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According to the dispositions of article 955 of the municipal code, it is with pleasure that I inform you of the financial status of the Municipality of Kazabazua one last time before the end of my term.

Financial statement for 2008: The external auditors, Janique Ethier, CGA carried out the verification of the financial year ending on December 31, 2008 and showed a surplus of $ 87,248.00 which increases the accumulated surplus as of December 31, 2008 to $205,926.00.

Remuneration of the members of Council: The Mayor receives an annual salary of $10,908.00 and an expenditure allowance of $ 3,636.00 from the Municipality and an annual salary of $3,167.95 and an expenditure allowance of $1,584.01 from the MRC. The Councillors each receive a salary of $3,636.00 and an expenditure allowance of $ 1,818.00.

Elections: The four year term for all elected members of council will end in October 2009, therefore just as all over Quebec, we will have Municipal Elections November 1st, 2009. The Municipal Council recently adopted a by-law to allow voting by correspondence for non-resident property owners.

Awarding 2008-09 contracts: According to the Law, the list of contracts of more than $25,000, which were granted in 2009, is available for consultation at the municipal office.

Administration: A new administration team member Ms. Pauline Marenger joined the Municipality of Kazabazua this spring, thus filling in the position of Director General following the resignation of Ms. Josee Parsons.

Public Security: In accordance with the orientations of the Ministry of Public Security with regard to fire protection, the risk coverage plan should be deposited sometime in 2009.

Roadway Systems: Budgeted road works were carried out in an amount of $169,240 to date, received within the framework of the provincial and federal agreement relating to the transfer of part of the gasoline excise tax. The roadwork was carried out on the following roads: Delgrosse, Mulligan Ferry, Jingletown, Willoughby, St-Pierre and Range 8 Road. Also, $30,000 was received from Quebec MP Stephanie Vallée for the installation of guard rails on Mulligan Ferry Road.

Hygiene and Sanitation: In 2009 within the framework of the septic emptying program the municipality has carried out more than 265 emptyings, of the foreseen 310 emptyings. We ask for the support and the collaboration of all, as the regional site allocates us only 5 weeks from June to October.

Health and Welfare: Thanks to the keen work of volunteers from the Cultural, Social and Golden Age Association of Kazabazua, a medical clinic has been offering services one day a week since September 2008 at the library and cultural centre with the help of a local volunteer nurse. Blood work is also offered by this clinic by appointment only. Also this fall, flu and H1N1 vaccines will be offered at the same location.

Economic Development: After the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Regions identified the Municipality of Kazabazua as a “devitalized municipality” a committee was formed to develop an action plan for the Municipality as more than 1 million dollars will be available for our area. The “Gatineau Valley Retirement Village” volunteers continue their planning and research tasks, with plan to break ground next spring with phase 1 of their project.

Investments: In August of this year we were able to install air-conditioning at the Community Centre with the help of the Hydro Quebec “Go with the Flow” project for which we received $2,980. The remainder of the expense was taken from the accumulated surplus. In August, the Municipal Council passed a resolution to set aside $10,000 from the accumulated surplus to aid with the development of projects foreseen in the devitalised municipality action plan. Also, most recently a contribution of $25,000 was donated on behalf of the Municipality to the Gatineau Valley Retirement Village Association, to put toward the commencement of phase 1 of the senior’s village project. This allotment was taken from the accumulated surplus and is expected to be recovered over the next couple of years, through municipal tax collection, with the construction of the affordable housing units for seniors.

Urbanism: Approximately 80 permits have been emitted so far in 2009, representing an investment amount of more than $1,134,003 this being only a slight decrease from 2008, even with the trying 2009 economics.

Municipal Evaluation: The total taxable value of movables and immovables for the financial year 2009 to date is $105,796,500. A new evaluation roll for 2010 is due to be deposited with the Municipality this fall.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the municipal members of council, employees, citizen’s committees, the volunteers and our team of firefighters for their efforts and their devotion throughout the year and over the past four years. It has been my pleasure to have served this community as Mayor.

Adrien Noël, Mayor of Kazabazua

October 29, 2009

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