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Our Savior Lutheran Church August 2011 Newsletter

1010 – 8th St. South - Brookings, SD 57006

Church Office (605) 692-6989; Church e-mail –

Pastor Ken Brokmeier - Home - (605) 692-9249; e-mail –

Vicar Brian Schmidt - Home – 605-692-2201; e-mail –

Psalm 122:1 – “I rejoiced with those who said to me, ‘Let us go to the house of the LORD.’”

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With these words David begins a psalm that describes the beauty of Jerusalem, the holy city. It could also be called the pilgrim’s psalm because it describes the feelings of awe and wonder that pilgrims would feel when they made the trek to Jerusalem for the three pilgrim feasts. It is also interesting that David speaks of the “house of the Lord” when it wasn’t even built yet. He certainly had the blueprints for the temple, and he acquired the land on which the temple would be built. But he never actually saw the temple with his own eyes.

Why all the fuss over a city? Why write a psalm about a city and a temple? It was just a place with a nice building in it, right? I suppose that is true to some degree, but consider what took place in that city. This was the city where God placed the king that ruled over his people. This was the city where the judgments of God were announced upon his people by his kings and prophets. This was the city where the ark of the covenant resided. This was the city where God was worshiped by his people in a temple that caused a person’s jaw to drop. Yes, Jerusalem was truly the city of God, and God’s people rejoiced when they went there.

But that didn’t last very long. God’s people forsook God and his Word, and his marvelous temple fell into disrepair. Jerusalem was ransacked by foreign invaders, and to this day it remains a place of turmoil. So, this psalm must be talking about more, about something beyond the city of Jerusalem and the temple of God.

And it is. It is talking about us. Each time we gather to worship our God we are meeting together in Jerusalem. But do we rejoice at that opportunity, or do we come to God’s house, to Jerusalem, kicking and screaming? Do we jump out of bed on Sunday morning in anticipation of going to God’s house, or do we hit the snooze button a few extra times? Do we sit in God’s house with a joyful heart, or do we just sit there and expect that God will be happy with the fact that we at least made it to church?

As God’s law convicts our sinful hearts and attitudes, let us not forget what we hear when we sit in God’s house. We hear what his Son has done for us. We hear the forgiveness of sins pronounced to us, and we can trust in that forgiveness because Jesus Christ won it for us. Our forgiveness is perfect and complete. That is reason to rejoice.

It has been a joy and a privilege to join you in God’s house, in Jerusalem, this year. It has been a joy and a privilege to grow in faith and in the Word with you this year. It has been a joy and privilege to sit with you at your hospital bed and at your kitchen table. It has been a joy and privilege to share in your sorrows and in your happiness. And it is my prayer that God would continue to do great things in this congregation.


Turn in your order by 11 AM on Sunday and it should be here by Thursday night so that you can pick it up the following Sunday. Your support of Great Plains Lutheran High School (GPLHS) is very much appreciated.

Since January 2011, OSLC has purchased a total of $30,130 in SCRIP for a monthly overage of $282.49 in contributions to Great Plains.

Thank you to all who use SCRIP. If you are not using SCRIP and regularly shop at places like HyVee or Wal*Mart, or eat at Subway, McDonald’s or Perkins, we invite you to learn more about this simple way of supporting GPLHS.

During the week, Pastor, Vicar, Linda Schumacher or Lynne Wellberg will be glad to “sell” you SCRIP.

We thank Judy Miller and Cal Cook who continue to do the ordering and selling.


We are looking for people who would be able and interested in helping out at this year’s South Dakota State Fair WELS Evangelism Booth! This year, the South Dakota State Fair in Huron will be held from Thursday, September 1st through Monday, September 5th. Our Dakota/ Montana District WELS booth is located at spot #42 in the Family Living Center, where we hand out gifts and brochures, as well as hold a drawing for a Terry Redlin vignette. It is open each day from 9 AM until 8 PM (except on Sunday morning until noon so people can go to church). We usually divide the day into three time slots:

9 AM - 1:00 PM; 12:30 PM - 4:30 PM; 4:00 PM - 8:00 PM

At the time of this writing we still need volunteers for Friday from 9AM until 1PM; all day Saturday, Sunday from noon until 8PM, and Monday from 9AM until 4PM.

Your help in staffing the booth during any or all of these times on each day of the Fair will be greatly appreciated! What a great way to spend the day—serving your living Savior at the SD State Fair!


Being a greeter is a wonderful opportunity for each of us to greet our fellow members and guests who attend services at Our Savior Lutheran Church. The job is simple – come about 25 minutes before the service and make the members and guests feel welcome. Sometimes all it takes is that “Good Morning”, a smile or opening the door to make someone’s day special. What an easy way to show your love for your Savior.

We encourage families and our college students to also participate. If you are interested in being a greeter or would like additional information, please speak to Pastor Brokmeier, Linda Schumacher or one of the Outreach Committee members (Josh Palmer, Matt Anderson or Chris Schumacher).


Please note that the last week for Sunday 9AM and Monday 7PM worship services will be August 14-15. Beginning on August 21 we will again return to two services on Sunday morning at 8:30 and 11:00AM.

On Sunday, August 21 we will have a fellowship hour between services to give you a chance to meet Vicar Keegan Dowling and his wife, Kate and their son, Max.

We will have a family Bible study time on August 28 and September 4 (pastor may show some slides from their trip to Europe on one of those Sundays).


The year 2012 is an Anniversary Year for our congregation. It marks the 45th year of the official formation of our congregation and the 40th year of worshipping at 1010 – 8th St. South. Ground breaking for the first part of our current facility was held on August 1, 1971. The original church was dedicated on June 4, 1972. If you are interested in possible serving on an Anniversary Committee to help celebrate these Anniversaries, please speak with Pastor or one of the church council members.


On Sunday, September 11, Pastor Paul Wendland, the president of our Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, is scheduled to our guest preacher. President Wendland is making a trip this way to both share and receive input about the work we are doing at our Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary. He will also lead our Bible class hour on Sunday, September 11.

The plans are to have a collegian-congregational 3-bar (baked potato, salad and sundae bar) lunch right after the second service.

To avoid using a serving group, we are looking for volunteers to help with setting up, preparation and clean-up. We also ask that those planning to attend the lunch please sign up by September 4th. There will also be a sign-up sheet for those interested in donating various ingredients for the meal. Please check the cabinet for those sign-up sheets.

Also note that on Saturday evening, September 10, President Wendland will be meeting with a group of people from the area who might be specifically interested in directly supporting the work being done at our Seminary. If you would like more information about this meeting, please speak with Pastor Brokmeier.


1.  Sunday Morning/Monday Evening – Please note that Beginning with the month of June, we will have a family Bible study following the 9AM Sunday morning Service in the fellowship hall and will conclude by 10:45AM. On Monday evenings we will have Bible study in church at 6:30PM before the 7PM Monday night service.

2.  Teen Bible Study – We will look to resume teen Bible study when Sunday school starts on September 11. Until then the teens are encouraged to join the family Bible study.

3.  Briarwood and Sun Chase Apartments Bible Study – We continue our study of Old Testament Bible stories beginning in Genesis. The August dates are August 8 and 22 – 1PM at Sun Chase and 2PM at Briarwood. Upcoming stories will be the Tower of Babel and God Calls Abraham.

4.  Thursday morning Breakfast Bible Study – This group meets on Thursday mornings from 7:00-7:45AM and has begun studying the book of Revelation.

5.  Thursday mornings from 9:30-10:30 – This group has begun a study on the book of Revelation. Right now we are looking at the Revelation ch 2-3 – the Seven Letters to the 7 churches. Anyone is welcome to join us for this timely Bible Study.

6.  Women’s Bible Study – Look for Women’s Bible study to resume again sometime in September. If you have any thoughts or input, please speak with Sue Brokmeier, Jodie Fenske, Ann Hansen or Vicar.

7.  Bible Information Class If you know of someone who is interested in taking this class, please let them know they can make arrangements with Pastor or Vicar. In fact, right now Pastor/Vicar have several different classes going and meeting at various times.


On Monday, August 15 there is a meeting of the Eastern Conference at St. Martin’s Lutheran church. Known as the Post-Synod Delegate Conference – our congregation is expected to have a lay delegate attend the conference along with Pastor and Vicar Dowling.

The conference starts at 9AM so we would be leaving here about 8AM and should be back by the middle of the afternoon for the latest. Any man from our congregation willing and interested in going is asked to speak with Pastor or our Chairman, Matt Diersen as soon as possible.


Sunday School is scheduled to begin on Sunday, September 11. Sunday School teachers are needed for the upcoming year. There is a signup sheet on the back counter with the different grade levels. We would also appreciate helpers especially with the lower grades. There is the opportunity to also team teach if you would be interested. This year we will be teaching New Testament Stories on Sunday mornings. If you have questions, please speak to pastor or the education committee chairman, Tom Winghart.


Parents, located on the back counter, is the list of Sunday School aged children. Please verify that we have the correct information for your child(ren). Having this information no later than August 21 would help us ensure that we have enough material for each child. Sunday School is scheduled to begin on September 11.


Sunday, August 7 will be the farewell for the Schmidts. Around 11:15 AM there will be a potluck followed by a brief program.

The annual congregational golf outing will take place at Edgebrook with tee times beginning at about 1:45 PM. The day will conclude with a cookout about 5:30 PM at the church.

If you plan to golf and/or be at the cookout, please indicate that on the signup sheet on the back counter (golfing sign-up deadline for golfing is August 3rd at noon).

Following the cookout (about 630PM), we ask whomever is available to go to the Student Center to help load the Schmidts belongings into the moving trailer. The more hands the quicker it will go.


The LWMS Fall Rally will be taking place on October 8, at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Lake Benton, MN. The speaker will be Pastor Andrew Fix from Des Moines, IA. A mission congregation literally dropped into his lap when a group of Sudanese people learned his church proclaimed the true Word of God!


Our new Vicar, Keegan Dowling, his wife Kate and son Max will be arriving the week of August 7th. He will be installed in our August 14 and August 15th worship services. A brunch will take place around 10:15 AM Sunday morning. If you plan to attend the brunch, please indicate so on the signup sheet on the back counter.

We also invite you to consider welcoming the Dowlings via a pantry shower. Remember that HyVee Scrip and WalMart Scrip cards are available and would make good welcome gifts.


On Tuesday, August 9th, some help may be needed moving some items from the Student Center to the Church basement for storage. The reason is that our new Vicar is not able to store any of their possessions this year and so will be moving them there for the year.

It would then also be appropriate to give the Student Center Apartment a quick “once over” for any light cleaning that may still need to be done.