MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF BERINSFIELD PARISH COUNCIL held on Monday 8th April, 2013 at Mount Farm Community Education Centre, Wimblestraw Road, Berinsfield.

PRESENT : Councillor K. Hall Chairman

Councillor Mrs. P. Brenen

Councillor Mrs. P. Collins

Councillor E. Croft

Councillor G. Denslow

Councillor J. Eccles

Councillor L. Pomeroy

1. Items raised by Members of the Public The following matters were brought to the attention of the Parish Council :-

a) Litter in Colwell Road and the spinney between the school and Abbey Woods Close.

South Oxfordshire District Council will be asked to deal with the litter in Colwell

Road and Oxfordshire County Council will be contacted about the problem in the


b) Rubbish in the car park behind the shops on the junction of Chiltern Close and Fane

Drive. South Oxfordshire District Council will be informed about this.

c) Concerns over vehicles being able to gain access to Bullingdon Road via open space

at the side of the A 4074. The Parish Council will assess whether further planting

should be carried out in the open space.

d) Corner of school playing field at the junction of Lodden Avenue and Windrush

Road. Rubbish is being deposited by the dog litter bin, including children’s toys.

The Parish Council agreed to arrange for this to be removed and for the area to be

cleared so that residents do not deposit garden refuse or household rubbish on the

school playing field.

e) Vehicle parking inconsiderately at the junction of Barrington Close – further details

have been requested.

f) Hedge in garden of 14 Kennet Close is overgrown and overhanging the pavement.

Oxfordshire County Council will be asked to deal with this matter.

g) Damaged wall, 21 Windrush Road. It was reported that the brick wall has is damaged

and the bricks have not been cleared away. The fascia boards are also damaged and hanging off the property. South Oxfordshire District Council will be contacted to check if it is an environmental problem.

h) Fumes from chimney at 21 Ock Drive, Berinsfield. The Parish Council was informed

that the fumes from the chimney at 21 Ock Drive are causing a nuisance to residents

in various parts of the village now. The Chairman said he had advised people who have complained to him about the fumes to write individually to South Oxfordshire District Council giving details about the frequency of the fumes etc.

i) Vehicles causing obstruction at the junction of Windrush Road and Kennet Close.

It was reported that two vehicles sign written “Elliotts” were being parked in such

a way as to cause an obstruction to drivers exiting from Windrush Road. Further

information will be obtained and the matter will be reported to the Thames Valley


2. Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Christian, Harris, Harwood and Mrs. Sutton. County Councillor Lorraine Lindsay Gale also gave her apologies.

3. Declaration of Interests. There were no declarations of interest.

4. To receive the Minutes and Confidential Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 4th March, 2013. The Minutes and Confidential Minutes of the meeting of Berinsfield Parish Council held on 4th March, 2013 were APPROVED by the Council and signed by the Chairman.

5. District Councillor’s report. District Councillor Hiles reported on the following matters:-

a) District Councillor Hiles referred to the housing allocation in the larger villages meetings organised by South Oxfordshire District council, the next of which will be held on 24th April, 2013. He indicated that the industry requirements for the work force of the village needed to be taken into account as well. He also advised the Parish Council to be careful when talking about housing allocation and what is actually required in Berinsfield, i.e. social housing, shared ownership, rented from private owners. The Core Strategy has been approved and the site allocation will commence soon. District Councillor Hiles advised the Parish Council to give consideration as to where houses and industry should be allocated in the village.

b) Faster internet access. South Oxfordshire District Council has allocated funds towards the scheme to provide faster internet access in Oxfordshire. Residents need to express their

interest in the scheme and this will be publicised in the village.

c) District Council Offices. District Councillor Hiles was asked if there were plans to re-locate the South Oxfordshire District Council Offices and he informed the Council that this was not high on the list of the District’s priorities at the present time as a suitable location would have to be found.

d) Closure of Post Office, Dorchester-on-Thames. It was reported that the Post Office in

Dorchester would be closing in June. This is due to the Sub-Postmaster/Mistress giving up the business, not that Post Office Counters wished to withdraw the service from Dorchester. Alternative sites are being investigated. The Chairman, Councillor Hall, said that Berinsfield Parish Council would support Dorchester Parish Council in trying to retain a Post Office in the village.

6. To consider planning applications and decisions received to date.

a) Application No. P13/S0562/HH (Householder). Erection of a conservatory, 46 Glyme Drive, Berinsfield, OX10 7PD. This application was considered by the Finance and General Purposes Committee on 18th March 2013 in order to comply with the time scale for comments to be made. The Committee agreed that the application should be approved and South Oxfordshire District Council was informed accordingly. The Parish Council noted this information.

7. Minutes of the meeting of the Allotments, Playing Fields, Open Spaces and Burial Ground Committee held on 11th March, 2013. The Minutes of the Allotments, Playing Fields, Open Spaces and Burial Ground Committee meeting held on 11th March, 2013, together with the recommendations contained therein, were APPROVED by the Parish Council.

8. Minutes of the meeting of the Finance and General Purposes Committee held on 18th March, 2013. The Minutes of the Finance and General Purposes Committee meeting held on 18th March, 2013, together with the recommendations contained therein, were APPROVED by the Parish Council.

9. Notes from the meeting of representatives from the Neighbourhood Development Plan Sub-Committee and Officers from South Oxfordshire District Council held on Tuesday 19th March, 2013. The contents of the notes from the meeting were noted by the Parish Council. The Parish Council AGREED that the Neighbourhood Development Plan Sub-Committee should meet before its next meeting with officers from South Oxfordshire District Council, the date of which has yet to be arranged.

10. Casual Vacancy. One application was received from a resident who wished to be considered for co-option as a member of the Parish Council. The Parish Council considered the application, but AGREED to inform the applicant that the Council had decided not to make a decision to appoint a co-opted Member at the meeting. The applicant was thanked for expressing an interest in the vacancy and for attending the meeting.

Members considered that a presentation should be made about the work of the Parish Council at the Annual Open Council Meeting to be held on 22nd April and it was AGREED that notices regarding the Annual Open Council Meeting should be displayed and circulated in the village.

11. Correspondence and Items for Information

a) Electoral Review of South Oxfordshire: Final Recommendations. The Parish Council noted the information contained in the report attached to the agenda that the Local Government Boundary Commission had confirmed its draft recommendations for a single member Berinsfield Ward as final.

b) Community Governance Review, South Oxfordshire District Council. The Chairman informed the members of the Parish Council that the item would be included on the agenda for the May meeting of the Parish Council as the additional information due to be issued in April had not yet been received.

c) Berinsfield C.P. School. The Parish Council was pleased to note the information contained in the letter from Anna Crispin, Director for CfBT Schools Trust, the sponsor for the new Berinsfield Primary academy which will take effect from September, 2013. The Council noted that Karen Walker, CfBT’s Education Adviser was asked to join the Berinsfield Interim Executive Board in December 2012 and has been working with a number of the key people in the life of the school, including Mr. Martin Lester, the Acting Headteacher, the board of governors, staff and the children in the school.

d) South Oxfordshire District Council. Infrastucture Improvements Funding. The Parish Council noted the availability about the Infrastructure Improvements Funding Scheme available to towns and larger villages in the District. Members were asked to consider schemes which may qualify for funding from the scheme and that the item would be discussed at the next meeting of the Parish Council

e) South Oxfordshire District Council. Distribution of 1154 homes amongst the

larger villages. Second workshop The Parish Council noted that the second workshop would be held on Wednesday 24th April, 2013 from 6 – 8 p.m. at the offices of South Oxfordshire District Council. It was AGREED that Councillor Hall and Councillor Denslow should attend the meeting as representatives of the Parish Council.

f) Poll Cards. South Oxfordshire District Council had asked to be notified if the Parish Council was aware of areas of the village where residents had not received poll cards. The Chairman of the Parish Council had not received his and this had been notified to the District Council. All other members confirmed they had received their poll cards but would notify the Clerk if they heard of other residents who had not done so.

12. Statement of Accounts for payment in March and April 2013. It was AGREED that the statement of accounts for payment in March and April in the sum of £13,396.46 should be approved.

10. Date of next meeting – 13th May, 2013