Objectives of this assignment:

  • Use Turnitin.com to check for plagiarism
  • Apply paraphrasing and quoting skills
  • Properly cite sources of information
  • Share your knowledge about sustainabilityon a collaborative web site

Due Date:A hard copy is due at the beginning of the class on Monday,September 13. A copy must also be submitted to Turnitin.com by September 13, 1:30 PM (warning: Turnitin will not allow submissions after 1:30 PM). Some of your content must be added to the class wiki by Friday, September 17.


  1. Provide a title for your contribution.
  2. Complete the hard copy assignment with 12 point font, 1.5 line spacing, and 1- inch margins.
  3. Assume that your audience is other students in ENRG 100w.
  4. Cite your sources using APA style and include a reference list
  5. Spell-check and proofread your document before you print it.

Register for Turnitin.com: Go to the class web site Click on the link called “Turnitin.com” and follow the instructions.

Join ENGR 100w wiki: Go to and follow the directions for joining the wiki. Note: it may take up to 24 hours for approval of your request to join. Don’t wait until the last minute.

Assignment:Many of our Wednesday speakers this semester will be speaking about topics related to energy, water, and issues of sustainability (see Sustainability in design has become an important focus in all fields of engineering and technology. As future professionals, you will need to have an understanding of the many complex interrelated issues that drive sustainable design and policy. Trends in population growth, ecosystem decline, natural resource availability, climate change, energy use,public policy, and globalization all influence decisions that underlie sustainable design. Sustainability, its definition and its implementation, serves as a foundation for many of the topics we study in ENGR 100w.

Select some aspects of sustainability that you would like to explore. Some ideas are: principles of sustainability, biodiversity, climate and climate change, natural resources, waste management, recycling, cradle to cradle design, alternative energy, Kyoto Protocol, World Summit on Sustainable Development, sustainable packaging. The choices are endless.

a) Read several sources to study your questions. Books, newspaper articles, magazine articles, journal articles, and reliable web sites are all acceptable sources for this assignment. Chapter 1 of the Wright Environmental Science ENGR 100w textbook has a good introduction. I have provided a few links to get you thinking in the “Assignments” area of the ENGR 100 web site. At least one source must be something other than Wikipedia.Usetechniques you have learned for paraphrasing, quoting, and referencing to write several paragraphs that describe the key information to answer your question. Be sure that you are using your own words and not lifting text directly from your source. If you have any questions about the difference between paraphrasing and plagiarism, please go to for a variety of definitions and an interactive tutorial.

b) Provide a title for your composition, format as stated in the guidelines, and print a hard copy to turn in. Submit a copy to turntin.com and CHECK for “non original” content. If your turnitin.com report indicates a problem with non-original content, revise your writing and resubmit.

c) Go to the Engr 100w wiki and add your content to the Sustainability page. You may add new pages for new topics (see the example for the Antarctica wiki). Note: Before you copy your work into the wiki save your Word file as a “plain text” file, then open the plain text version of the file to copy the text. Alternatively, copy the text in to a plain text editor (such as Notepad) to strip out all of the formatting. You can use formatting tools within the wiki to make your text look nice. If another student already has content related to your topic, feel free to add to and edit their content. Please DO NOT delete other students’ content.


Successful registration and submission of paper to turitin.com3

Contribution of content to ENGR 100w wiki3

Good paraphrasing (and avoidance of plagiarism)3

Use of quoting and referencing when needed2

Correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation4

Total15 points