Grant application form January/June 2011

Seeking ESC support for a PROJECT

The ESC will provide funding to support an individual, group, institute or organisation with a project related to the aims of the ESC. Examples include: research, audit, review, needs assessment.
The money MUST be used for a defined project within a definite time frame.
Application / Please use this application form. Note sections with a maximum word count. Forms will be returned if the word count is exceeded.
Who can apply? / Applicants must be paid-up ESC members.
Deadline / Applications period MUST be received at ESC Central office by 30June 2011.
Budget / 25,000 euro for applications received between 1 January and 30 June.The ESC may not be in a position to fully fund all applications.
Name of applicant / On behalf of the LOC: Ass. Prof. Dr. DIMITRIOS P. LAZARIS
Job title / Chairman of the Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, KONSTANTOPOULEION General Hospital, Athens, Greece
Address / 3-5, Agias Olgas str. 14233, New IONIA, Greece
Tel no. / ++30 2132057910 ++30 6932393993
E-mail /
Date of submission of this form / June 29, 2011
Name of the person responsible for the project (If different to the person named in box A) / Ass. Professor Dr. DIMITRIOS P. LAZARIS
On behalf of the LOC of the 12th ESC Congress, Athens, Greece
Contact details of the person noted in this box B:
name of person, job title, address, tel no. email
Title of the project / Knowledge assessment on Sexuality and Contraception in Greece compared to the European average
Comprehensive description of the project. (Max 200 words)
The aim of this study is to collect information concerning the level of knowledge of the 16-18 years old boys and girls living and studying in Greece on Reproductive Health issues, such as: Sexuality, conception, STIs (and the methods of protection from them), as well as their sources of information and attitudes (sexual debut, number of partners, unwanted pregnancies, abortions). In addition the awareness of the adolescents on the modern methods of contraception, the actual use of each one of them as well as the needs of young people on information and accessibility to contraception will be recorded. In order to achieve these ESC interestsrelated aims, we conducted a quantitative survey with the use of self-administered questionnaire. The data will be collected in the school class environment after appropriate authorization is achieved by the Ministry of Education. Interestingly, this is the first research on reproductive health ever conducted in Greece to this extent. The results of this survey shall constitute the cornerstone of our efforts to positively influence the Greek authorities towards establishing appropriate school curriculum on sexuality education as well as towards upgrading the adolescents’ reproductive health in general. Hopefully the results shall be presented during the 12th ESC Congress in Athens.
When would it start / finish? (Max 20 words)
It shall start by October 2011 and last for 6 months (or until sufficient number of participants shall complete the questionnaires).
Where will it take place – country / town, establishment? (Max 20 words)
The survey’s design foresees the recruitment of more than 4000 students from all geographical parts of Greece.
Objectives and needs identified. (Max 20 words)
Due to inadequate teaching of “sexual education” as well as due to inexistence of any registry on the knowledge and the needs of the adolescents on “reproductive health” issues in Greece, such a survey is obviously required.
Sector in the area of contraception, sexual and reproductive health.
“Sexuality Education”
“Contraception” (awareness, accessibility and actual use of modern contraception)
Is it a ‘new’ project? Yes/No


If extension of an existing programme, provide information on original programme (Max 50 words)
It is the first survey on Reproductive Health issues ever conducted to that extent in Greece. Hopefully, it may constitute the cornerstone for future similar trials in order to enable us to gather information on the adolescents’ needs. The results shall be used to influence the state officials towards upgrading the reproductive health of the adolescents living and studying in Greece.
What outcomes will be measured? List. (Max 20 words)
The level of knowledge and the sources of information on Reproductive Health, Contraception and STIs of the Greek highschool students (irrespective of their Nationality, origin or religion).
Do you foresee any reasons (political, climatic, etc) why this project may be adversely affected? (Max 20 words)
The Greek society is very liberal. Thus, no political or social reasons are expected to adversely affect this research (other than the known financial difficulties, which appropriate sponsoring shall overcome).
Are there other partners or organisations supporting this same project? If so, list.
The members of the LOC of the 12th ESC Athens Congress shall try to bring this project to a successful end (hopefully with the support of the Departments and the Universities from several cities of Greece, which they represent in the LOC).
Have you already obtained any funding towards this project? (If yes or still awaiting a response, please give details) (Max 20 words)
How much money are you requesting? A detailed budget must be provided.
(Max 50 words)
Requested amount of money 25000 Euro
Questionnaires design (selection, translation) 2000 Euro
Creative and prints of 5000 copies 1500
Sampling design 2000
Fieldwork conduction (training, data selection, project supervising) 9500
Data entry 1500
Statistical analysis (PASW Statistics edit. 18.0 spss-software) 2500
Research resulting, Presentations, charts (ppt) 2000
Communication and other costs 1000
Estimated cost 22000 Euro
Estimated cost including VAT (23%) 27060
Requested amount 25000
Will this be part of a larger fund or stand alone? (Max 20 words)
No, it stands alone
Who will oversee the budget & keep accounts?
The treasurer of the LOC of the 12th ESC Congress

I / We, as responsible agents for this project, agree to the following 6 points:

I/We agree that all monies will be spent appropriately / X
I/We agree to advise you at the earliest time if this project is delayed or cannot be completed / X
I/We agree to provide a report to the Board of Directors of the ESC within 6 months of the end of the project and yearly, if the project lasts longer than 1 year. / X
I/We agree to present the ESC treasurer with a detailed budget at the end of the project. (if the project is longer than 1 year, the funding may be awarded in stages and be dependent on appropriate reporting) / X
I/We agree that if you need to make any significant changes to the duration, contents or funding of the project after it has been awarded, I/we will advise the ESC Treasurer. / X
I/We agree to acknowledge the ESC as a donor in any publications and oral communications resulting from this project. Ideally any manuscript should be sent to the ESC journal in the first instance. / X

Signed Date June 29, 2011

Name Ass. Prof. Dr. Dimitrios Lazaris

Please return this form (by email) to:

ESC Central Office

Opalfeneweg 3

B-1740 Ternat, Belgium

Tel +32 2 582 08 52

Fax +32 2 582 55 15