2.2.1 Vocational Skills: Job Seeking, Job Search, Basic Level
Module 2: Vocational Skills – Job Seeking
2.2.1 – Job Search
(Basic Level)
Job searching can be difficult and confusing and it’s important to know where to start. Identifying your key skills and abilities is a good place to begin as this will help you to think about the type of job you would like. When looking for a job you must first look at what your professional skills are, what you have to offer and then identify areas/sectors you might be interested in.
Remember -A skill is anything you can start the phrase with ‘I can……….’
In terms of employment this is a great opportunity to think about where you are now and where you would like to be in the future and to consider how to get there. The way people apply for jobs in the UK has changed dramatically over the years. Before technology became so widely available we used to buy the local newspapers and look in the job section for any suitable work
Activity 1 – Identifying a new role
There are a number of options open to you:
- Look for a completely different job to what you have previously done.
- Look for a new job doing the same role.
- Work for yourself (self employment)
- Consider a mix of employment, part time, contract work for an employer, voluntary roles.
You can use local newspapers, trade magazines and the internet to research different types of employment.
Information taken from further information can be found using the link.
Activity 2 – Where to job search
- Job Centre – Universal Jobmatch website- this is where you can post your CV, create a job profile, get updates on jobs that you may be interested in.
- Newspapers, trade magazines, internet.
- Recruitment agencies.
- Job sites e.g. and many others
- Identify companies / organisations that you would like to work for and search for jobs on these sites.
Visit local job centres, recruitment agencies to see if they have suitable vacancies.
Buy local newspapers, trade magazines. Look through these to identify suitable vacancies.
Activity 3 – What would your ideal job look like?
- Location
- Job Content
- Company
- Culture
Make a list of the above, this will help you to think about and identify where you may want to work, what sort of job, what type of company you would like to work for, and what sort of culture do you want to work in e.g. big organisation, family company, voluntary.
Information taken from further information can be found using the link.