Special Meeting

25th February 2008, Council Chamber

An Cathaoirleach, Councilor Nick Killian, presided.

Members Present:

Councillors Charles Bobbett, Joseph Bonner, Oliver Brooks, Phillip Cantwell, William Carey, Jimmy Cudden, Jennifer D’Arcy, Jimmy Fegan, Brian Fitzgerald, Michael Gallagher, Eoin Holmes, Jim Holloway, Tom Kelly, Noel Leonard, Michael Lynch, James Mangan, Liz McCormack, Seamus Murray, Patsy O’ Neill, Bryan Reilly, Joe Reilly,

Others Present:

John Brady T.D., Damien English T.D.,

Town Councillors Padraig Fitzsimons, JohnDuffy, Christy Reilly, Caroline Lynch.

Officials in Attendance:

CountyManager: Tom Dowling

Head of Finance: Fiona Lawless,

Directors of Service: Brendan McGrath, Kevin Stewart, Tadgh McDonnell, Eugene Cummins, Liam Henry.

Senior Executive Officers:Martin Rogers, Michael Griffin, Olive Falsey (A)


Councillors Patrick Boshell, Shane Cassells, Eugene Cassidy, Anne Dillon Gallagher, John Farrelly,Peter Higgins, Tommy Reilly.

1.0To receive presentation on health issues related to proposed 400kV line.

Councillor Nick Killian, An Cathaoirleach opened the meeting and indicated that since the last special meeting held on this issue the Minister had agreed to the carrying out of a study on the issue of undergrounding/overgrounding of the cables. An Cathaoirleach explained that the full Council had been united in its approach to this issue despite attempts by some people to politicise the matter. He then introduced Dr. Sheila A. Johnston, who had been sourced by Eugene Cummins, Director of Services and who was considered to be an expert on the Health issues associated with electricity lines. It was agreed that Dr. Johnston would deliver her presentation and that this would be followed by a questions and answers session. Dr. Johnston then delivered her detailed presentation and made reference to the following:-

  • She was an independentNeuroscience Consultant from Canadanow living in Lahinch,CountyClare (formerly lived in London) and had been involved in setting the North American standards.
  • The necessity for Electromagnetic Energy and the affects major electricity outages can have on the economy.
  • The basis for human exposure levels and the limits set by IEEE/ICNIRP.
  • Human Health research scientific evidence.
  • Childhood Leukaemia.
  • Research and the Environment.
  • Lighting up of tubes (as published in local newspapers) not considered hazardous.
  • 9 points of association to consider before causation and no tests of significance can answer the9 questions.
  • UK Draper Study on children (0-14 years) with leukaemia born between 1992 -1995 and noted that 97% of cases were further that 600 meters away from high voltage power lines.
  • That the strength of association against power linesis weak. Childhood leukaemia causes are still enigmatic with stronger associations in;

a)Infection based explanations (Kinlen’s ”Population mixing” and Greaves “delayed infection”) and,

b)Diet (Canadian Cancer Research society)

  • In 2007 Cathy Gilman, Chief Executive of Leukaemia Research in response to Media Statement concerning the connection between power lines and childhood leukaemia

Stated“the Report is not new research nor does it offer any new evidence as to the cause of leukaemia. We have been funding research for almost 50 years, including one of the largest studies ever carried out into the causes of childhood cancers” (UK CCS Study).Scientists strongly believe the cause of childhood leukaemia to be an abnormal immune response to an infection”

  • EMF Biological Research Trustexpressed views that (June 2007)

“At the present time there is no persuasive experimental evidence that the weak magnetic fields in homes due to power lines can induce biological effects”.

“Epidemiological association between magnetic fields and childhood leukaemia is not necessarily one of cause and effect: alternative explanations cannot be excluded”.

  • National Institute of Environmental Health Services concluded:-

“None of the individual epidemiological studies provides convincing evidence linking magnetic field exposure with childhood Leukaemia”.

  • World Health Organisation Fact Sheet No. 322 June 2007 in reference to Electromagnetic

Fields and Public Health stated:-

“Regarding long term effects given the weakness of the evidence for a link between exposure to ELF magnetic fields and childhood leukaemia, the benefits of exposure reduction on Health are unclear”.

  • Industry and Government must continue to promote prevention, improve environs, use renewable energy, promote child education about electricity, promote research and keep informed about new science and cancers.
  • Two Conferences proposed on 29/30 April 2008 and 1 / 2 May 2008 on Childhood Leukaemia.

An Cathaoirleach, Councillor Nick Killian then opened the issue up to the floor and invited questions.

Members raised a number of issues including the following;-

  • Other reports/studies not commented on such as Henshaw & Sage Reports which had raised concerns on health grounds.
  • Draper report appeared to be balanced and links childhood leukaemia with proximity to power lines.
  • E.U. Directive introduced to protect workers exposed to EMF on continuous basis.
  • At what strength would EMF have an effect on public health?
  • Whether underground lines were safer than overground lines.
  • Would she live in close proximity to 400KV lines?
  • Whether the sceptics were likely to prove there were risks to public health from power lines or whether scientists likely to prove there are no risksfirst.
  • Public representatives had a duty to be concerned about the health & safety of their constituents.
  • The difficulty in convincing the public where there were health issues.
  • The question of how up to date the guidelines issued by WHOwere?
  • The differing guidelines/standards used by countrieswith some such as Sweden, Switzerland & Italy setting standardsabove those set by WHO.
  • Concern expressed in relation to standards and the research carried out due to the fact that this was funded by vested interests.

The meeting adjourned at 11:40am.

On resuming at 12:20pm Dr. Johnston gave the following replies.

  • She was an independent Consultant and was a Director of her own Company along with her husband and one other party.
  • The cause of childhood Leukaemia was not known
  • More important to concentrate on “what you know” as against “what you don’t know”.
  • ICNIRP (International Committee Non- Ionising Radiation Protection) sets the standards and the WHO issue the Guidelines.
  • Scientists sift through evidence & make conclusions and on the weight of evidence it is more likely that childhood leukaemia is affected by the immune system rather than electricity lines.
  • Under ground versus Overground “Safe is Safe”
  • IEEE standards are always up to date.
  • E.U. Directive due to be implemented in May 2008 delayed until 2012.
  • She had lived in London beside 400KV lines and would have no problem living in close proximity to them in the future.
  • She had never worked for the electricity companies.
  • The advice of WHO is best as this is based on the consensus opinion of scientists
  • Some countries have decided on levels different to the consensus of opinion and this was their choice. However there may be redress sought by EU in the future where this occurs.
  • As all the information provided by her is based on scientific evidence she has confidence in it.

An Cathaoirleach thanked Dr. Johnston for her honest and forthright views and concluded this part of the meeting.

2.0To meet with representatives of Eirgrid

Nick Killian, An Cathaoirleach, welcomed Dermot Byrne, Chief Executive of Eirgrid and his team.

Mr. Byrne thanked the Council for the opportunityto address the meeting and made the following points:-

  • Eirgrid’s mandate was for a safe, secure, reliable and economic supply of power.
  • Eirgrid provide the infrastructure grid and do not buy or sell power.
  • Cost of the infrastructure will have to be borne by the users.
  • The company was not driven by profit.
  • 439Kilometers of 400kv overhead lines in Ireland.
  • 1% approx. of cables in Europe were underground.
  • The current proposal must adhere to national and international guidelines.
  • A review of the guidelines was carried out in June 2007and concluded that there was no need to change ICNIRP standards.
  • A judicial review preventing Eirgrid from selecting a preferred route had been sought by one ofgroups opposing the development.
  • A study had recently been commissioned by the Minister in relation to

undergrounding/overgrounding of the cables.

  • No application for planning would be made until after completion of the study by the Minister.

At this point Councillor Brian Fitzgerald proposed that this meeting should not proceed any further untilafter the completion of both the Minister’s study and the judicial review. This proposal was seconded by Councillor Jimmy Mangan. It was then agreed by the members.

An Cathaoirleach thanked Eirgrid for coming and indicated that when legalities were concluded a further meeting could be arranged.

The meeting then concluded.


An Cathaoirleach


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