Minneapolis AE

Work Teams Will Recommend Core Texts for Classes

From ABE Newsletter of 10/05/12

All MPS AE classes will eventually be assigned a core text that will be under $20 for students to purchase. (Classroom sets will be available for students to use if they do not buy them.) This text will be identified through the work team and recommended to administration via our curriculum office. There are many reasons to have a core text that is used every day in class. Here are just some of the reasons:

A good course book:

·  Increases consistency in what is being taught in classes throughout program.

·  Aids teacher in syllabus development.

·  Helps avoid copyright violation.

A good course book offers students:

·  Security that this is an organized, stable, professional learning environment.

·  The sense of progress and achievement as they can refer back to where they have been.

·  The feeling of confidence and satisfaction as they are working within a framework and know where they are headed.

Core Text Parameters & Timeframes

(from admin. Meeting of 10/9/12)

·  Core texts are expected to be in place and used in classrooms by fall 2013, if not already in use (i.e. Step Forward series).

·  The top priority of texts is for the Math workteam. It is recommended that the team look for texts to pilot in classes for the third quarter (January 28, 2013 – March 29, 2013) in order to make a recommendation by the end of the year.

·  Minneapolis AE is not a publisher. If staff-produced materials are suggested as the core text selection, they should be used in an electronic form. For example, distributed via Schoology or as an attachment in Gmail or in Google Docs.

·  Workteams should use the core text selection document to assist in identifying a core text to pilot and recommend for purchase.

The selected core text must meet the following requirements:

Þ  Aligns with learning targets and assessments

Þ  Workteam received input from staff at all sites/times

Þ  Has a current copyright (within last 5 years)

Þ  Incorporates 21st century skills (technology, literacy, numeracy, critical thinking, life, work, academic)

Þ  Cost is reasonable for student purchase (i.e. under $20)

Þ  Cost is reasonable for program for class set purchase

Þ  Has teacher’s guide/edition

Þ  If series, other workteams agree with series (i.e. ELL Low & ELL Advanced)

Þ  Includes TABE, CASAS, and/or GED 2014 in content

Þ  Includes test taking strategies in content

Þ  It is not over stimulating or “busy” and is designed for adults

Þ  Has technology/online component available – if so, free or low cost to program

Þ  Has copies available in Braille (either from publisher or State Services for the Blind)

Þ  Performed a “pilot” of text w/ classes at different sites/times

Steps to recommend core text

  1. Workteam uses above guidelines to select and identify core text
  2. Workteam Chair fills out attached document “Core Text Selection”
  3. Workteam chair gives “Core Text Selection” to Curriculum Office for approval
  4. Curriculum Office submits approved document to Administration
  5. Administration proceeds according to program budget and course needs
  6. One book will be ordered for each teacher teaching class and will be distributed by Site Coordinators

Core Text Selection

(Please submit this document electronically to the Curriculum Office)


Core Text Content Area:

Core Text Title:



Cost & Quantity:

Student Text for Purchase:

Teacher’s Edition:

Other information (website, etc.):
