IoT-01-2016: Large Scale Pilots

Pilot 5: Autonomous vehicles in a connected environment

Bringing the best of Autonomous driving and IoT for a real step forward in automated driving in Europe!

The European Commission has launched a call for a 20M€ Pilot in "Autonomous vehicles in a connected environment" in the context of a call on the Internet of Things. (seeworkprogramme- page 94)

If you are a stakeholder in autonomous vehicle, IoT or related domains, do not miss the

INFORMATION DAY ON IoT Pilot 5: Autonomous vehicles in a connected environment

December 3rd, 2015 ,European Commission, Mado building, Place Madou, 1

1210 Brussels, Belgium

During the day the EC representatives will present the details of the call for proposals and the proposers will have the possibility to present their project ideas to the audience, offering them an excellent networking opportunity to complement their consortium.

Registration is free of charge but mandatory to get access to the venue.

Registration will close on November 29.

Please return the registration form below to the e-mail address:


INFORMATION DAY ON IoT Pilot 5: Autonomous vehicles in a connected environment

December 3rd, 2015 , European Commission, Mado building, Place Madou, 1

1210 Brussels, Belgium

Administrative data necessary togive you access to the venue:

Last name / First Name / Email address / Birth Date / Nationality / ID document Number

Stakeholder type

Vehicle Industry
(specify the type) / OEM (components, subsystems, etc.)
Please specify the type / Pilot Host
(infrastructure provider, public authority, etc.)
Please specify the type / Technology provider (robotics, comms & networks, platforms,etc.)
Please specify the type / IoT Services providers
Please specify the type / User/End-user representatives
Please specify the type / Expert in non-technical issues
(please specify: e.g.: insurance company, legal expert, etc.)

Project presentation or competence presentation (you have a competence and want to offer it to a consortium in the making)

Do you wish to give a short project presentation / Do you wish to present your project idea on a poster (limited space: first infirst served) / Do you wish to present a competence
Y/N / Y/N / Y/N

IoT-01-2016: Large Scale Pilots

Pilot 5: Autonomous vehicles in a connected environment

December 3rd, 2015 , European Commission,
Mado building, Place Madou, 1 - 1210 Brussels, Belgium



9:30 -10:00 / Registration

10:00 – 11:30 / Welcome
IoT-01-2016: Large Scale Pilots / EC
Pilot 5: Autonomous vehicles in a connected environment / EC
Proposal writing tips
Coffee Break / EC

13:00 -- 14:00 / LUNCH BREAK
15:00 --16:30 / Coffee and Poster Session
16:30 --17:00 / Q&A and wrap up
17:00 / Closing

H2020 Information Day – 3 December 2015 – 10.00 to 17.00

Venue: European Commission Building: MADO – Room: Karel Van Miert auditorium Place Madou, 1 1210 Brussels, Belgium

How to get there:

From Airport: Brussels Airport Zaventem

  • Transfer by Bus: There is a shuttle bus (Line 12) from the airport to the City. The bus station is located on level 0 - one floor down from the arrivals hall at the airport (platform C). Get off at Schuman (approx. 30 minutes). From the Schuman Metro stat ion, take the metro line 1 or 5 direction Gare de l'Ouest or Erasme. Two stops on change at Arts-Loi to metro line 2 or 6, direction Elisabeth. Leave the metro at Madou.
  • Transfer by Taxi: A taxi from the Airport takes about 20 minutes.
  • Transfer by Train: Take the shuttle from the airport to Central Station (Gare Centrale). The trains leave in intervals of approx. 15 minutes. From the Gare Centrale Metro station take the metro line 1 or 5 direction Stockel or Herman-Debroux. Two stops on change at Arts-Loi to metro line 2 or 6, direction Elisabeth. Leave the metro at Madou.

From Train Station:

  • Central Station (Gare Centrale) via Metro to Madou. At the Gare Centrale take the metro line 1 or 5 in the direction of Stockel or Herrmann-Debroux. Two stops on change at Arts-Loi to Metro line 2 or 6, direction Elisabeth. Get off at Madou.
  • South Station (Gare du Midi) via Metro to Madou. At the Gare du Midi take the metro line 2 or 6 in the direction of Elisabeth. Seven stops on, leave the metro at Madou.

For your convenience here is a map of the Brussels metro