports

- During this past month there was only 1 report – a teacher fainting. - Cyndi has taken care of how to properly handle Workmen’s Comp forms.

- We’ve only had 4 comp claims this year since July – only 2 since Sept. Great job!!! Bill and Dr. Bowers commended the committee for getting the word out and emphasizing safety!

5.3Review Safety Suggestions & Concerns

- Bill purchased yellow light weight “Caution” signs that middle school students will hold before and after school to warn drivers to slow down.

- A motion was made and approved to purchase safety ladders for the bus drivers.

5.4Earthquake and Emergency Preparedness

- Dr. Bowers, Bill, and Amanda were responsible in making up emergency quick reference chart to be kept by the door of all classrooms and other rooms (i.e. library, computer lab, kitchen, school office)

- Bill is submitting a grant through the Sheriff’s Dept. that would purchase an emergency supply kit for all classrooms in the district.

5.5Report from Site Representatives

-Diane, Katie, Chele, and Don confirmed the excitement of “Caught in the Act.” Ten forms were submitted this month! Chele and Don reported that at monthly staff meetings the administrator in charge picks a safety memorandum to pass out to all staff focusing on a safety issue for that month.

5.6SIPE Risk Management Committee Report/ Bill Schassberger

-Bill wanted to emphasize that the money for “Caught in the Act” is NOT district money. It comes as a grant from our insurance company.

-SIPE Committee discussed issues of theft, graffiti, etc. – some severe issues we are fortunate not to be experiencing. Also, bookkeeping was a topic.

5.7Safety Incentive Awards Program & Drawing

The committee decided that every employee in the district except for committee members could win “Caught in the Act.” Due to its popularity now all forms will be submitted, but 2 would be drawn from each site for the $20 award. Out of those a $100 award would be drawn. This month we had 10 winners of $20. Karen Hardman won the $100!!!!


7.0Adjournment 4:00

Next meetings

Jan. 8

Feb. 12

March 12

April 9

May 14

Respectfully submitted by Chele Hatfield

Cc: Bill Schassberger (MOT)Don Snyder (CSEA)

Cyndi Waltire (DO)Paul Jacobs (Alt. Ed.)

Aaron Asplund (DO)Jackie Bobsin (Food Service)

James Page (MOT)Beth Walker (TES)

Chele Hatfield (VES)Diane Sibbach (TMS)

Katie Margrieter (THS)

Dr. Deborah Bowers – Superintendent

Cheryl Parks (DO)Katie Mammen (TES)

Kyle Pruitt (VES)Jon Lorimer (TMS)

Jim Fotinakes (THS)Mike Bruffy (SIPE)