Rawya Mansour

A woman of many talents, Rawya Mansour is a globally acclaimed Interior Designer, Environmental Activist, and Humanitarian restlessly fighting for the uplifting of all stratifications of society.

Rawya Mansour is a pillar of entrepreneurial innovation and tasteful tact. Bread in a family of exceptional success, Rawya Mansour built upon the Mansour heritage in the fields of Arts and Humanities. Her unique business strategy of social solidarity has proclaimed her a pioneer of social environmental innovation within the Middle East and Africa. A true polymath in her own right, Rawya Mansour is a student of Law and Commerce at the University of Alexandria as well as Art History at Sotheby’s and Christies.

In 1999 Rawya Mansour founded RAMSCO for Refined Architecture and Interior Design. Rawya Mansour’s impeccable talents and unique flair in both the classicaland modern interiors have earned her significant global media attention in magazines and books such as House and Gardens from the USA to Russia, Greece, Czech Republic, England, and the Middle East.

After earning her title as a modern-day master of Interior Design Rawya Mansour looked to new mountains as her passion for enriching lives took a new focus towards the underprivileged and the environment of developing countries. In 2007, just before the Egyptian food riots, Rawya Mansour foresaw the need of a drastic change, and took the matter in her own hands by founding RAMSCO for Trade and Distribution. There she developed and tested a groundbreaking holistic approachto organic agro-business within Egypt. This approach looked to developing novel techniques which focused on enhancing national food security, hence halting the wheat subsidies and thereby the surge in food prices whilst combating the environmental degradation threating the world around us.

Upon the success of Rawya Mansour’s pilot projects Rawya founded the RAMSCO Foundation for Sustainable Agricultural Development in 2009. An NGO operating to oversee Rawya Mansour’s self created zero-waste agro-technologies and fore plan the creation of self-sustainable zero-waste eco-villages. In 2012 Rawya Mansour established OASIS (Organic Agriculture for Social International Solidarity) in The Principality of Monaco. OASIS works within the scope of encouraging cooperation of wealthy nations with developing nations through the work of sustainable agriculture infrastructure and employment in order to improve food security and combat poverty and malnutrition for rural development. Rawya Mansour is also a shareholder in ERTEKAA, a joint stock company aimed at ‘the enhancement of integrated services and waste recycling ‘, the company looks to clean up Cairo and has thus far been successful in removing public waste and developing waste systems for three of the cities poorest slums.

Rawya Mansour’s work as a visionary humanitarian and environmental activist as well as successful business woman and interior designer has proclaimed her an honorary member of the Arab Business Women’s Council, 100 Women Who Rose Above Change In the Muslim World, A Hero of the Green Era, a member of the Clinton Global Initiative Foundation, a member of the Earth Institute at Columbia University, a and member of UNDP’s IDSC.

It was founded by Ms. Rawya Mansour Ramsco Company for Trade and Distribution in 2011. Joint Stock Company

That Plants Organic food & sold at Metro Super Market in all Egypt

Rawya Mansour’s vision and formidable spirit continue to prove that the way forward is through sustainable and social development while protecting the environment through the adaption of the green economy.