North Haven Nippers

Parent Handbook

Welcome to North Haven SLSC

When we speak about North Haven being a family-friendly lifesaving club, we don’t just mean that families are welcome. At North Haven, we encourage full family involvement and enjoy parental support. Our group leaders are volunteers: parents (and grandparents) and club members. Many of our parents have been so convinced of the positive impact lifesaving can have on their lives that they take on other leadership roles and become qualified Surf Lifesavers (Bronze Medallion holders).

Our Mission

Our mission as a club is to provide a safe, caring environment where children can develop their surf life saving and competitive skills, whilst enjoying the experience.

And from the outset, let’s be clear about our aims. While we teach our young people the joys of being safe while having fun at the beach, we hope to instil life-long values and aspirations that will not only support them through life, but also encourage and inspire them to take initiative and be Lifesavers themselves.

This handbook is designed to help parents to settle in quickly to our routines. It is especially for new members to ‘learn the ropes.’ It is a work in progress. If there is anything you feel you wanted to know, but it was not included, let us know and we’ll add it in for the next group of parents. In fact, constant improvements will be made through each season as parents share ideas with us.

New Members – What to Expect

It is always a bit daunting joining a new organisation. Once you get talking at North Haven, you’ll find that most of us have only been involved a fairly short time and those who you think seem ‘very experienced’ are simply parents who have decided to get involved.

·  We usually gather in the clubrooms, unless there is a function on in the hall, in which case we meet on the northern side of the club in the members’ area.

·  Expect to be welcomed and meet up with an Age Group Leader, who will help you fill out all the membership forms. The Bar Staff (also volunteers) will be able to provide a receipt for your membership fees, and will be able to sell you bathers, nipper caps and rash tops. There are plenty of adult sizes too so that we can all look the part; however, please don’t feel under any pressure to purchase all the gear. It is certainly not essential.

·  Expect your children to be settled in quickly with their Age Group Leader who will make them very welcome.

·  Expect to join us down at the beach, so wear clothes that enable you to at least wade in the water. Five and six year olds need one-to-one supervision while playing on foam boards in knee-deep surf and you will be required to remain with them at these ages.

·  New Juniors or those involved with a ‘Come and Try’ day can expect to be assessed before they participate in any water activities. This consists of a swim and a float in the sea. Whilst Surf Life Saving will improve your child's swimming fitness, and certainly develop their ocean-swimming ability and confidence, we are technically not qualified to teach them how to swim. A reasonable swimming standard is required for your child's safety from age 7 upwards and swimming lessons away from the club are recommended. We do however support this gradual learning by swimming each week as a club at the Portside Swim Centre at Largs Bay. We have a deal for a reduced cost on Monday evenings.

·  If your family is new to the club, please feel free to explore the clubhouse and ask questions. Check out the notice board in the lobby and the other facilities available.

Sun Smart Policy

All Juniors are required to adopt a Sun Smart attitude. Sun Smart clothing and sunscreen MUST be worn at all training days and carnivals. The Sun Smart requirements for training are listed below (under Uniforms / Dress Code).

Parents must ensure that children comply with the Sun Smart policy. Children who do not bring the required items to training or carnivals may not be permitted to participate in activities.

Inclement Weather

Safety first! In extreme weather, we will have a very limited time on the beach – if at all. We are fortunate to have air-conditioned clubrooms where we can continue training and play games. The Club will endeavour to re-schedule events if the forecast temperature is 37°C or more at the start of training activities.

Under 6s and 7s may finish earlier – weather dependent. As Under 7 parents are supposed to stay down with the children on the beach anyway, it shouldn’t cause any major family disruptions if they finish early. Early finish will be determined by the Age Group Manager. Please do not simply leave the beach without personally notifying either your Age Group Manager or the Junior Chairperson.


The Patrol Captain of the day has ultimate responsibility to ensure that the prevailing weather conditions are safe for conducting appropriate aquatic activities. The Patrol Captain will confer with the Junior Chair / Age Managers regarding such water activities if, in their opinion, unsafe conditions exist or where the skill level of children would result in an unacceptable risk.

The assessment of beach conditions may require modification of aquatic activities or cancellation altogether. Age Managers will announce such circumstances as soon as they become apparent.

What the club expects – behaviour and dress

We expect juniors and adults to be suitably attired for the beach so as to be protected from the sun or to keep warm if windy. Remember, little bodies cool down very quickly!


We expect that each child will obey instructions and that all will follow directions given by those in charge. Ultimate authority on the beach rests with the Junior Chairperson (or delegate) who in turn defers to the Patrol Captain in matters of safety.

Uniforms / Dress Code

Your child will need to bring the following to Nipper sessions each week:

·  A high visibility vest must be worn by all nippers when they are in the water. This is a directive from Surf Life Saving Australia.

·  A Brimmed hat – a hat that shelters the face, neck and ears from the sun;

·  30+ sunscreen (pre-applied) and some to reapply;

·  Goggles (if required), Bathers, and Towel. Note that club bathers and high visibility vests are needed for carnivals;

·  A Long Sleeve Top, club top can be purchased;

·  Rash Top – Club rash tops may be purchased and worn for carnivals;

·  A jumper in case of cold or windy weather;

·  A water bottle filled with cool water; and

·  A change of clothes for afterwards or in case we finish early (weather).

Your child must also wear a Nipper cap each week to help with identification on the beach. These are also worn at carnivals. Nipper caps can be purchased from the club. A comprehensive range of club clothing is available including; track pants, hoodies, board shorts, polo tops, hats and bathers.

Weekly Routine and Training Opportunities

Saturdays – Nipper Training

12:30pm Gather as whole group – notices, admin.

12:40pm Split into Age Groups for Theory and Practical.
This will be in clubhouse and/or on the beach depending on weather and sea conditions.

1:45pm U6s & 7s finish

3:00pm Finish at clubhouse. Parents pick up from clubhouse. Nippers may have a shower after training so they’ll need a change of clothes.

3:30pm: Club swim (competent Nipper swimmers are encouraged to participate).

Board Training

Andrew and Tina Renfrey work with Nippers from the Under 9 and over age groups. Participants MUST complete their Preliminary evaluation for swim strength prior to attending Board Training. Parents are encouraged to come along and help supervise.

Board training will be held on Friday nights at 5:00pm.

Pickup and Drop Off at Sessions

Please note that for safety reasons, children are not to be dropped off or picked up from the car park. Parents must please bring their child into the club to be signed in and have them signed off before they take them home. This saves moments of panic when a child is discovered missing.

Special requirements to participate in the Under 6/7s Program.

A child must fulfill the following requirements before they can be accepted into the North Haven Under 6 or 7’s program:

·  Complete enrolment and health form prior to participating.

·  MUST be a minimum of 5 years of age as at 30th September 2013 to participate in the Under 6 program.

·  A parent/guardian MUST remain on the beach and assist the Age Managers when requested and as required.

·  MUST have as a minimum at least one parent as a current registered member.

Surf Education

Surf Education represents the formally assessed element of our Nipper programme, and is nationally accredited through SLSA. It guides the activities throughout the season, and includes both theory and practical components. Before children are allowed to participate in water activities a preliminary evaluation is undertaken. This involves participation in water activities, which are scaled to their age group. Age is taken at 30th September in respective years.

SURF PLAY (Not an Award) - 5 & 6 year olds (Collectively called the Under 7 Programme)
Under 6s and 7s use boards with 1:1 supervision. This means that parents are expected to be on the beach.

SURF PLAY 1 5 year olds – Under 6s – Nil; (shallow water activities only).

SURF PLAY 2 6 year olds – Under 7s – Nil; (shallow water activities only).

SURF AWARENESS 1 7 year olds – Under 8s – 25m swim (any stroke); 1 min float.

SURF AWARENESS 2 8 year olds – Under 9s – 25m swim (any stroke); 1 min float and an ocean swim within 12 mins.

SURF SAFETY 1 9 year olds -– Under 10s – 25m swim (freestyle); 1 ½ min float and 150m ocean swim within 12 mins.

SURF SAFETY 2 10 year olds – Under 11s – 50m swim (freestyle); 2 min float and 288m ocean swim within 11 mins.

SURF SMART 1 11 year olds – Under 12s –100m swim (freestyle); 2 min float and a 288m ocean swim within 10 mins.

SURF SMART 2 12 year olds – Under 13s – 150m swim (freestyle); 3 min float and a 288m ocean swim within 8 mins.

Surf Rescue Certificate

Under 14s must have completed this award to compete in the Junior State Championships. Once a child has completed this award they have an obligation under club rules to start patrolling the beach as part of the club roster and can compete in senior competition on behalf of the club.

The Surf Rescue Certificate is the first step to becoming a qualified Lifesaver! It’s an important transitional ‘Cadet’ phase from your child being a ‘Nipper’ to being a ‘Bronzie’. Cadets start to learn the ropes of patrolling and saving lives.

Proficiency Requirements

Naturally, we need to be aware of Nippers’ competency levels before they engage in beach and aquatic activities. For this reason we have preliminary evaluations comprising participation in a short swim. To be eligible to compete in carnivals, there are some further proficiencies.

In exceptional circumstances, the Junior Chairperson, in consultation with the Age Group Managers, may allow some Nippers to complete awards above their age group in order to compete at higher levels. Generally this will not be discussion brought into the public arena.


(For Under 9s and above)

Carnivals are part of the competitive culture of Surf Life Saving and are an important and exciting part of club life. All children are encouraged to participate in both team and individual events.

There are special requirements (awards) juniors must meet before being allowed to participate.

In South Australia:

To participate in Beach Events, nippers must have their Junior Preliminary Skills Assessment Award. This award consists of a swim and a survival float (distance and time limits vary with each age group).

To participate in Water Events, nippers must have their Junior Competition Skill Evaluation Award. This is a timed ocean swim (distance and time limits vary with each age group).

Important Nipper Dates of 2015/16 Season

Oct 2015

Sat 10th Nippers begins - 'Come and Try' day and registrations due

Nov 2014

Sun 15th Junior Carnival #1 Semaphore

Dec 2015

Sat 12th Christmas break up

Sun 13th Junior Carnival #2 Port Elliott

Jan 2016

Sat 3rd Nippers recommences

Sun 17th Junior Carnival #3 Seacliff

Sat 30th Club carnival and Junior Championship

Feb 2016

Sun 14th Junior Carnival #4 Port Noarlunga

March 2016

Sat 5th Junior Qualifying Carnival Glenelg

12th – 13th Junior State Championships Somerton

Sat 19th Junior Presentation

In addition, the Club Awards Dinner is slightly later, usually in June. This is an opportunity to come together as a whole club and celebrate the year. All are welcome, including Nippers and their families, and ESPECIALLY if your child achieves the Surf Rescue Certificate during the season.

Please refer to the official Club Calendar or see our website at for all the club’s events and up-to-date information.

Parent Involvement

In short, we have a Juniors program because parents step up to the plate. Very few of us came through the ranks as Nippers ourselves and we learn the skills because we value them for our children. There are many roles, both on and off the beach. Please volunteer to help and if you see a gap that’s not being filled, you may be able to offer services there.

Many Nipper Parents are inspired to work towards their Bronze and become lifesavers. It is a worthwhile and enjoyable way to help the community and be of even more assistance for your children at Nippers. Contact our Captain of Lifesaving or Chief Instructor for more information. Details on the Club Notice Board.

Police Checks

All parents assisting with Juniors are required to undergo a police check. All forms must be taken to a police station with ID by the parent and then given to the Club President to complete and forward. Once received the original current police certificate needs to be sighted by the Club President who will forward the details to Surf Central to record on our online database, called SurfGuard. Please note that there is no cost incurred to the parent to obtain a police check provided that they are a member of SLSSA (another benefit of joining up).