A Pathfinder for 20th & 21st century Presidents
Select three presidents from the 20th or 21st century who made a significant difference in American politics. Their influence could be for better or for worse, but decisions made during their administration, or events that they shaped or influenced altered the way Americans conduct their lives or view themselves in the world. Which one should be the new American Idol and why?
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Teddy Roosevelt / Wm . Howard Taft / Woodrow Wilson / Warren G. Harding / Calvin Coolidge
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Herbert Hoover / FDR / Harry Truman / Dwight D. Eisenhower / JFK
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Lyndon B. Johnson / Richard M. Nixon / Gerald Ford / Jimmy Carter / Ronald Reagan
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Online Resources--Internet Sites
Teddy Roosevelt
  1. American President: Theodore Roosevelt - Fact file and comprehensive biographical sketch based on PBS series. Also includes gallery and quotations.
  2. History.com - Theodore Roosevelt - Profile of the 26th President includes video and audio galleries along with his biography, a timeline and transcripts of major speeches.
  3. How Teddy Roosevelt Became a Cowboy - Excerpt from a book by Sarah Watts tells about Teddy Roosevelt's self-transformation from an East Coast dandy to a Western Rough Rider.
  4. The Nobel Prize in Peace 1906 - The presentation speech and other information about this prize, awarded to Roosevelt for brokering a peace between Russia and Japan.
  5. On Safari With Theodore Roosevelt - Illustrated account of Roosevelt's 1909 trip across Africa, largely described in his own words.
  6. Teddy Roosevelt - Provides a biography of American President Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt. Includes his picture and a list of his Supreme Court appointments.
  7. Theodore Roosevelt: An Intimate Biography - From Bartleby.com. By William Roscoe Thayer, 1919.
  8. Theodore Roosevelt Center - Dickinson University - Site presents excellent material on TR in the west as well as general material and a nice selection of cartoons. Also a learning program
  9. Theodore Roosevelt Collection - The Houghton Library Web Site - One of the principal resources for primary material in the study of the life and times of Theodore Roosevelt, complementing resources of the Library of Congress. Reproductions of photos and manuscripts available.
  10. Theodore Roosevelt: Conservation as the Guardian of Democracy - Essay explores Roosevelt's role in the conservation movement.
  11. Theodore Roosevelt: Icon of the American Century - Exhibit on Theodore Roosevelt from the National Portrait Gallery and Smithsonian Institute. Pictures, calendar and history of TR included.
  12. Theodore Roosevelt Timeline - Details over 550 events in TR's life. Footnotes and Bibliography. Can view as calendar or chronological.
  13. Theodore Roosevelt's Family in the Great War - Describes the war service of each member of the family, including an account of Roosevelt's reaction to the news of his son Quentin's death in 1918.
  14. TIME'S 100 Leaders - Four-page profile of Theodore Roosevelt as one of the TIME 100: Leaders and Revolutionaries of the 20th century.
  15. Western Experiences - Theodore Roosevelt - Biographical account that focuses on Roosevelt's creation of national forests and reserves in the west.
  16. White House Presidential Biographies: Theodore Roosevelt - Brief biography from the official White House site.
Wm. Howard Taft
  1. The American Experience: Taft - Provides an overview of Taft's life, the era in which he served, his domestic policy, and foreign affairs. From PBS.
  2. American President: William Howard Taft - Fact file and comprehensive biographical sketch based on PBS series. Also includes gallery and quotations.
  3. Growing into Public Service: William Howard Taft's Boyhood Home - Classroom-ready lesson plan introduces Taft and his family.
  4. History.com - William Howard Taft - Profile of the 27th President includes video and audio galleries along with his biography, a timeline and transcripts of major speeches.
  5. Taft Summer White House - Information about Taft's summer homes in Beverly, MA, during his four years as President 1908-11. The story, photos, political cartoons, text from local newspapers, and links to other Taft sites.
  6. USA: Biography of William Howard Taft - Includes biography, portrait, and inaugural address.
  7. William Howard Taft - Provides a biography of American President William Howard Taft. Includes his picture and a list of his Supreme Court appointments.
  8. William Howard Taft - Short biography from the official White House site.
  9. William Howard Taft: Dollar Diplomacy - Article examines Taft's foreign policy.
  10. William Howard Taft: Inaugural Address - Complete text of speech delivered Thursday, March 4, 1909. Includes background information.
  11. William Howard Taft National Historic Site - Photo and printable travel guide to Taft's place of birth.
Woodrow Wilson
  1. American President: Woodrow Wilson - Fact file and comprehensive biographical sketch based on PBS series. Also includes gallery and quotations.
  2. History.com - Woodrow Wilson - Profile of the 28th President includes video and audio galleries along with his biography, a timeline and transcripts of major speeches.
  3. President Woodrow Wilson - Biographical sketch of Woodrow Wilson from the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.
  4. USA: Woodrow Wilson - Includes comprehensive four-part biography and inaugural addresses.
  5. Woodrow Wilson - Provides a biography of American President Woodrow Wilson. Includes his picture and a list of his Supreme Court appointments.
  6. Woodrow Wilson - A Concise Biography - A biography with several pictures.
  7. Woodrow Wilson and the Fourteen Points - Information and links on the American President, the Fourteen Points, and the League of Nations.
  8. Woodrow Wilson Birthplace - Photographs and information on Wilson's Staunton, Virginia birthplace.
  9. Woodrow Wilson House - Presidential museum and National Trust Historic site. Includes history, calendar of events and exhibitions, educational programs, tour preview, staff directory, and directions.
  10. Woodrow Wilson: Prophet of Peace - Classroom-ready lesson plan examines Wilson's struggle to achieve lasting world peace following World War I.
Warren G. Harding
  1. American President: Warren Harding - Fact file and comprehensive biographical sketch based on PBS series.
  2. The Harding Home - Presented by The Ohio Historical Society, a description of Harding's Victorian home in Marion, Ohio where the famous "front porch" campaign was conducted.
  3. History.com - Warren Harding - Profile of the 29th President includes video and audio galleries along with his biography, a timeline and transcripts of major speeches.
  4. The Presidential Election of 1920 - Info on 1920 election, and link to audio recording of Warren Harding's famous plea for normalcy speech during the campaign.
  5. Warren G. Harding - Provides a biography of American President Warren G. Harding. Includes his picture and a list of his Supreme Court appointments.
  6. Warren G. Harding - The Man - Biography of Warren Harding by Joe Mitchell Chapple published in 1920 and reproduced online.
  7. Warren G. Harding: Inaugural Address - Complete text of the speech delivered Friday, March 4, 1921. Includes background information.
Calvin Coolidge
  1. American President: Calvin Coolidge - Fact file and comprehensive biographical sketch based on PBS series. Also includes gallery and quotations.
  2. Calvin Coolidge - Provides a biography of American President Calvin Coolidge.
  3. Calvin Coolidge and Intervention in Nicaragua - Coolidge justifies U.S. intervention in Nicaragua to protect American interests.
  4. Calvin Coolidge: Inaugural Address - Complete text of speech delivered Wednesday, March 4, 1925. Includes background information.
  5. Calvin Coolidge Memorial Foundation - Studies and promotes the Coolidge legacy. Site offers a virtual museum, educational resources, and description of the foundation and its programs.
  6. Calvin Coolidge Presidential Collection - Papers, photographs, memorabilia and artifacts associated with the political and personal life of Calvin Coolidge (1872-1933), 30th President of the United States.
  7. CalvinCoolidge.us - Biography, quotes, and other resources with emphasis on character and values.
  8. History.com - Calvin Coolidge - Profile of the 30th President includes video and audio galleries along with his biography, a timeline and transcripts of major speeches.
  9. Inaugural Address - Coolidge's 1925 address. Free HTML E Text. Read it online, page by page.
  10. POTUS -- Calvin Coolidge - Includes portrait, biographical facts, cabinet details, and related links.
  11. The Price of the Presidency - Article from Yankee Magazine examines the toll the presidency took on Coolidge's personal life.
Herbert Hoover
  1. American President: Herbert Hoover - Fact file and comprehensive biographical sketch based on PBS series.
  2. American Presidents: Life Portraits, Herbert Hoover - Information from the C-SPAN American Presidents site.
  3. Herbert Hoover - Provides a biography of American President Herbert Hoover. Includes his picture and a list of his Supreme Court appointments.
  4. Herbert Hoover - Short biography from the official White House site.
  5. Herbert Hoover: Inaugural Address - Complete text of speech delivered Monday, March 4, 1929. Includes background information.
  6. Herbert Hoover: Iowa Farm Boy and Humanitarian - Classroom-ready lesson plan follows the President from his boyhood days to his role as administrator of Belgian Relief Commission during World War I.
  7. Herbert Hoover National Historic Site - Brief introduction, photograph, and printable travel guide to Hoover's Iowa birthplace.
  8. Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum - Includes library history, a children's section, and resources for educators.
  9. History.com - Herbert Hoover - Profile of the 31st President includes video and audio galleries along with his biography, a timeline and transcripts of major speeches.
  10. Hoover Institution - A think tank on the campus of Stanford University, dedicated to research in domestic policy and international affairs.
  11. Medical History of President Herbert Hoover - Describes the medical history of President Herbert Hoover.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR)
  1. American President: Franklin Delano Roosevelt - Fact file and comprehensive biographical sketch based on PBS series. Also includes gallery and quotations.
  2. Character Above All: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Provides a brief look at the character traits that made Roosevelt great. From PBS.
  3. FDR - The Man, the Leader, the Legacy - Part one of a multipart series from the Future of Freedom Foundation.
  4. FDR Cartoons - A collection of political cartoons from Roosevelt's administration.
  5. FDR: Pacific Warlord - Critical reappraisal of Roosevelt's policy in the far east, including his attitude to Japanese americans and their internment.
  6. FDR's Little White House - Franklin Delano Roosevelt's presidential retreat and museum in Warm Springs, Georgia. Near the historic campus of the Roosevelt Warm Springs Institute for Rehabilitation.
  7. Fireside Chats of Franklin D. Roosevelt - Online version of presidential radio broadcasts made between 1933 and 1945.
  8. Franklin D. Roosevelt American Heritage Center - Non-profit group provides educational and other learning opportunities concerning the life and public service of Franklin D. Roosevelt, his family and associates.
  9. The Franklin D. Roosevelt Library and Museum - Provides access to documents, photographs, sound and video recordings, finding aids, and other primary source materials.
  10. Franklin D. Roosevelt National Historic Site - Brief description, photo, and printable tourist guide for Springwood, Roosevelt's lifelong home.
  11. Franklin Delano Roosevelt - Brief biography and selection of speeches from the HTML project.
  12. Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) - Provides a biography of American President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR). Includes his picture and list of his Supreme Court appointments.
  13. Franklin Delano Roosevelt's 1st Inaugural Speech - Complete online HTML text.
  14. History.com - Franklin D. Roosevelt - Profile of the 32nd President includes video and audio galleries along with his biography, a timeline and transcripts of major speeches.
  15. Remembering Franklin Delano Roosevelt - Washington Post tribute based on recollections submitted by readers.
Harry S. Truman
  1. American President: Harry S. Truman - Fact file and comprehensive biographical sketch based on PBS series. Also includes gallery and quotations.
  2. The Avalon Project : Truman Doctrine - Complete text of the March 12, 1947, address before a joint session of Congress.
  3. Character Above All: Harry S. Truman - Provides a brief look at the character traits that made Truman great. From PBS.
  4. Experience Kansas City - Harry S Truman - Provides a look at the leader through the eyes of his home town.
  5. Harry S Truman - Brief biography from the official White House site.
  6. Harry S. Truman - Provides a biography of American President Harry S. Truman. Includes his picture and a list of his Supreme Court appointments.
  7. Harry S Truman Commemoration - Complete biography with photographs remembers the 50th anniversary of Truman's presidency.
  8. Harry S. Truman: Inaugural Address - Complete text of the speech delivered Thursday, January 20, 1949. Includes background information.
  9. Harry S Truman Library and Museum - Includes museum hours, news, programs, gift shop, information on research and archive materials;
  10. Harry S Truman National Historic Site - Includes photograph, brief introduction, and printable travel guide.
  11. Harry Truman and the Atomic Bombing of Japan - Brief article and links on Truman's role.
  12. Harry Truman: Political Genius - A brief look at Truman's life and works.
  13. History.com - Harry S. Truman - Profile of the 33rd President includes video and audio galleries along with his biography, a timeline and transcripts of major speeches.
  14. Project WhistleStop: Harry S Truman - Features original source material from the Harry S Truman Presidential Library.
  15. U.S. Senate Historical Minutes: Harry Truman Visits the Senate - Tells about the historic visit the former president paid to the U.S. Senate on his 80th birthday.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
  1. American President: Dwight Eisenhower - Fact file and comprehensive biographical sketch based on PBS series. Also includes gallery and quotations.
  2. American Presidents: Life Portraits - Details about Dwight Eisenhower's life, and audio and video speech and news clips of the former president.
  3. Character Above All: Dwight D. Eisenhower - Essay provides a brief look at the character traits that made Truman great. From PBS.
  4. Dwight D. Eisenhower - Provides a biography of American President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Includes his picture and a list of his Supreme Court appointments.
  5. Dwight D. Eisenhower: First Inaugural Address - Complete text of speech delivered Tuesday, January 20, 1953. Includes background information.
  6. The Dwight D. Eisenhower Library - Includes comprehensive collection of research materials and audiovisual archives.
  7. Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Commission - Aims to create an enduring Eisenhower National Memorial in Washington, District of Columbia.
  8. Dwight D. Eisenhower: Second Inaugural Address - Complete text of speech delivered Monday, January 21, 1957. Includes background information.
  9. Eisenhower Foundation - Information and educational units on the life and times of Dwight D. Eisenhower. Many primary resources and online tours of the Eisenhower Center in Abilene, Kansas.
  10. Eisenhower Institute's Historical Reflections - The Institute's website features a section called Historical Reflections. It contains numerous articles about the Eisenhower years.
  11. Eisenhower National Historic Site - Brief description, photograph, and printable travel guide of the president's Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, home. From the National Park Service.
  12. Eisenhower's Farewell Address to the Nation - Complete text of speech delivered January 17, 1961.
  13. General Dwight D. Eisenhower - The interesting life of the 34th President of the United States.
  14. History.com - Dwight D. Eisenhower - Profile of the 34th President includes video and audio galleries along with his biography, a timeline and transcripts of major speeches.
  15. The Papers of Dwight David Eisenhower - [Requires Subscription] The complete electronic edition of all 21 volumes.
John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK)
  1. American President: John F. Kennedy - Fact file and comprehensive biographical sketch based on PBS series. Also includes gallery and quotations.
  2. History.com - John F. Kennedy - Profile of the 35th President includes video and audio galleries along with his biography, a timeline and transcripts of major speeches.
  3. JFK Resources Online - A collection of links about John F. Kennedy, his assassination, and his family, including direct links to photographs and sound clips.
  4. John F. Kennedy (JFK) - Provides a biography of American President John F. Kennedy (JFK). Includes his picture a list of the people in his cabinet.
  5. John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library - John F. Kennedy Library, the nation's official memorial to President Kennedy
  6. John Kennedy's Vietnam Rhetoric - Extensive review of the public rhetoric of Kennedy on Vietnam concludes that he would have had an extremely difficult time withdrawing, given his public statements.
  7. President John F. Kennedy - National Archive Photos of Kennedy's Presidency - Captured are important and special moments during President John F. Kennedy's term in office, from his swearing in on the steps of the Capitol Building to his historic funeral procession through Washington D.C.
  8. Tears of a Thousand Years - Historical perspective on JFK by Ted Groseclose.
  9. Time Magazine Person Of The Year 1961 - From the January 5th 1962 issue of Time magazine, the article citing John F. Kennedy as the magazine's 35th person of the year.
  10. A Tribute To Jack and Jackie - Collection of pictures, quotes and facts about JFK, Jackie and other members of the Kennedy family.
  11. The Uncommon Wisdom of JFK - Describes a new book about President Kennedy. Book includes a DVD.
Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ)
  1. American President: Lyndon B. Johnson - Fact file and comprehensive biographical sketch based on PBS series. Also includes gallery and quotations.
  2. Character Above All - Excerpt from an essay by Robert Dallek reflects on the issues and events that molded Lyndon B.