1. Procurement method:

Competitive without tendering by way of open request for proposals (invitation to bid).

2. Name, location, mailing address, email address, contact telephone number of the customer:

Joint-Stock Company “Aeroflot – Russian Airlines”

10 Arbat Street, Moscow, 119002, Russia

Contact person: Yanina Valerievna Zhdanova

telephone: (495) 753 8163 ext. 1398, fax: (495) 544-3334


3. Subject matter of the contract indicating the quantity of goods supplied, the volume of work performed or services rendered: provision of services to find a potential purchaser for the real estate, the hotel complex with the land plot in Tomisato, Japan and secure a transaction involving the sale of the said real property:

The property is located in Japan at Aza-Shishiana, Nanae, Tomisato-shi, Chiba-ken

The property includes:

A complex of structures: 651-431 and 651-430

A 2,390.3 m2 5-storey building

(built in June 1992), category: dormitory

- reinforced concrete, flat roof

Condition: satisfactory

64 single rooms, dining room, kitchen, utility rooms, elevator for 15 people.

Air conditioning and ventilation systems.

Electricity supply: available

Water supply /sanitary facilities: available

Leased out as a dormitory between May 01, 2005 and January 31, 2009.

Removed from service in 2009.

A 1,826.36 m2 3-storey building

(Built in January 1989 and completed in September 1990), category: dormitory

- reinforced concrete, flat roof

Condition: unsatisfactory, requires major repairs (water leaks, flooding)

40 double rooms, 12 single rooms, two saunas, gym, recreation room

Utility rooms

Air conditioning and ventilation systems.

Escalators/elevators: unavailable

Electricity supply: available

Water supply /sanitary facilities: available

Removed from service in 2005 due to unsatisfactory technical condition.

Three 2-storey residential houses with a total area of 439.62 m2

(Built in 1989), category: dormitory

- Wooden, slate roof

Condition: satisfactory

6 apartments

A 42.5 m2 boiler house

(Built in June 1992)

-reinforced concrete, flat roof

A 9 m2 water filtration building

(Built in January 1989)

- reinforced concrete, slate roof

Land plots

651-428: 36 m2 (type: Development)

651-430: 3,374 m2 (type: Development)

651-431: 3,127.33 m2 (type: Development)

651-432: 72 m2 (undeveloped land)


The property was commissioned in 1989.

The residential houses are located in a “low-rise residential area”.

There is a sump and a gas (propane) supply system on the site.

The site has access to the municipal water supply system.

Water is mainly sourced from the well/borehole.

Soil contamination: not recorded.

In view of the poor condition of the buildings, they have to be restored as a prerequisite for their operation.


There is a school and stores nearby

The Narita airport is within 15 km proximity

Satisfactory transport accessibility (2.7 km to the nearest railroad station)

Improvements: there is a tennis court and a swimming pool on the site (February 15, 1989)

Commercial environment: satisfactory

Environment in the residential area: satisfactory

Price of the property

According to the valuation report prepared by DTZ Debenham Tie Leung KK (Tokyo, Japan), the market value of the hotel complex with the land plot as at March 31, 2014 amounts to 195 million yen, excluding taxes levied on the sale of the property. This value is the lowest possible selling price of the property.

4. The place of delivery of goods, works and services:


5. Information on the initial (ceiling) price of the agreement: the ceiling price of the services agreement shall not exceed 3% of the selling price of the real property provided for in the sale agreement concluded. This ceiling price of the agreement shall include all the costs incurred by the contractor and all taxes payable according to applicable law.

6. The time, place and manner of presentation of the procurement documentation, and the amount, manner and time of payment of the fee collectable by the customer for the provision of documentation, if any, except where such documentation is presented in the form of an electronic document:

Bids shall be accepted by 12:00 noon (Moscow time) on 30th of June 2014

at JSC “Aeroflot – Russian Airlines”, Property Management Department, 10 Arbat Street,
room 306, Moscow, Russia, 119002,.

Contact person: Yanina Valerievna Zhdanova

telephone: (495) 753 8163 ext. 1398, fax: (495) 544-3334 e-mail:

7. The place and date of examination and wrapping up of bids:

Bids will be examined at 02:00 p.m. (Moscow time) on the 3rd of July 2014 at
10 Arbat Street, Moscow, 119002.

Wrap-up meeting: at 02:00 p.m. (Moscow time) on 10th of July 2014 at
10 Arbat Street, Moscow, 119002.