1. What important characteristic did “Lucy,” the earliest hominid yet found, have?
  1. Historical narratives and epic poetry were a further development of what major characteristic of civilization?
  1. What were some of the activities for Paleolithic nomads?
  1. What was the major difference between hunter-gatherers and people living in villages?
  1. The Neolithic Revolution refers to the time when early humans developed ______?
  1. What was the main result of the domestication of animals?
  1. What three things did the pyramids show about the Old Kingdom dynasties of Egypt?

17. What group of nomads used the first iron chariots to invade Egypt?

  1. According to the Torah, what three things did Moses help do?
  1. How did the Athenians transform an aristocracy into a direct democracy?
  1. What caused the major difficulties in uniting ancient Greeks under a single government?
  1. What two sides fought the Peloponnesian War?
  1. What three cultures helped make up the Hellenistic culture?

51. What group of nomads used the first iron chariots to invade Egypt?

  1. What rights did all persons have under the law?
  1. Name at least three reasons for the decline of the Roman Empire.
  1. The Roman Empire made improvements to what aspects of society?
  1. Name three ways of trade found in the Muslim Empire.
  1. What was the body of civil law created for in the Byzantine Empire?
  1. . . . who was the main supporter of the iconoclasts?
  1. What were three things the Byzantines did to prop up their empire?
  1. Which empire used Orthodox Christianity as their state religion?
  1. What was not influenced by the combination of the church and state?

108. For what did a knight fight?

115. What was a page required to learn?

122. What was the central issue of the Hundred Years’ War?

142. Name at least three traits that characterized Gothic architecture.