Doncaster Landscape Character Capacity Study
As part of the work for the Local Development Framework the Doncaster Landscape Character Capacity Study is being undertaken by environmental consultants ECUS, managed by DMBC Environmental Planning team between February and August 2006 and is due to be submitted in September 2006. The work is to be undertaken in 2 stages;
Part 1: The first stage of the study is to undertake a broad review of the current Doncaster Landscape Character Assessment produced in 1994. The assessment will be updated and any significant gaps in the document will be identified. Areas to be addressed include:
- Updating land use descriptions where they have changed significantly;
- highlighting the river valleys within the borough more strongly;
- summarising key characteristics of each landscape character area;
- providing a ‘finer grain’ of landscape character area categorisation and description
- highlighting areas of ecological importance within the borough with reference to the emerging biodiversity action plan;
- and summarising the main current forces for change within each landscape character area.
Part 2: Detailed landscape capacity assessment work is to be undertaken to form part of the ‘evidence base’ for the emerging Local Development Framework (LDF) which will replace the UDP (Unitary Development Plan). It will look at the potential capacity of the different landscape character areas to accommodate different types of potential development including Minerals and Waste, Housing, Employment, Renewable Energy – and develop more area-specific landscape mitigation policies. It will also inform planning policies like Local Areas of Special Landscape Value and other environmental strategies such as large scale forestry. It will complement the Biodiversity Action Plan (due out Summer 2006) and emerging Urban Characterisation Study.
Stakeholder Group
As part of the process a key stakeholder group has been formed organized to inform the project, in line with good practice set out by the Countryside Agency, Landscape Institute and Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment – and based on good practice developed during similar recent studies in neighbouring local authorities, for example East Riding. Key external stakeholders invited to participate include Thorne and Hatfield Moors Conservation Forum, Doncaster Naturalists Society as well as representatives of English Nature, Yorkshire Wildlife Trust, Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, English Heritage, the Forestry Commission and the Environment Agency, South Yorkshire Archaeological Service, Council for the Protection of Rural England, British Waterways, South Yorkshire Forest, Highways Agency, Parish Councillors and Town Councillors. In March 2006 consultation forms were sent out to the key stakeholders (see below). In April 2006 a key stakeholder meeting was held to review methodology prior to Ecus starting the landscape character survey phase of the project.
May 2006
Appendix A How does the Study fit into the Local Development Framework (LDF)?
In March 2006 scoping and ‘desk study’ work was undertaken to review the existing Landscape Character Assessment. The survey phase of the project is due to start in May 2006
Appendix B Key Stakeholder Consultation Form March 2006
Request for Information
- With reference to the current Doncaster Landscape Character Assessment, we would like to invite stakeholders to outline any sections that need updating and any significant gaps or shortfalls. A paper copy of the existing Landscape Character Assessment of Doncaster Borough is available to view at reception at the Directorate of Development office in Danum House. In addition a summary of the existing assessment is available to view in Appendix C of the draft interim supplementary planning guidance Landscape Planning on Development Sites in Doncaster which is on the Doncaster MBC website, which can also be accessed at local libraries This document is also available to view at reception at the Directorate of Development office in Danum House. We would welcome your initial comments on the effectiveness of the adopted Unitary Development Plan policies in terms of landscape planning issues that should be addressed in the Landscape Character Assessment.
- Council representatives are also invited to contribute to this initial data collection stage of the process by providing information / comments / concerns that they may have regarding landscape character area specific capacity for new development.
Please use the Stakeholder Consultation Response Form on the following page;
Doncaster Landscape Character Capacity Study
Review of existing Landscape Character Assessment of Doncaster Borough
Stakeholder Consultation Response Form
Please return completed forms by March 22nd 2006 to Doncaster Landscape Character Capacity Study, Ecus Ltd, Endcliffe Holt, 343 Fulwood Road, Sheffield, S10 3BQ
Telephone number………………………E-mail …………………..
(please note response forms will be public documents)
1. Identify any significant gaps in the existing Landscape Character Assessment of Doncaster Borough and suggested changes or improvements to the document
2. Identify any key landscape types, features or landmarks you feel should be highlighted in the updated Doncaster Landscape Character Capacity Study
3. Describe any new or amended landscape related planning policies you would like to see in the emerging Local Development Framework (LDF) which will replace the Unitary Development Plan (UDP), e.g. what type of landscape schemes, what type of development is appropriate in what type of landscape character area, design and location of new development?
4. Further comments:
Thank You
ECUS Landscape Design Team;
or Tel: 0114 266 9292