Date & Time: / Monday 8th July 2013 – 5pm
Location: / The Point
Attendance: / Emma Hosking / Jay Flanders
Beth Addison / Adam Rolfe / Anita Dzre
Josh Bennetts / Jack Robinson / Calum Kay
Daniel Jones / Stuart Westley / Ricky Beal
Amber Saunders / Idil Ali / Sofia Bajerova
Sofia Bajerova / Kieran Gaskell / Alice Piggott
Elizabeth Beale / Manijeh Kheradmandan / Mahi Joshi
Jayme McDougall / Hazel Fransch / Tobias Scoble
Peter Hitchin / Luke Louis
Visitor: / Gail Tolley / Director of Children’s Services
James Rowbotham / Hammerson
Tom Reynolds / PPS Group
1.0 / Welcome / ACTIONS
Elizabeth welcomed Gail to the meeting, everyone introduced themselves, and Gail explained her role within MKC.
2.0 / Apologies
Apologies were received from Thelsa, Libby, Nick and Tom.
3.0 / Minutes of the Last Meeting
The Minutes of the meeting were read and approved.
4.0 / Matters Arising
Working with the Police campaign - Sofia and Amber reported on the recent trip the Police station. A short question and answer session took place with Detective Superintendent Barry Halliday and Chief Inspector Ed McLean was also there.
Getting ready for Work – Idil and Tobi are looking at what systems schools currently have in place. Cannot directly get the schools to change. Maybe create a set of guidelines?Gail suggested using school councils. Positives and negatives apply to all schools. Idil is contacting teachers at her school. Cllr Small is coming in this Thursday to help more. / IA
4.0 / Matters arising continued
Hazel reported that Ousedale is happy to hold the Curriculum for Life conference. Started deciding what outside help we need. Only secondary schools at the moment. Bring in banks, etc, to come in and set up courses. Hoped for September. Maybe link with PSHE and 6th form.
Kayla is keen to push for head teachers to come to the conference. Gail advised that September is not a good time to have the conference due to new terms starting and to consider October instead. EB wants to attend a head teachers meeting to discuss the Curriculum for Life campaign. Gail recommended writing to chair of the heads MKSH Sue Carbutt. Gail will help if we get stuck.
Children’s Select Committee – councillors have said they would be happy to get involved with the campaigns. David Hill and Andrew Geary are joining us in September and Cllrs Miles and Dransfield will be joining the YCab meeting in October.
Gail confirmed that Peter Marland is the new Labour Leader, Cllr Miles still the children contact. / EB
5.0 / Election of new Vice Chair
Kayla was voted in as new Vice Chair.
6.0 / Hammerson – The Point Re-development
Stuart had a meeting with Andrew Geary to talk about the re-development of The Point. Hammerson are happy to help us source space in MK. Andrew believes we can get office space between Witan and Saxon Gates, not confirmed (Midsummer House and Acorn House). Planning hasn’t been put in yet so we can start negotiations. Awaiting response from Andrew and Gail more than happy to help with negotiations/attend meeting with Stuart and Andrew. She will prompt Andrew to follow up on the discussions.
At this point, Tom and James from Hammerson joined the meeting and presented their new designs. They will be returning to the Council in the new year with advanced designs. / SW
6.0 / Hammerson – The Point Re-development (cont’d)
James confirmed that there is no opportunity for us to relocate in the new development and are happy a certain amount of money within the 106 be used by the Council to assist in the relocation.
7.0 / Health Watch and Hospital Reps
Amber confirmed that a children and young people’s participation person had been employed – Jane Bigwood, who would like to attend a meeting. There will be an event in the school holidays in Middleton Hall at which they will launch their link.
Emma confirmed that MK Hospital are looking for young people to join their board of governors who meet every two months. If you attend, you can claim £10 for expenses. Their rep is coming to the informal meeting next week to discuss in more detail. / EH
8.0 / Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting is scheduled for Monday 7th October at Civic Offices. Cllrs Bradburn, Dransfield and Miles will be joining us.
ACTION POINTS / Any Other Business
-Social media forms
-Idil and Tobi – constructing a Getting Ready for Work questionnaire coming by e-mail. Please complete and send back.

L:\ComEcoDev\Youth Participation\Youth Cabinet\ADMINISTRATION\Minutes and Agendas\YCab Minutes 2013\Minutes 8 July 2013.doc