Regency Church of Christ

Youth Intern Job Description and Expectations


Youth ministry interns will work under the eldership, the youth ministry deacons, ministry leaders, and specifically with the Youth Minister. Interns will be considered part-time employees of the Regency Church of Christ, and full, participating members of the church staff and will be assigned specific areas of responsibility. Youth Interns will help lead teen trips, weekly activities, Bible classes, service projects, outreach efforts, etc.

The youth ministry internship is for 10 weeks during the months of May through August ministering to young people grades 6-12 and their families. It is our goal for you as an intern to connect with the young people God has entrusted to us in this ministry. Because spiritual growth often takes place in the context of a relationship, it is important that you spend a lot of time building relationships with students.

The objective for all youth interns is to win young people to Christ, connect them with other Christians, and to help them grow in their faith. Interns are to serve, lead, teach, mentor, and encourage the youth in their walk with God. The female intern will be primarily responsible to the girls and the male intern will be primarily responsible to the guys. There will, however, be many occasions this summer where we will all work together.

The male intern will be expected to teach at least 6 Sunday morning/Wednesday night Bible classes. He will also preach on the first Sunday night in August. Both the male and female interns are encouraged to plan a Guy/Girl’s Over Night Retreat during the summer. The female intern will be expected to teach at least 2 girl’s Sunday night devotionals and 2 Wednesday night classes.

On days that we are in the office, we will meet from 9:00AM – 4:00PM. Interns will be required to keep a personal journal recording experiences and spiritual growth. Mornings are used for planning, coordination with adult youth volunteers, class and activity preparation, and administrative duties. Many afternoons/evenings are spent with teens, developing relationships – either in group activities (planned and spontaneous) or one-on-one in counseling and prayer. Also, each intern is expected to read the two books that will be recommended by the youth ministers. These books are provided to encourage leadership development and spiritual growth.

At the Regency Church of Christ, we believe that all worship services should be reverent and respectful.Our worshipservices include singing but do not incorporate instrumental music. The interns are expected to adhere to these decisions, as well as, encourage the teens to refrain from all activity that would be distracting from worship or class times, i.e., talking, texting, etc. The teenagers lookup to the interns and the youth interns are to set an example duringworship times by paying attention to the message, bringing theirBibles, and singing with the congregation.

There is one “policy statement” governing youth interns’ private lives, and it will be strictly enforced. There will be NO dating between the youth ministry interns and any member of our youth group. Nor will there be any dating relationships between interns. All relationships with teens and fellow staff should be above reproach. There are NO exceptions to this policy. Dress, language, behavior, and attitude must be worthy of an ambassador of Jesus Christ.

Major Summer Events:

(Participation subject to change based upon youth participation)

1. Memphis Workcamp – June 2-7 (Both Interns)

2. Gulf Coast Bible Camp High School Week – June 8-14

3. Girl’s Retreat – June16-17

4. Guy’s Canoe Trip – June 17

5. Gulf Coast Bible Camp Middle School Week – June 22-27

6. Uplift at Harding University – June 27-July 3 (Both Interns)

7. Atlanta Mission Trip – July 17-20 (Both Interns)

8. Lock In – July 25 (Both Interns)

9. Southern Evangelism Conference at Faulkner – August 1-3 (Both Interns)

10. Regular Events:

- Sunday Night Devotionals – June 1, 15, July 6, 13, and 27.

- F.N.S. (Friday Night Sights) – May 30, June 20, and July 11

- Tuesday IMPACT – July 8,22, and 29.


• Interns will receive a salary of $325 a week over the course of 10 work weeks.

• All Youth Ministry related expenses will be paid.

• The Youth Internship will start on Wednesday, May 28th and end Thursday, August 7th

Desirable Skills and Qualities:

• A love for God and a desire to be used by God

• A love for students and a desire to see them grow in their faith

• Willingness to think creatively

• Ability to communicate effectively

• Ability to work well with people of all ages

• Ability to take direction and listen

• Openness to work as a part of a team

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